
the forsaken one

Closing my eyes and Waking up as Sasuke uchiha wasn't part of what i planned for the day. But here we are.

THOT_SLAYER70 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter three

Finally arriving at the hospitals front desk after a shortwalk

Was a relief, people's lustful eyes on me were starting to feel uncomfortable.

"Excuse me?"

The bespectacled black haired woman behind the desk was broken out of her daze when I spoke.

"W-what can I do for you Uchiha-San?"

She replied rather nervously.

"Where can I get some clothes?"

She looked a bit confused before noticing my hospital gown.


She stutters before hurrying somewhere.

It doesn't even take a minute as she's back with a black long sleeved T-shirt and black pants.

Oh, and a set of ordinary sandals.

"How did you get my size?"

I ask.

"The s-shinobi data base."

Oh right, in order to register each year for the shinobi academy you had to go through a medical examination.

And all the data they collected was stored in the shinobi data base.

It wasn't in the anime or manga, but in sasuke's memories.

She steps closer to me as I grab the offered clothes.

"Anywhere I can change?"

I ask the black haired girl.

"The staff locker room is free..."

I'm pretty sure I wasn't allowed to go there, but she was too busy ogling me that she couldn't care less.

"Fine. Where is it?"

She absentmindedly pointed to a hallway.

"The third door on that hallway"

She sounded really dazed there.

Almost sounded like she was asleep mumbling nonsense.


I turned my back and walked towards the door She mentioned.

This 'Clan Restoration act' perk was really useful against women, even men but to a lesser degree.

She was a kunoichi too judging by the amount of chakra she had.

I would say she had about a twentieth of my chakra.

So a chunnin was the most likely.

I entered the staff locker room, changed my clothes and dumped the hospital clothes on the ground.

The sandals were uncomfortable, I only 'saw' sasuke's memories, not experience them.

So I still wasn't used to Japanese culture.

I will definitely go to a shoe maker and hand him a drawing of sneakers.

That will be a lot more comfortable.

As I walked outside the hospital I sensed the anbu from earlier following me.

It was night time so the streets were lit up by lights.

I paused for a second and looked straight at him before resuming my walk towards the outskirts of the village.

I Knew the location of the uchiha compound through sasuke's memories.

As I walked through the streets both women and men were dazedly looking at me.

It was starting to get annoying, even old people weren't spared.

'I'm beginning to regret upgrading this perk.'

Sasuke himself was a handsome guy, even with the base perk I would've been without a doubt the most handsome man in the Elemental Nations.

With a 16× modifier on the otherhand?

It stepped right into the realm of the divine.

I sighed as I finally arrived at the uchiha clans gate.

"No need to follow me inside."

I speak to seemingly no one as I head inside.

Thankfully the anbu left after I spoke.

Finding the clan-head's house was easy Thanks to my new memories.

I hoped whatever I bought in the jumpchain was in there.

As I slid the door open and took off my sandals, the overwhelming smell of bleach assaulted my nose.

'Huh, so hiruzen sent people to clean the compound, or was it just my house?'

I'll check tomorrow.

I walked towards what I remembered to be 'my' room.

As I slid the door open something caught my eyes.

'A piece of paper?'

Deciding it was best to read it, I stepped towards it.

My eyes widend as I recognised the language of the text written on it.

I'm pretty sure there was no English in naruto.

I picked up the piece of paper as I read through it.

[Hello Jumper!

And welcome to your first jump.

I wanted to tell you a few things.

First of all, all the items you have purchased are underneath this very room.

Just go to the upper right corner and push some of your chakra there.

Don't worry, it will only work for your chakra.

Second of all, if you want to use your Kekkei-Genkai just think 'time' and then push some of your chakra into your brain.

And if you want to use your 'Blazing brain' Kekkei-Genkai, just push some chakra into your brain with any thought except 'time'.

That's all!

And oh, your jump will end in about 10 years.

Have fun!

From your favourite entity__ jump-chan

P.s : this paper will disappear harmlessly after you've read it [all.

As I watch the paper vanish from my hands I walk towards the upper right corner and push some of my chakra in there.


A 2×2 piece of the floor behind me folds into itself and reveals a black ladder going down to wherever.

I shrug and climb down the ladder, as soon my feet touch the ground the hatch closes and the roof lights up.