
the forsaken one

Closing my eyes and Waking up as Sasuke uchiha wasn't part of what i planned for the day. But here we are.

THOT_SLAYER70 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter six

Dispelling the shadow clones as I had no use for them right now, I walk right infront of the lake.

'I upgraded my fire affinity to 16 times it's original strength, so how strong is it right now?'

Only one way to test it.

My hands quickly go through handseals as chakra builds up inside my lungs, before igniting into an inferno and coming out of my mouth.

My eyes widen as an absolutely enormous orange ball of fire is launched out of my lips, more than 10 meters in diameter.

It impacts the lake with an earth shattering roar as it vaporises a large chunk of it.

I put a hand over my forehead as I break into laughter.

"Heh..hahaha ha!"

I used a bit more than 1% of my chakra on that jutsu.

What happens if I train my nature transformation and use 5% of my chakra this time? Or maybe even 10%?

That's not even taking into account the natural increase of my chakra reserves as I age and my own training.

The original sasuke couldn't overpower naruto with ninjutsu because of his vastly inferior reserves, so he had to resort to taijutsu and carefully used ninjutsu.

Me on the otherhand? I would have more chakra than hiruzen in five years, and that's low balling it.

And my chakra regeneration was absurd, I already recovered all of the chakra I spent on the fire dragon bullet in less than five seconds.

And this regeneration would hopefully scale with my chakra capacity, meaning the more chakra I had = the more chakra I regenerate.

I'd be throwing S-rank jutsu around like candy in no time.

Sending a bit of chakra to my brain and mentaly commanding 'time'.

But this time I activate my three tomoe sharingan on top of 'time acceleration'.

The leaf that was falling from the tree beside me froze mid air.

It didn't move a millimeter.

Sending a bit of chakra to my right leg, I make a single handseal.

I blur forward with much more speed than I could have normally achieved by sprinting.

'So this is the body flicker.'

It was a simple technique, send a bit of chakra to your foot and then expel it all at once giving you a burst of speed.

Though normal shinobi's eyes couldn't keep up with the unnatural speed, so they had to calculate where they would end up after using the body flicker.

So it wasn't used much in combat, except for the uchiha clan. Because the Sharingan is capable of slowing down time perception and allowing the user to perfectly react to the speed they were going at.

many uchiha turned this seemingly useless D-rank jutsu into a nightmare for their enemies.

The most famous of them all was nicknamed shisui of the body flicker.

I would surpass him in no time, upgraded Sharingan+eye sight enhancing Kekkei-Genkai+time release would make me pretty much untouchable.

I shook my head.

That's still a few years into the future.

'Let's test my speed.'

I grin as I send more chakra into my brain and activate 4 fold time acceleration.

Leaping off the ground as it cracks, I run through the forest at the speed of a military jet.

If it was in my old world I would've broken the sound barrier already.

'I guess this world's physics is very different.'

genin in the series could dodge sound based attacks and naruto at the end of shippuden could react to light speed attacks.

I sighed.

'Guess I still have a long way to go.'



Sasuke regenerates 1% of his chakra in five second, because he upgraded his chakra coils to 128× it's normal effectiveness. Keep in mind the base perk gives you top quality chakra coils, which only 5% of the ninja population have ( that includes clan ninjas ).

So sasuke regenerates his chakra at a rate of 1% per five seconds

And regenerates his chakra from empty to full in 500 seconds or 8.3 minutes ( though obviously he can't empty out his chakra, because chakra is literally your lifeforce and that'll kill him ).

A ninja with top quality chakra coils on the other hand, regenerate 1% of their chakra every 640 seconds in optimal condition, or about 10 minutes.

And hypothetically can go from empty reserves to full in about 1٬066 minutes or 18 hours.

Ninjas with lower quality chakra coils regenerate chakra even slower.

Jinchūriki regenerate chakra a lot faster.

I hope this makes sense and isn't completely unbelievable.