

It's about a guy that got transmigrated into another world, the memories of his past life were sealed for some time. He grew his skills (sword art) slowly with the help of his father who trains him whenever he is available, he later got choosen by an ancient dual blades. Before getting a system that not only unlocked his memories but also his potential. The novel also consist of different species and creatures such as vampires, werewolves, light elves, dark elves, hybrids, human, nether creatures, demons and magical beasts, e.t.c.

godslove · Action
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62 Chs

Chapter 51: Stuck

Two wyverns could be seen flying over a vast land, heading no one knows where. Suddenly they halted and descended.

" Why are you stopping here in the middle of nowhere??" Lucin asked

" The light lord told us not to go beyond this place, so you guys can continue from here." One Of the Gohu warriors that accompanied the duo said.

" How are we meant to locate those guys??" Lucin questioned again

" Just go on from here, don't turn right nor left, you get to a camp, then you can continue from there." The second warrior said.

He then proceed to descend from the wyvern he's riding and go to the other one, leaving Lucin on the previous one.

" Can you pls go ride with your friend on that beast." The warrior said.

Bright got down from the beast while the warrior climbed with his comrade and off the flew away.

" At least tell us how to ride this thing!!!" Lucin shouted but he was too late, they flew away at a very fast speed.

" Do you know how to ride it??" He asked Bright who was just looking around.

" Hold it tight." Bright muttered while walking close.

" Hey didn't you hear me??" Lucin asked.

" Hold on tight." Bright said again, enough for Lucin to hear.

" I asked a question, does holding on tight a way to ride it??" Lucin asked.

" Hold on tight!!!" Bright shouted.

The beast moved, shook itself and flapped it's wing, Lucin want quick enough to get hold of the rope on it's neck area and he was thrown down. The beast flew away, Bright got close and sighed.

" Here goes our only ride to that place." He muttered.

" Were you deaf when I was asking, if you could ride it??" Lucin asked almost angrily.

" Don't take umbrage, you could have listened and held tight." Bright said.

" So we are stuck here." Lucin muttered while kissing his teeth 'tch'

Bright ignored him and started walking in the direction of the said camp. They walked for several miles on what seems to be never ending vast land. Bright was using his mystic eyes to see how far they are to the camp or how close. He is using it to see far beyond the normal range of sight.

" I can see the camp far ahead, we need to stop and rest before going in " Bright said.

" Do we even need to rest, we ain't tired, let me say I ain't tired and you don't look tired either." Lucin said

" We don't even know how strong those two in question are, though I have seen them in action but they weren't battling anything and don't forget that they won't be the only ones in the camp." Bright said

" So do you have a plan??" Lucin asked and sat on the floor beside Bright who played down

" Yeah" Bright answered.

" What could that be??" Lucin inquired.

" Firstly, we get out of this cloths, it stinks, then look for somewhere to have our bath, we can now devise our next move when we are all cleaned up." Bright said.

" Where so you think we can get a change of raiment and water??" Lucin inquired.

Bright stood up, his eyes glowed as he looked from side to side, he closed his eyes and took deep breathe.

" There is water not too far from here" Bright said, pointing to the the direction on their right)

" Isn't that a different route from our main route, how are we going to locate this place??" Lucin asked

" Easy." Bright said and his eyes glowed .

' Mark this route, system' he thought. He then slammed his right foot on the ground, making pillar to rise from it.

" Wow you didn't tell me that your ability is related to that rock man's own. Lucin commented.

Bright looked at the pillar and checked if it was sturdy enough before responding. " I won't say it's related."

Lucin furrowed his brows . " What do you mean by that??"

" The more time we spend on baseless conversations, the more time we spend in this world." Bright replied, ignoring Lucin's question.

They decided to go in the direction Bright choose, they walked for two hours before seeing a spring. Without further ado, Bright pulled off his cloths while leaving his underwear. He looked back at Lucin, but could see him looking away with his face red as tomato.

" When you're done feeling embarrassed, you can either choose to join me or you wait for your turn.

" Hmmm" Lucin hummed while still looking away, he could hear the sound of Bright's bathing.

" Just so you know, I won't wait too long for you, you would better hurry up and meet me." Bright said and walked past him

Lucin looked up and could see that Bright is all dressed , his hairs are wet but still packed. He them decided to hurry with his bath. Running at a random speed, Lucin met Bright who was walking randomly on the vast land.

" Wow you're fast even while walking slow." Lucin said.

Bright paused, looked up and studied him before resuming his walk . " You really had a full bath."

" What, why won't I, you don't expect me to rush through like you did." Lucin said.

Bright turned to look at him. " Your hairs are glittering, the length is commendable also, but you'll need to pack it, to avoid being dragged with it by your opponent." 

Lucin didn't say anything, he packed his hair thoroughly, through their walk back to their previous position. When they got there, they looked at ersh other and without saying a word they were off into the distance .