

After she was done talking to us about why we were summoned the heroes were told to move to a big hall were their abilities will be revealed and checked, even though Alicia was still confused about the mistake of an anomaly like Jay she still composed herself like a professional and told him to follow them to the hall.

During that time I decided to look around since I had nothing to do anyways and I was soo shocked, the long passage to the hall was huuuge like really huge and was decorated with status of human like creatures with wings they look just like the goddess taking us to the hall what's are name again yeah Alice but the only difference is she only has one pair of wings while the one's in the statue all had multiple pair of wings some four, three, and so on but the the one with the highest amount of wings was a beautiful female with almost eight pairs of wings she also had a majestic aura making her look almost divine with her cold and aloof expression she looked almost captivating even though Alice wasn't bad herself but compare to the woman on the statue she was still lacking a whole bunch.

(Not like I was actually captivated by her beauty or anything like that I was just admiring her that's all),I also checked on the other summoned hero walking at the front of me( aka my classmates)while some were composed others were panicking.

But still there was this one guy who was more composed than the others he was a tall, handsome guy he looks just like those stupid mc or the ideal hero in an Isekai manga and there was also a girl with quite a cold face long hair and good bod errrr I mean personality yeh good personality.

Oh were already at the entrance of the big hall well that was fast ohh and yes the door to the hall was huge and also very well decorated too and then Alicia told us to enter the hall so we followed her into the big hall (oh I forgot to tell you guys the hall's name yeah I think Alicia called it the heart of the ancient hall of Eldoria or something), hmm what a nice name , so I and the eight heroes ( my classmates ) gathered, our footsteps echoing through the grand hall as we approached the sacred altar where our destinies awaited sounds cool right. Oh and just so you know we were actually Five boys and three girls, each chosen by fate to wield extraordinary powers against the encroaching darkness blah blah blah at least that's what Alicia told us.

Now time for introductions

Leading us at the front was Aiden, with his sharp eyes and handsome but stupid face the guy I told you about that looks like the mc character in an anime yeah him . Beside him walked Raine, the cold beauty with the nice body and aloof face. Trailing behind were the twins, Eren and Elara, their face showing some amount of fear and nervousness they look like the easily scared kind of people oh and there was also Darius the the most muscular guy in among the heroes ( I really think even his brain is filled with muscles), Avalon the only beautiful guy in our class yeah you heard me beautiful, sometimes he even makes me and the other guys question our sexuality. and the some girls were even jealous of his beauty( if not for his stupid punchable face and lustful arrogant behavior he would have been the perfect and I deal man) but sigh I guess a person can't be truly perfect, then orion, there really is nothing to say about him he his the go with the flow kind of person. And the last person at the very end was me Jay your favorite character in the novel.

So as we reached the altar, a hushed silence fell over the hall, broken only by the words of the beautiful goddess (Alice). One by one, young heroes( and me) step forward to receive your blessings.

First was Aiden, blessed with the power of a paladin by the ancient goddess of light and life (Syrus) – his abilities could heal even the gravest wounds and eradicate evil from its very core.( Lucky bastard)

Name: [Aiden]

Class: Paladin

Level: 1

Experience Points: 0/100


- Strength: 51

- Agility: 36

- Dexterity: 48

- Constitution: 46

- Intelligence: 48

- Charisma: 40

- mana: 40


1. Divine Strike (Passive) - Increases damage dealt with melee attacks by 10%.

2. Holy Shield (Active) - Summons a protective barrier that reduces incoming damage by 25% for 10 seconds. Cooldown: 60 seconds.

3. Lay on Hands (Active) - Heals the target for 20% of their maximum health. Cooldown: 90 seconds.

4. Smite (Active) - Unleashes a powerful strike imbued with divine energy, dealing bonus damage to undead and evil creatures. Cooldown: 45


Then came Raine, blessed with the power of a sword elementalist by the ancient god of elements (Gasto) – she could manipulate the elements themselves through her blade, striking fear into the hearts of evil with each swing.

Name: [Raine]

Class: Sword Elementalist

Level: 1

Experience Points: 0/100


- Strength: 48

- Agility: 42

- Dexterity: 45

- Intelligence: 31

- Constitution: 40

- Charisma: 38

- mana: 40


1. Elemental Strike (Passive) - Adds 5% of Agility to melee damage. cool down 20 seconds.

2. Elemental Infusion (Active) - Imbues the sword with elemental energy, granting bonus damage based on Intelligence for the next 20 seconds. Cooldown: 25 seconds.

3. Whirlwind Slash (Active) - Unleashes a spinning attack that strikes all enemies within range, dealing damage based on Agility. Cooldown: 25 seconds.

4. Flame Blade (Active) - Engulfs the sword in flames, adding bonus fire damage to attacks for the next 20 seconds. Cooldown: 20 seconds.

Next was Darius, whose strength knew no bounds, blessed by the god of destruction (Icarus) – he wielded the power of a Divine Reckoner, a warrior of righteousness, using destruction with precision to annihilate all forms of evil.(Muscle head)


Class: Divine Reckoner

Level: 1

Experience Points: 0/100


- Strength:50

- Dexterity: 40

- Agility:38

- Constitution: 46

- Intelligence: 25

- Wisdom: 30

- Charisma:36

- mana: 38


1. Wrathful Strike: Unleashes a powerful strike infused with destructive energy, dealing bonus damage equal to the Divine Reckoner's Wisdom modifier to one target they hit with a melee attack. cool down 20 seconds.

2. Destructive Aura: Surrounds the Divine Reckoner with a menacing aura, causing enemies within close range to suffer a penalty to their attack rolls.cool down 10 seconds.

3. Reckless Charge: Charges forward with reckless abandon, gaining a temporary boost to speed and damage for a short duration.cool down 20 seconds.

4. Divine Retribution: Calls upon the power of destruction to retaliate against attackers, reflecting a portion of the damage taken back onto the attacker.cool down 30 seconds.

Then, Eren and Elara were blessed with the power of Divine Healers and a celestial sonstress by the ancient goddess of life (Syrus) – Eren the Divine Healer with the ability to mend wounds, cure ailments, and restore vitality to the living, while Elara, a Celestial Songstress, channeled the very essence of life through her songs, granting vitality, renewal, and healing to all living beings.

Name: [Eren]

Class: Divine Healer

Level: 1

Experience Points:0/100


- Strength: 28

- Dexterity: 30

- Agility: 26

- Constitution: 25

- Intelligence: 40

- Charisma: 47

- mana: 45


1. Healing Touch: The Divine Healer can channel divine energy to heal wounds, restoring a small amount of hit points to themselves or an ally. cool down 20 seconds.

2. Divine Blessing: Grants a temporary boost to a target's defenses, increasing their over all stats by an additional 10 points for a short duration. cool down 25 seconds.

3. Purifying Light: Emits a radiant light that dispels darkness and removes harmful effects from allies within range. cool down 15 seconds.

4. Divine Intervention: Calls upon the goddess of life for intervention, providing a chance to negate fatal blows and heal the Divine Healer or an ally instead. cool down 20 seconds.

Name: [Elara]

Class: celestial sonstress

Level: 1

Experience Points: 0/100


- Strength: 24

- Dexterity: 28

- Agility: 24

- Constitution: 20

- Intelligence: 46

- Charisma: 30

- mana:45


1. Melodic Harmony: Sings a soothing melody that boosts the morale of allies, granting them a bonus to saving throws against fear and charm effects and shortening cool down duration for by 10 seconds for a short duration. cool down 30 seconds.

2. Celestial Hymn: Channels celestial energy through song, restoring a small amount of hit points to allies within hearing range. cool down 20 seconds.

3. Aegis of Serenity: Projects an aura of serenity that calms hostile creatures, potentially pacifying them for a short duration. cool down 25 seconds.

4. Song of Renewal: Sings a powerful hymn that accelerates natural healing, allowing allies to recover from wounds more quickly. cool down 25 seconds.

To be continued

yeah this was extremely hard to edit wow took me all night

oh and the skills aren't much but I think I'll try my best to add more as they level up

and I'll be releasing more chapters by the end of this weekHave some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Korede_Olaniyancreators' thoughts