

Avalon a Radiant Avenger, blessed by the ancient goddess of life and light (Syrus and Freya) he will be able to harness the combined power and connection of the ancient goddesses of life and light to smite their foes with righteous fury.

Name: [Avalon]

Class: Radiant Avenger

Level: 1

Experience Points: 0/100


- Strength: 28

- Dexterity: 25

- Agility: 24

- Constitution: 26

- Intelligence: 49

- Charisma: 49

- mana: 46


1. Goddess' Blessing: Determines the strength of the Avenger's connection to the divine goddesses and the potency of their blessings.

2. Verdant Wrath: Infuse the ground with the life-giving energy of the goddess of life, causing vines and roots to erupt from the earth and ensnare enemies, dealing damage over time and slowing their movement speed. Duration: 20 seconds.

3. Judgment's Call: Invoke the judgment of the ancient goddesses, unleashing a devastating wave of radiant energy that damages all enemies in a wide area. Duration: 25 seconds

4. Blossom of Life: Harness the life-giving energy of the goddess of life to create a radiant explosion that damages enemies and heals allies within the area of effect.

Sigh being to beautiful is a sin even the goddess fell for me they can't get enough of my face ,they just want to see it all the time sigh. (ugh stupid face the guy really pissed me off) even Alicia looked a little disgusted.

Next was orion his class was an Arcane mage blessed by the ancient god of magic(Gasto) he stands as a beacon of mystic might and magic With each step, he will weave the very fabric of magic itself,

Name: [Orion]

Class: Arcane mage

Level: 1

Experience Points: 0/100


- Strength: 28

- Dexterity: 30

- Agility: 25

- Constitution: 26

- Intelligence: 49

- Charisma: 25

- mana: 46

1. Arcane Mastery: Determines the potency of arcane spells and the Archon's control over magical elements.

2. Arcane Barrage: Unleash a barrage of arcane projectiles that seek out multiple enemies, dealing moderate damage to each target. Duration: 30 seconds

3.Temporal Distortion: Create a localized distortion in the fabric of time, slowing enemy movements and attacks within the area. Duration: 20 seconds.

4. Explosive Rune: Place a rune on the ground that explodes when enemies come near, dealing area damage. Duration: Until triggered.

As I looked around the room, I could see the smiling faces of my course mates, especially Aiden and Avalon. The saint still had a neutral expression. I still wonder if she ever smiles. Alright it's my turn I wonder what I'll get.

Aiden pov:

Aiden stood there with his head low, thinking. "Looks like we were somehow transported to another plane or dimension, judging by what Alicia told us. We were supposed to save the world since we were chosen by the ancient ones. Judging by the change in expression on Alicia's face when we got our class, I think the more powerful your class is, the better the support you will get from the gods or goddesses that gave you that power. Hmm, my class should be very powerful just by how Alicia smiled at me and the powerful skills I got too, hmm yes the class must be very powerful. And I think it's also the same for Raine . I am not surprised; she has always been excellent."

"And the rest of the class also got good classes to but still compared to ours it's still considered weak, but I think some classes are still powerful, Darius and Avalon (well, thanks to his face), as the president of the class and the most powerful class wielder. I must must be destined to lead them and guide them to victory for the sake of the gods and goddesses who bestowed this power upon me and for the legacy that I Aiden was given has a hero . And then after that I will marry Raine and other powerful female's in the world we are being transportedi am sure they will be plenty of them there according to what Alicia said,may be even Alicia no maybe even the ancient goddesses,then they will bear my children that will continue my glorious bloodline as the most powerful hero. Alicia did tell us to leave offspring s It's only right I take the most powerful female's as my wife no one else is worthy. ( disgusting, as expected of a delusional hero impersonate, stupid.)"

Step into the center of the hall and stretch your hands Jay, Jay did as he was told, and then boom there was a bright light—a very bright light it was so bright that they had to cover their eyes. The whole hall lit up until the light started retreating. ("What's happening? There shouldn't be this much commotion.")

Alicia thought.

After the light show ended, a panel appeared. Everyone wanted to see what class jay will actually get , even the Raine stretched her neck to see. After all, everyone wanted to see what commotion was all about.

Name: [Jay]

Class: ???

Level: 1

Experience Points: 0/100


- Strength: 20(locked)

- Dexterity: 20(locked)

- Agility: 20(locked)

- Constitution: 26(locked)

- Intelligence: 28(locked)

- Charisma: 15(locked)

- mana: 24(locked)


1.Tamper: Ability to tamper with your stats by unlocking and temporarily and permanently adding to your stats the more you level up. The more it's used, the more stress your body become at a longer period.

- Level 1: Tampering effect of 30.

- Level 2: Tampering effect of 60, and so on.

Note: As you level up, unlocked stats become permanent.

2. Gods eye: Able to copy ?????? and see detailed information on any thing or anyone

3.God possession:??????


Blessed by the ancient god of???? (????)

He?????? Total obliteration of???? Ancient dea????? Rule????.

As Jay's status board was revealed, everyone was surprised. Alicia questioned, "What's with all the question marks?" That's what all the other students were thinking except for one person: Jay. Yeah, Jay was thinking, "I'm screwed." Then Hahaha! A loud laugh was heard resounding around the hall—it was Avalon. "I knew it the class would be useless, after all that light show. This was all you could show for? Even the ancient god was too disgusted to show his name. Hahaha! You never cease to disappoint me, Jay, seriously."

Even Aiden was secretly smiling. Raine just shook her head, while the other classmates looked kind of disappointed, including Alicia. "I thought it was going to be a very good class. I guess I was wrong. Well, he was mistakenly summoned here, so that shouldn't be surprising."

After all that, Alicia called everyone to gather. "You guys will now be sent to the lower worlds. Be prepared, and I wish you good luck. May you be blessed by the ancient ones." As she was talking, a circle with some kind of ancient words was appearing under each of their feet, glowing brightly till they started disappearing one by one until Jay was the only one left. As he was being teleported, he saw Alicia moving her lips. He tried to hear what she was trying to say, but he disappeared. Still, he heard some very confusing words: "Welcome back, darling."