
The Hunt For Grievous

The next morning Naona wakes abruptly to a loud knocking. Her eyes open and she groggily stands. She rushes to the door and hides her body behind it. Her eyes meet with Obi Wan's. Suddenly her face flushes red. She awkwardly crosses her legs behind the door.

"Grievous is on Utapau...they appointed me to lead the campaign." he states unmoved by her reddened face.

"Why are you telling me this...wait...it'll supposedly end the war. Did they assign me also?" she asks and raises a brow.

"Not exactly." he states and tries to step in.

Her hands keep firm on the edge of the door. He looks at her eyes noticing that nothing is wrong.

He asks anyways, "What is the matter?" his voice worried.

A smile forms over her lips and she laughs, "Nothing...just don't come in." she warns and shuts the door slowly leaving him behind it.

She lifts out her hands, floating around her are her clothes and gear. Through her concentration she does not hear the door crack open. Obi-Wan's green hazel eyes stare. Amazed and attentive at her almost bare body. She grasps her floating black undershirt and proceeds to dress while floating the next piece of clothing to dress herself. As soon as she slips her arms through her floating robe he quickly and quietly shuts the door while holding his hand to his mouth keeping his shaking breath soft and his reddened face low. She grasps her lightsaber and attaches it to her left side. A soft hand grasps the knob and she opens it. He is leaned over himself while standing silent. She looks at him closely seeing him tremble.

"Master...what...are you alright?" she asks leans down a bit to get a look at him.

He responds with a quick nod and stands straight and faces away from her eyes. A laughter is heard from her and she stops.

"Obi...how dare you do such a thing." she notices his red cheeks but leaves it at that.

"Now come along tell me what I need to prepare for." she grips his elbow and helps him move along.

He clears his throat softly and rubs his forehead. "This is only between Yoda, Windu and I, we are the three that recommend that you come along with me. Anakin would of been great to come along with but we need you," he pauses and she senses some other reason behind it, "and your power with the Force in order to capture Grievousous if not kill him. This will turn the tide in this war. You are a newly pronounced master so I thought it would go quickly with you along my side." he states all while staring deep into her eyes making sure she understood the dire circumstance.

"I understand Master...where are we off to then?" she asks with a comforting smile.

"The stationed Star Destroyer. Our Starfighters are awaiting orders in it's main hangar." he states hoping for a predicted reaction.

"Blight...my dear ship... I get to fly with R2-F6 huh?" she smiles wide. "I love that droid." she states and proceeds to the outside following Obi-Wan and soon boarding a shuttle bus.

The ride is silent and calm until they arrive at the landing bay near the Jedi Temple where storm troopers are stationed and await orders. She notices Anakin and shifts her hood quickly over her head to hide herself then she silently waits nearby listening in.

"You're gonna need me on this one, Master." Anakin joins at his side while walking along side him onward toward the docked Star Destroyer.

"Oh, I agree. However, it may turn out just to be a wild bantha chase." Obi-Wan exaggerates and pauses at the ramp when Anakin stops.

"Master. I've disappointed you. I haven't been very appreciative of your training. I've been arrogant,and I apologize. I've just been so frustrated with the council." Anakin says humbly as he keeps his hands in the sleeves of his robe.

"You are strong and wise, Anakin and I'm very proud of you. I have trained you since you were a small boy. I have taught you everything I know. And you have become a far greater Jedi than I could ever hope to be, but be patient, Anakin. It will not be long before the council makes you a Jedi master." Obi-Wan's eyes are proud and filled with glee. He then continues down the ramp half way he is stopped by his name being called.

"Obi-Wan...may the Force be with you." Anakin states.

"Good-bye, old friend. May the Force be with you." he nods and heads further down the ramp.

Naona looks onward curiously and steps off to the side heading towards two clones and pretends to join in a conversation to listen to just as Anakin leaves and board the shuttle bus. She smiles nervously at the clones and bows.

"Sorry about that...necessary evasion." she chuckles and slips back her hood to her shoulders.

She rushes down the ramp after the last glimpse of his brown robe fluttering out of the door way. She slides in behind him and flows him directly to the main hangars just as they are lifted into space. The Star Destroyer hovers just out of reach of the magnetic pull of Coruscant. Soon after they reach the main hangar Obi-Wan chats a while with a clone. Her eyes wonder around gazing at all the troops walking around organized and well respected. The blue shields keeping a vacuum for when the hangar doors open catches her gaze and soon a small squadron of troops walk in the area crossing to another side.

"Fortunately, most of the cities are concentrated on this small continent here. On the far side." a clone by the nick name of Cody notifies them while pointing at an area on Utapau.

"We'll keep them distracted until you get there. Just don't take too long." Obi-Wan states just as he begins to enter his red painted ETA-2 Jedi Starfighter. She flows his moves and closes in towards her red and blue Starfighter.

"Come on. When have I ever let you down?" Cody jokes.

Obi-Wan chuckles and Naona smiles at Cody "Very well. The burden is on me not to destroy all the droids until you arrive." Obi-Wan states with a grin as he steps up onto his fighter.

Naona steps up onto hers and smiles at the droid beeping at her.

"Hey R2-F6 sorry I haven't accompanied you. Been away for some time." she taps the top of it and climbs in seeing words spread across her screen as she settles a brass headset onto her head.


Naona laughs putting her hand over her microphone of the headset as her ship fires up. She reaches over herself to send a broadcasting signal to a Hyperdrive Booster just a ways away from the Destroyer.

"We have this Master. I have faith in us." she says towards Obi-Wan once they head out of the hangar way and out through the opened ceiling.

The engines roar in high pitch star zoom by in short time and the brightness and glimpses of city lights of Coruscant amazes Naona from viewing it from up above.

"I do too, Naona." he states forming a happy smile which she cannot see. "Do you have the correct coordinates for hyper-drive?" he asks her softly just as he sends out his broadcasting signal.

"Way ahead of you Obi." she grins then looks away from the planet and towards the Hyper-drive Booster which her ship docks seconds after his does. "But I am ready Master." her giggle echos in her cockpit and they both jump into light-speed in one moment of the humming Boosters.

After a slight moment of pressure they arrive at a yellow and green what seems to be a full planet of flat plains comes to view.

"Oh how peaceful." she jokes and flips up switches releasing her ship from the boosters.

The ship hovers backward for a split second and she proceeds forward following Obi-Wan close behind letting out the radiator wings giving her better maneuverability into Utapau's atmosphere.

"That sinkhole there. I sense it." Obi-Wan wings his ship right heading towards a sinkhole city.

"I feel it also." she agrees low and they go levels below and stop at a landing bay with a giant animal rib cage as a canopy for it.

They land smoothly and returns the wings. Obi-Wan climbs out first as Naona sits in her ship for awhile then decides to climb out and stays by her ship looking after her droid. A Pau'an with a walking cane greets Obi-Wan and flings a gaze in her direction she smiles and bows her head, then turns her gaze to nearby varactyls tilting their heads and their lizard bodies moving rapidly.

"Greetings, young Jedi. What brings you to our remote sanctuary?" he asks curiously.

"Unfortunately, the war." he assertively states.

"There's no war here...unless you brought it with you." the Pau'an says low and questionably.

"With your kind permission we should like some fuel...and to use your city as we search nearby systems for General Grievous." Obi-Wan mentions and the Pau'an instantly waves at Utais nearby and speaks in a different language.

Soon the small Utais run towards the small ships to fuel up both of them with stretching hoses. She soon sees the tall man lean close to Obi-Wan whispering out if her hearing range. She urges herself to lean forward but it is of no use.

"He is here. We are being held hostage. They are watching us." the whisper heightens.

Obi-Wan immediately answers, "I understand."

"Tenth level, thousands of battle droids." an instant tone of help enters the shaken voice of the Pau'an.

"Tell your people to take shelter. If you have warriors, now is the time." Obi-Wan warns and they bow once more and he returns to his ship beside Naona's.

"Master..." she automatically reads his emotions and nods she soon leaps into her ship watching the Utais roam away from her. She smiles and waves her hand.

"Take the fighter back to the ship. Tell Cody I've made contact." R4-G9 beeps in understanding.

Naona sits quietly looking at her droid. "Take the fighter back to the ship on Obi-Wan's mark." she states.

She lifts her hand to Obi-Wan giving him a heads up while staring up three levels ahead of her.

"Up there... don't move yet." she mentions just as three droids turn around and return to where they came from.

Her keen eyes then fix onto Obi-Wan's and they both leap out and retreat to the shadow the canopy develops. With their hoods clouding over their faces they stand in silence. Both of their fighters fly out of the sinkhole to return to the Vigilance. She awaits orders by standing at his side silent and ready for the dangers ahead.

"We find a ride." he states with a smile beneath the shadows of his hood.

"Oh sweet I get to be on a mounted lizard!" her voice heightens in excitement and he holds out his hand to calm her.

"We...there has to be a low profile so you will join me on a Varactyl." he states seriously and she smiles softly.

He leads the way, as always, toward a small gathering area of mounts. A flying varactyl lands nearby them its claws softly scrape against the metal surface and her eyes open widen in fascination.

"This a Boga. She is loyal and will go where ever you go." a Pau'an states as a Utai hands over the reins to Obi-Wan.

"Thank you. Come along." he notifies Naona as she stands amazed at the beautiful varacytl.

"She is amazing..." her lips smile under her hood and Obi-Wan snaps.

"We haven't got all day." he sasses Naona and she glares soon leaping on Boga's back onto a leather saddle.

Her front body presses close to the hard back of Obi-Wan's. She feels him tense up and she smiles wide and soon crosses her arms around his waist. A switch is heard from the reins and soon Boga takes off giving Naona a shock.

"I think it would....uhhn....be better for twoo..." she struggles to say against the swift wobbly movements.

Boga yips and skids a bit to a stop lifting her head up. Naona grips tighter against him.

"I'm not good with being a passenger..." she mentions and he looks back to her with a smile.

"There..." he states and points up to a sphere like building ingraved into the rock.

A gulp is heard from her and she feels his right hand press against both of hers that are rested in the middle of his abdomen. He does not turn to look but a smile rests on his face as he feels butterflies take hold of his stomach.

"It'll be alright just a few levels of twists and turns." his voice chuckles and he pats her hands and soon takes off.

She takes the urge to rest her head against his right shoulder as they sway around to the movements of Boga. The amazing sounds produced by her makes Naona want to keep the varacytl to herself to take care of and to be friends with. As Naona feels the steep gravity of Boga leaping and sliding. A graceful jump soon has Naona open her eyes and feeling a Dark source nearer to them. She sits up as Boga is lead to several platforms high placed above some meeting place. A familiar voice is heard which makes Naona turn serious and vigilant.

"Safe?! Hmph! Chancellor Palpatine managed to escape your grip, General. Without Count Dooku, I have my doubts about your ability to keep us safe." Gunray's voice is heard and is soon drawn into view as Obi-Wan stops Boga, on a high up platform just above the source, to get off.

He lifts a hand and looks back at Naona giving her a signal to stay. She scoots forward and rests her hand on Boga's back and pets her feathers along her neck.

"Be thankful, Viceroy, you have not found yourself in my grip." a rasped robotic voice states then after a short pause says,"Your ship is waiting." Grievous then coughs rashly as the Separatists leave from their seats.

Naona freezes and watches him walk off from below them with four Magna Droids with their electostaffs by their sides. She notices Obi-Wan pause and lift his hand to his bearded chin.

"Please be rational." she whispers and hops off Boga to join his side.

"When do I ever make irrational thoughts?" he smiles wide and he shifts back his hood and drops his robe to the floor.

"Be careful...I will join you when Cody and his men arrive. I fear he may flee when I join." she mentions.

Obi-Wan nods then leaps down gracefully landing steadily on his feet.

"Hello there." he blurts with a grin.

"General Kenobi." Grievous turns with a greeting claw hand and a cackle follows. The Magna Droids leap to action and the sound of electricity of their staffs fire up. Naona flinches and gulps lightly as tons of droids form a circle and faces Obi-Wan with laser guns. He glances around.

"You are a bold one." he cackles again and addresses the Magna Droids. "Kill him." he backs up and holds his cape behind him.

He draws his lightsaber and shifts into a stance making his hair fling into his face. Naona gulps and sits on the edge on the platform above.

"How handsome..." she sighs softly letting her chin rest in her hand.

He relaxes his right arm with his saber and flicks up his left wrist to force down a large metal block down on top of the Magna Droids and one luckily crawls out from the right side. Soon Obi-Wan's blue lightsaber cuts off the droid's head and it crashes to the ground. Clicks are followed from B1 and B2 battle droids. Her head lifts up to pay more attention to the action ahead.

"Back away," Grievous lashes out his left robotic arm and glances back at the droids, "I will deal with this Jedi slime myself."

Obi-Wan paces forward and stops with his lightsaber still drawn he challenges, "Your move."

"You fool, I've been trained in your Jedi arts by Count Dooku." Grievous stands tall, undoes the clip to his ragged cape, shrugs it off and grabs four lightsabers. He lifts put his arms which both separates into four arms. The lightsabers buzz to life, two blue and two green.

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