
Well Earned Rank

Morning returns and the light gleams in, to stream across Naona's face, from the cracks of the blinds. Her eyes slowly open and she stands quickly. Feeling the sun light against her skin she peers around now spotting her Jedi clothing. She slips on her pants then her black undershirt and folds one side over the other of her grey fabric top. She slips her black sash around her waist and ties it then stuffs the knot into a space of the sash. The leather tool belt slips around her and clips just as she grabs a hold of her dark grey hooded robe. She sits down quick, slips on her boots and taps them on the floor then heads to her door just as she holds out her hand her lightsaber returns to her place at her left side. Once her hand is placed on the door she pauses feeling some energy outside her door. She places her hand on the door and kneels down for a few minutes. She stands quick and clicks the door open. Slowly and carefully she opens the door looking down witnessing a familiar sleeping face leaning back and sliding down the door. She kneels just in between the crack of her door placing a hand on his shoulder to keep him from knocking down onto the floor.

"Obi..." she whispers, "Obi-Wan." she shakes his shoulder softly making him jerk awake.

"Humm? What...." he opens his eyes and quickly faces the source of her voice their eyes lock with each others.

She raises a brow looking at her door then to him, "How quaint." she chuckles lightly as he leans forward and stands.

She opens her door fully to step out and shuts it behind her then standing a moment in front of him waiting on some kind of explanation.

"In a few hours...I will be with the council to appoint you to the rank of master." he states fiddling his hair off to one side.

"Please tell me I won't be part of the Jedi Council. I'm experienced but not a big fan of political affairs." she states low while shifting her weight to her right foot.

"That's if they only decide." he states and adjusts his brown robe.

"I understand. Can't I just get it over with now? Why am I appointed? I have no padawan..." she mutters and lets her eyes wonder overlooking his shoulders.

He lifts his head and smiles brightly, "They will tell you why." he answers and catches her stare.

Naona blushes bright and quickly bows to hide it and wanders off exiting out the back entrance. She suddenly stops outside under the slightly clouded sun.

"I meant to tell you I will be giving a report on the outer rim sieges. Attend if you like. A heads up, they are going quite well." he says while slowing down to a walk.

Naona stays silent for awhile and nods. "I'll be meditating...I don't think I can attend." she mutters, "Until I am put at ease." her voice wavers.

"Is something the matter?" he asks as he stops putting a hand on her shoulder.

"The Jedi Council should all know. I should mention the blinding that the Sith shrine is doing. I haven't noticed it till I've gotten back. It may be because of the experience I had in Felucia." she mutters and starts her way down the steps. "It is something I've picked up ever sense I arrived here. I believe the time at Felucia has improved my strength with the Force enormously, physically and mentally." she states and notices the calm understanding look of his expression embed into her memory.

"I understand, do what you must." he walks off in the direction of the formal entrance.

She holds her hands to her middle chest feeling her heart pound. "I need to tell him. One way or another it is already known to Master Yoda and Windu. Was that a mistake? I know my will is strong with the Force, no Dark Side will lead my hand..." she thinks and takes in a deep breath with a proud smile.

She takes a elevator leading to the mediation balconies just near by the Jedi High Council tower. For hours she meditates to retain her peace and well-being while gathering energy to restore her strength with the Force even if she is as powerful as she is, she'd never wish to depart with the peace she has always felt within herself. She opens her eyes suddenly and lifts herself. Her footsteps proceed to the tower.

"Alright time for my moment." she encourages herself and enters the elevator.

Moments pass and she exits now staring at a doorway she steps toward it the doors soon sliding open. She pauses but already eyes shift toward her granting her passage before them. All of them soon turn in their chairs to gaze at her. She decides to enter further soon looking at Obi-Wan to her far left. She smiles softly, stands in the middle and bows before them.

"Granted the rank of Master, you are." Yoda says first then Windu takes the reason of why.

"The strength you have shown has come to our attention that your bond with the Force is unwavering. The fact that your physical and mental capacities of using the Force is distinguishable. You are qualified to be part of the High Council if need be or choose to." he lengthens out as if knowing her choice.

"Thank you, Master Windu but I am not ready for more responsibilities within the Council. I have not yet had many outgoing missions. I can handle my own with or without support." she says after she bows again in thankfulness.

"You shall soon have a mission of up most importance. You shall continue your day, Master Rohou." everyone bows their head towards her after Windu dismisses her. Obi-Wan just has his head lifted with a unwavering smile his proud feelings overbearing and touching her very being.

"I have something else to discuss with all of you. I had ment to call upon you all yesterday but after my mediation I am certain of what I have come to understand and grasp." she states and every single head rises and ears are open to her words.

"Continue." Windu rises his hand out giving her permission.

"My time on Felucia has given me the capacities which you had mention. Ever since I step foot here I have felt something off. Deep, dark and secret. I feel as if indeed we are being blinded by the Dark Side of the force." she states noticing the head of Yoda nod.

"The Dark Side clouds my visions, it does." he says in agreement.

"I feel as if someone is controlling the Darkness within the Sith Shrine under the Temple in order to blind us. I don't know the source...that is the difficulty in which I'm having to locate..." her head drops down in disappointment even though she has become a Master.

The faces around her look all towards Yoda see for conformation. He closes his eyes. Naona takes a breath and raises her hand toward Yoda feeling the Force around her in order to have Yoda feel what she does.

"That, that is what I mean Master Yoda." she mentions just as his eyes open.

"Correct, she is. Within the Senate, they cloud us." Yoda states.

"That is the same exact problem I have. I can not pinpoint the controller." she states letting her hand drop and her voice hopeless.

"We have trust in you now that we are given light. Naona you are dismissed for today." Windu states low in an understanding tone that is at peace and calm.

She bows once more and heads out feeling a disturbing source of energy. Her head turns to her right looking upon Anakin.

"Naona..." he nods his head.

To her surprise he knows her name. After the feelings of hate flowed from him, giving Naona an avoidance of him, he had never had the idea of greeting her. For some reason Naona did not feel at ease with him or his presence. Something about him made her uneasy and untrustworthy toward him.

"Anakin." she nods back just before he enters the doors and they soon shut.

When the moment passes she pauses and thinks on whether or not she should listen in. She sighs lightly and keeps close to the door listening in. She quickly feels the disappointment and anger in Anakin's voice for a split second.

"It's unfair. How can you be on the council and not be a master?" the force of his voice makes her uneasy.

"Take a seat, young Skywalker." Windu says his voice muffled from behind the door.

Naona lifts her hand to keep the doors from opening once she has hold of them she lets her hand down keeping her concentration on them.

"Forgive me, Master." Anakin's voice mutters and a silence is prolonged until Master Ki-Adi-Mundi announces a report in a hologram static voice.

"We have surveyed all systems in the Republic, but we have found no sign of General Grievous." he finishes.

"Hiding in the outer rim Grievous is. The outlying systems you must sweep." Yoda says.

"We do not have many ships to spare." Obi-Wan announces.

"What about the droid attack on the Wookiees?" Ki-Adi-Mundi asks urgently.

"It is critical we send an attack group there immediately." Windu responds.

"He's right. It's a system we cannot afford to lose." Obi-Wan agrees and in a quick thought Yoda speaks.

"Go, I will. Good relations with the Wookiees, I have."

"It's settled then Yoda will take a battalion of clones to reinforce Wookies on Kashyyyk. May the Force be with us all." Windu finishes and the meeting is adjourned.

Naona lets go of the doors and quickly heads toward the short curved hall and chooses to take silent steps and sits calmly at a cushioned bench near the long windows overlooking the many buildings. Soon see hears Anakin's displeased voice and a angered look while Obi-Wan listens to what he says. She closes off her thoughts and drags her hood over her head not listening to their conversation. Only once does something catch her ear. An off record assignment of spying on Palpatine for the very reason he has kept in office way past his term. They leave in separate ways before they have time for their own silence she lets go of connection to the Force around her making her incognito. She stays there until the sunset gleams through spotted clouds. Her mind wonders thinking of the Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and how he has influences over so many Senators.

"He...he is the source...he has to be." she lets go of her bind on keeping the Force back and returns to normal.

She leaps up and heads to the balconies and leans on the railing for some time just to gaze over the city. After minutes pass she decides to head out of the Temple. She looks up at the stary sky and takes a seat at the base of one of the founding Jedi Masters. Thoughts of Obi-Wan flood over her mind. She smiles wide feeling her heart beat fast she leaps off the base of the statue and heads toward the dorms while playing with her hair. While keeping a smile on her face she heads to her room seeing him waiting at her door. She pauses feet away letting herself retain a serious look as she approaches him.

"What is going on?" she asks low as she notices his eye gaze is focused on his crossed arms.

"Hum? Oh yes...I was coming to say congratulations on becoming a master." he states while holding out a hand.

Both of her eyebrows lift. A smile quickly reveals on her face and her eyes glisten.

"If it weren't for your teachings I wouldn't be here right now." she states and does not take his hand.

He awkwardly returns his hand to his side. She notices his uncomfortable body language.

"They did allow you to teach me but at different moments when you were teaching Anakin. I don't see why he has become so...distant." she states.

Obi-Wan now has his attention back on her realizing something he has not. He chooses not to say anything.

"Answer me this perhaps...why did they let you train me?" she asks trying to reach out to the truth of why they had gone against the Jedi Code.

"We all saw something within you. Something good and powerful not to let you slip away towards the potential of the Dark Side. Even if we did not have influence on you I believe you'd search out the good side of the Force and come to me...I meant us...the Jedi Council." his voice shakes realizing what he had said.

Her soft and caring smile forms happily and soon her compassion allows her to wrap her arms around him. As her arms rest around his shoulders he stands still but slowly has his hands glide along her sides and to her upper back. The feeling of this hug feels like home to both of them. After a year apart he never knew how much she meant to him. He never knew she would grown into something he would love dearly and would want to protect with his life. She abruptly lets go and he sluggishly lets go.

"Good night Master Obi-Wan." she states and places her hand on the door knob.

"Call me Obi..." he whispers staring as if he was in a trance.

Just as she steps in she looks back, "What was that Master?" she asks and looks concerned.

"Nothing..." he looks up and snaps out of the trance.

"Alright...Obi." she laughs lightly and catches a glimpse of his eyes and a slowly developing smile on his lips just as the door shuts between them.

Both of them leans against the door. Naona with her back on her door and Obi-Wan pressing his forehead against it. Both of them feel each other's presence. Both of them wishing that the feeling will never fade.

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