
The Chase

Obi-wan grins wide it fades and he shifts to his stance. Feet apart his saber above his head and his left arm ahead of him. Grievous shifts two of his arms above him and ahead of him. He suddenly bends them awkwardly and begins to spin them echoing the humming noises and soon rapidly etching the floor beneath him developing orange hot marks as he proceeds towards Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan staggers and he backs up looking for when to strike. Naona leans in more in deep interest. Abruptly Obi-Wan lunges forward catching the two spinning sabers right on to his. They both swing their sabers back and swing from above themselves and forward they lock one together and Obi-Wan leans down to dodge a swing from Grievous. He takes a hold of that moment and lunges forward the two low arm sabers. Obi-Wan just leaps over and front flips past Grievous. He twists his body to face towards Grievous' back. Grievous lashes to his right at Obi-Wan but he lifts his saber to block two hits then three. After the third one the same hit passes over his head just as he bends away and twists back to look back at Grievous. Then Obi-Wan twist again to miss two sabers just as his back in facing Grievous he swings his saber to attack he is caught off guard and leaps forward and leans down again twists to block two more attacks. He swings forward but Grievous jumps backwards. Grievous moves his lower left arm forward but Obi-Wan slims his saber over the metal wrist and the hand clashes to the metal floor and the saber with it. Grievous steps back and growls and takes a gaze at it. He growls the lashes his left green saber at Obi-Wan. He block it then swings left but Grievous blocks it. Obi-Wan hold his hand and forces back a hit then holds back two more. Grievous locks his right lower hand's green saber with Obi-Wan's saber. Obi-Wan skims past Grievous saber and takes off the hand. It flies right and off the platform. Grievous' two last hands swing and Obi-wan blocks it heaving back force. Grievous keeps his right hand pushed with Obi-Wan's and heaves back his left causing Obi-Wan to get shoved back. He grunts and takes back his balance now staring harder at Grievous. Just as Grievous stands tall and lifts his sabers, storm-troopers zip line down and spout orders loud and clear. Some dropping down from an high up railed platform and from Republic Attack Gunships.

"Go, go, go, go! Move it! Move it!" laser gun are then fired back and forth amongst droids and storm-troopers. "Everybody out. Let's go, let's go, let's go." men yell and shout. Naona leaps up and climbs on top of Boga ready for anything. She sees them stare at each other.

"Army or not, you must realize that you are doomed." Grievous hisses.

"Oh I don't think so." Obi-Wan suddenly lifts his left hand lifting up Grievous up into the air and slamming him against a metal surface high up.

He goes falling to a lower platform and lands on all his limbs like a cat. Naona then loses sight of Grievous and then Obi-Wan once he leaps down after him. She hears clanking beneath from Grievous quickly crawling towards his Wheel Bike. Grievous soon takes off headed towards Obi-Wan, but he swiftly leaps off to another lower platform. Naona sits still and takes the reins of Boga and soon leaps down just below Obi-Wan.

"'Hello there.'" she mocks and laughs as she sits back and pats the saddle.

He leaps down with a smirk, quickly grabs hold of the reins, and she holds herself close. Boga then rushes through the small battle zone of clones and droids. She looks over his shoulder to a drop off.

"Oh no..." she mutters near his ear.

"Hold on!" he notifies her and a sudden floating feeling is felt upon them.

Then a rough landing has Boga slide across a curved platform and has his lightsaber flying he catches it but then he loses his grip on it and it heads toward the fighting below on a landing port. She glances down and sees a drop off.

"Oh no..." she closes her eyes and feels lighter once again and they land on a landing bay.

Obi-Wan has Boga turn around after Grievous. Dirt sprays up and skims her cheek making Naona open her grey eyes and looks around at a market looking place. A purple glimpse of light gleams from Grievous. As Obi-Wan leads Boga to the left of Grievous at his seat in the Bike. Naona notices the lightning staff and Grievous jabs it toward Obi-Wan. She leans backward to give room to Obi-Wan's arm. She thinks about using her lightsaber but thinks of Boga's rapid movements. Grievous jabs more and Obi-Wan grabs a hold of it and aims for the treads of the vehicle. Some fly off to the sides and Naona keeps eyes on the path ahead nearing an thin opening.

"Obi!!" she yells then notices him give a hit of the staff to Grievous' face plate then is yanked towards and on to Grievous.

Boga slides to a full stop and Naona is slung off into the dirt. A cough is heard from her as she immediately stands and looks at the dirt trail which is left behind as they speed off in a struggle. She lifts her shoulders and slips off her robe and lays it over the brown leather saddle.

"Alright Boga time to catch up to them girl." she softly pats her and she yips loud.

Naona climbs on and takes the reins once more and she follows the floating dust. The waving movements shift Naona in the seat and they past by a overlooking cliff and onward to narrow rocky walls. She then sees both the rivals fling out of the way and on to the landing platform ahead. The Bike goes tumbling off the edge just as Naona comes to a halt. She slips off and pauses looking toward Obi-Wan picking up the staff and knocking the blaster from Grievous' hand just as he fires it from when he got up to his feet. Obi-Wan then knock Grievous to his back and he stabs the staff to the lower metal abdomen causing Grievous to kick Obi-Wan a distance away on to his back and having the staff fling off. Grievous gets up and heads his way towards Obi-Wan as he scrambles his way up. Grievous throws his right arm to hit Obi-Wan but he dodges beneath it. Suddenly Obi-Wan is caught by the same arm and is hit in the upper chest and is flung into Grievous' Soulless One. Grievous the grips the collar of Obi-Wan's shirt and brings him up to punch him. He dodges and Grievous leaves a small dent in the ship.

"Obi-Wan! His chest plate focus there!" her eyes waver and feels the need to interfere.

Obi-Wan then grabs hold of the chest plates and spreads them open. A whine is heard from Grievous and Obi-Wan is slung away then kicked. Grievous continues to try to stomp on him but Obi-Wan rolls away. He then swings a kick but end up hurting himself in the process and is slung over the edge. Grievous kicks up the staff and it is powered up. Naona's blood rushes and flings her lightsaber to her hand. It's iris blue light gleams in her eyes as she sprints.

"Grievous!!" she yells taking a leap.

His yellow eyes suddenly lift and turn towards her. A sudden laughter abrupt then silence as he saber cut through the staff and on its way to spit Grievous in two.

He leaps back giving a cough and a pause. "You let a woman fight your battles? A weak one at that..." his words fade out once she notices Obi-Wan move the blaster into his grip as he hands on the edge.

"This will be your last battle General..." her voice calms and she returns her blade to her hip.

Grievous takes hold of this moment but is then stopped by a huge force that drags him backwards and into Obi-Wan's aim. One fire is heard, Grievous' chest is a flame and he holds his hands up to it and looks toward Obi-Wan know it is his last. Four more follow causing Grievous' eye socks to combust in his metal droid body. Naona gathers herself and heads to aid Obi-Wan. Her cold hand reaches down.

"Master...are you alright? I knew not when I should interfere." she mutters low and grabs hold of his hand.

Quietly he stands and goes to Grievous and hovers over him.

"Darkness drives so many." his voice trembles his eyes obviously worried for her.

"That is obviously known Master." she states and walks to his side. "Come...let's retrieve what is yours and obtain a status on this battle." she chuckles lightly and sits on Boga.

"Thank you...for saving my life." he mutters low.

Naona keeps silent as they head back towards the layers of platforms and massive landing bays. A sudden attack of blasts aim their way as they near Commander Cody's unit. Naona lifts her hand to serve as a shield and soon the droid is taken out by a clone for cover. Boga slides to a stop once again and Cody approaches them.

"Commander, contact your troops. Tell them to move to the higher levels." he states urgently.

"Very good, sir." a pause is swift, "Oh, by the way, I think you'll be needing this." Cody hands Obi-Wan's saber up to him.

"Thank you, Cody. Now let's get a move on. We have a battle to win here." he addresses.

Naona's grip tightens around him. A feeling comes across her and she can not help but glare lightly at Cody he takes no emotion to it but places his helmet back on. Obi-Wan leads them up a narrow pathway leading higher up.

"Master!" she yells feeling her skin crawl, "Be careful...I have a bad feeling about..."

A sudden echo of a tank blast sends them off a rocky surface and towards the watery bottom of the sinkhole. Obi-Wan retracts the blade and Boga yelps just as they descend Obi-Wan grabs hold of Naona and brings her close. Water engulfs the both of them and it chills her.