
The Sad Truth

As soon as they come to their wits they both take hold of their breathers and places them in their mouths. For a while their eyes take hold of each other. Naona still in his arms she blinks once and lets go of him. He takes the lead under the clear water and they pass under arches of rock and he leads them to a open sunlit wide open arch of rock that is silent and untouched by man. Obi-Wan rises to the surface near a wall that is eroded and climbable.

"Wait..." she mutters trying to grasp all that had happened. A sudden feeling flows over her. Pain and suffering of innocence flows over her.

She clings to the wall then to Obi-Wan's shoulders. He keeps a hold on the wall and slips away her breather for her.

"I...I don't believe what I've just felt. It isn't so." her tears merge with the water flowing from loose bangs.

He holds her close now and drops into the water with her. The large water hole gleams with the green algae around it giving it an enchanting feeling. His mind is on finding out what has happened, but it is closed off putting her first.

"The...Temple...Master we have to..." his warm fingers close in toward her cheeks and her tears are wiped away.

"I sense it too. Keep your mind clear at the matter at hand Naona. All your questions will be answered. I hope they are not what you believe." he wishes hard, but knows of the feeling she has. All he can do is comfort her and await the hard truth.

She takes a breath suppressing her feelings and soon spots a light gleaming from beyond the water. The light scans over the waters surface for the search droid as it hovers fast effectively.

"Let's move." he takes her hand and guides her up.

They climb swiftly upward and stays close to the shadows. They soon end up near a small gathering of troops just near the market place where they had chased Grievous. Obi-Wan holds his arm close to Naona pressing against her chest and having her close to the wall they hide behind. They listen in.

"Did you find Kenobi?" Cody asks another trooper.

"Sir, no one could have survived that fall." the trooper responds reassuringly.

"Start loading your men on the ships." Cody commands as if slightly irritated.

Obi-Wan looks a bit past the edge of the wall and leans back observing and determining their next move.

"To Grievous' personal ship, Naona." he says low and points the way they swiftly move toward the familiar platform and Obi-Wan climbs in.

Naona breaks her worried silence and looks into the cockpit. "Master...I can't...we can't fit in there." she states noticing the tight squeeze in there.

"Come, sit." he ushers her swiftly, she hesitates but urgently moves onto the craft and he lifts his arms for her to sit in his lap.

Her legs fold and her arms cross around his shoulders. His arms rest on her legs and he hits controls and prepares to take off. To her surprise she calms down immensely. He navigates through the atmosphere and into space. There are attempts to contact help. Naona doses off but over hears the desperate call for help.

"Emergency code 913. I have no contact on any frequency." he announces after several tries on quiet frequencies and static.

A distorted voice responds, "Master Kenobi."

"Repeat." his voice confused.

"Master Kenobi." the voice repeats but only clearer.

"Senator Organa. My clone troops turned on Master Rohou and I. We need help." he urgently states and gazes down at her witnessing a peaceful side of her.

"We have just rescued Master Yoda. It appears this betrayal has happened everywhere. We're sending you our coordinates." Senator Organa calmly mentions in a most helpful and considerate tone.

Silence fills the cockpit as he heads towards Organa's ship, the Sundered Heart. Soon they dock and lights fill Naona's eye lids. She slowly opens them and lifts herself still feeling another body under her legs.

"Master..." her voice slurred and tired.

"Rest now..." he whispers and the cockpit opens.

He holds her close to him and leaps out with her in his arms. She is soon placed in a quiet room the lights dim letting her fully rest. Her thoughts guess and think carefully over the sudden events.

"The troops...this sudden order this has to be the work of Palpatine." her eyes close quickly to give her more rest which is needed for the day ahead.

"Naona..." a hand is lightly placed on her right shoulder. She wakes up and meets Obi-Wan's eyes.

"Obi..." she mumbles.

"You and me are heading back to Coruscant. We are to join Yoda to find what has happened at the temple. We are to alter that beacon to tell Jedi to keep away." he says in a straighten tone.

She sits up instantly and prepares herself. "The children..." She mutters piecing the events together. "Someone has to be doing this. One of us Obi." She says with certainty.

"What do you mean by that and who?" He asks with a look of worry.

"Anakin...that is the only source I can come up with besides Palpatine." Her voice whispers low and he just stares in unbelief.

Obi-Wan grows quiet and he heads out toward the landing bays for their recovered ships where he stands and waits for Naona to take her Blight. It does not take her long to make her way there.

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