
The Forbidden Desire

“Get hit by a car while crossing the street, then transmigrate after dying.” As a big fan of transmigration novels, this was Cassius’ biggest dream before he died — experiencing the true power of transmigration. But after actually experiencing the real event itself, Cassius couldn't even produce a crooked smile. That's because instead of the typical transmigration novels like he had read before, Cassius transmigrated into a supernatural world where werewolves and vampires exist! Yes! A real werewolves and vampires! Not only that, but Cassius also transmigrated into the body of a small cannon folder who was destined to die in the very first chapter of the story. No halo, no harem and worst of all, dying with no limbs intact. Thinking how his body would be shredded into pieces, a pack of hungry wolves happily gwaning his bones...... Cassius almost cried without tears. So, to avoid his body's tragic ending, Cassius decided to distance himself from the main protagonist's life as much as possible, and promised to himself to live a better life. —But fate is really playing with him. Cassius, who was suddenly pounced on and fell to the ground, uttered a loud cry of surprise. His eyes widened as he felt a soft and wet object licking the side of his cheek. The villain growled on his lips, while her slender fingers gradually tightened around his neck. Her eyes slowly opened, revealing a pair of fiery and passionate, emerald eyes filled with burning desire.

mu_sicheng · Fantasy
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6 Chs

No Longer Human

Cassius slowly opened his eyes. He blinked twice and stared at the ceiling for a moment before closing his eyes.


After a while, Cassius opened his eyes once again and let out a depressed sigh.

He is still here.

He thought that it was only a dream. No, a nightmare to be exact. But looking at the unfamiliar ceiling in front of him, he knew that everything that happened to him and the creatures that he encountered yesterday was real.

Cassius closed his eyes tight. He had no choice but to only reluctantly accept his fate that he really transmigrated into this world.

Sigh... What a pain.

Cassius moved his weak body and used his elbows as a support to slowly get up from the bed.

As soon as he sat down, a burst of dizziness instantly attacked him. Cassius raised his hand and massaged his temples to suppress the feeling of dizziness.

A few minutes later, Cassius stood up from the bed and took the candle lamp on the table to observe his surroundings. Cassius stepped down in a red and black carpet wool and walked around the place.

On his left side was a bookshelf filled with a few old books that were put in a disorderly and casual manner. Cassius raised his hand and used his fingers to trace the carvings engraved on its surface. His eyebrows narrowed when a thick amount of dust immediately stained his fingers.

Cassius wiped his fingers on his trousers and darted his gaze towards the bed that he had slept in earlier. It was a simple bed made out of wood with a rose pattern and a quilt in brown color that Cassius used earlier. This place seems like it has been left unattended for a long time.

Cassius was just about to turn around when suddenly, a playful voice of a young man rang above his head.

"Done checking out my place?"


Cassius was startled and abruptly turned his head towards the location of the voice.

On his right side, was a handsome man leaning against the door frame with his arms across his chest, and currently looking at Cassius with a hint of pity and disappointment in his eyes.

"Took you long enough to wake up." The man stated while taking off the buttons on his vest. His hands were conspicuously pale and his fingers were long and distinct.

Cassius saw the man walking inside the room and threw his black coat on the table. As soon as the man passed by him, a strong smell of blood immediately penetrated his nose.

Seeing Cassius turned frozen stiff while staring at his blood stained clothes, the man let out a chuckle.

"What's with that reaction?"

The man raised his hand and glanced at Cassius. "Oh! Is it because of this?" He asked before licking his ring finger that was still wet with blood.

The man slowly hooks up the corner of lips, grinning at Cassius maliciously, showing his full white teeth. "Sooner or later you'll be no different from me."

Cassius stared at the person in front of him in horror, with his jaw drops and eyes wide open.

This face...

He will never forget this face in his life.

A chill immediately ran down through his spine and Cassius felt goosebumps all over. He thought of many possibilities who might be the person who helped him last night. But never did he ever think that it would be him.

The man continued bringing shocking news to Cassius. "But it's fortunate now that you're finally awake, no?"

He tilted his head to the side and tapped his two fingers in his neck twice. "How is it? The wound in your neck?"

Hearing these words, Cassius unconsciously raised his hand and touched his neck. Two small healed wounds came in contact with his fingers, making him startled.

The man found his reactions ridiculous. He snorted a laugh and playfully added, "What do you say? You're one of us now."

He grinned and looked at Cassius eagerly. "Tell me, who are you going to bite first?"

Cassius felt like he was going to faint. The amount of information and mixed emotions overwhelms his whole being.

Seeing his face turn even paler, the man couldn't hold back his laughter anymore and laughed out loud. While all the fear and anxiety in Cassius' heart instantly disappears after hearing the person's laugh.

What's wrong with him? Is he sick?

Suddenly, the man disappears from his position and in the blink of an eye, he is already in front of Cassius, holding his right hand.

"Right. My name is Lafitte." He said and shook his hand with his lips curved up into a smile. "Welcome to the clan."

Cassius looked down at the hand holding his own and looked at Lafitte with a puzzled expression. Three question marks appeared above his head.

Eh?? Is this really the same person that he met yesterday? Why does he look so different?


Suddenly, the door opens from the outside and a tall man in black clothing shows up at the entrance of the room.

The two turned their heads at the door at the same time. Lafitte put down his hand while Cassius raised his other hand and pointed at the guest. "You–"

"Oh, I almost forgot! You two knew each other, right?" Lafitte snapped his fingers and told the person, "Why don't you take Cassius outside for a stroll? Are you okay with that Cassius? Why are you using that expression? It seems fine with him though, right Martin?"

Martin nodded in acknowledgement and like Lafitte did, he vanished in thin air and suddenly appeared in Cassius' side.

Cassius stared at all of Martin's actions if he was seeing the dead. The f*ck? He's alive?!

Martin patted Cassius' shoulder in a friendly manner and invited him outside, "Come on, let's go."

Wait, what?

Before he could even react, Cassius has been already pulled outside by Martin in a flash. After they left, the door produced a creaking sound and automatically shut close

After the two finally disappeared from his sight, the lips that were originally curled upwards slowly turned down. Lafitte turned around and went towards his closet to get some clean new clothes to change with no emotions in his eyes.

Lafitte pulled out a white long sleeve made out of silk and let out a sneer. "Idiot."


"So.." Cassius grunted as he hopped in an overgrown root and landed with his two feet in the ground. "How did you survive?"

Martin chuckled and threw him a look as if he was judging him silently in his heart for asking such a stupid and obvious question.

"What else? Of course! I got this, just like you." He said and showed him the scar on his neck.

Seeing this, Cassius immediately went silent.

Okay. The truth was already in front of him.

But still, he can't believe that he actually transmigrated and became one of the creatures that he had only watched before and had read in some novels. He wasn't sure if this thing was called a God's blessing or not. But the fact that he survived and was given a second chance to live, means that he needs to cherish his life in this world.

Good thing, he was always good at adapting and adjusting in his new environment.

Cassius sighed and stared at the back of Martin's head, who was currently walking ahead of him, and leading the way for who knows where.

Although he still had doubts and suspicions in his heart, seeing Martin still alive and in front of him, made Cassius feel a bit relieved. After all, Martin was the first person he met in this world and he also saved his life so he had good feelings about him. If it wasn't for him, Cassius might've already died.

A thought suddenly came into his mind and a slight frown emerged on Cassius' forehead.

He doesn't know why, but despite the fact that he helped him before, it feels like Martin was on guard against him. It's strange, he wasn't giving this kind of vibe before.

During this moment, Martin seems like he felt his gaze and turned his head, meeting his eyes. Cassius quickly avoided his eyes and pretended looking around the place.

Maybe it was just my illusion.

The two were already a few meters away from the house when suddenly, Cassius notices something.

Cassius glanced at the direction of the house and asked in confusion, "Uhh..Martin? I think we're walking the wrong way."

"Didn't Lafitte ask us to go that way?"

Cassius asked while pointing towards a certain location where two or three vampires were guiding outside the house.

At this moment, they already entered the forest.

Although he was no longer a human, Cassius still didn't trust his ability. The woods greatly left a shadow in him. As soon as he sees this place, his whole body would immediately be engulfed with fear and his heartbeat would start beating fast.

Martin paused his footsteps and turned around, speaking in an annoyed tone, "What for? They were just going to make fun of us out there. There are a lot of arrogant vampires in that place. You will never wish to bump into one, especially that ungrateful bastard named Luther."

He said angrily and irritatedly kicked the stone on the ground.

Cassius paused. Luther? Is he the same Luther that I am thinking?

Cassius was about to ask him who's Luther he was referring to when suddenly, a sound of a youthful voice full of vigor interrupted him.

"Ungrateful Bastard? Really? Who's lowly vampire was looking for death who dared to say that in front of me?"
