
The Forbidden Desire

“Get hit by a car while crossing the street, then transmigrate after dying.” As a big fan of transmigration novels, this was Cassius’ biggest dream before he died — experiencing the true power of transmigration. But after actually experiencing the real event itself, Cassius couldn't even produce a crooked smile. That's because instead of the typical transmigration novels like he had read before, Cassius transmigrated into a supernatural world where werewolves and vampires exist! Yes! A real werewolves and vampires! Not only that, but Cassius also transmigrated into the body of a small cannon folder who was destined to die in the very first chapter of the story. No halo, no harem and worst of all, dying with no limbs intact. Thinking how his body would be shredded into pieces, a pack of hungry wolves happily gwaning his bones...... Cassius almost cried without tears. So, to avoid his body's tragic ending, Cassius decided to distance himself from the main protagonist's life as much as possible, and promised to himself to live a better life. —But fate is really playing with him. Cassius, who was suddenly pounced on and fell to the ground, uttered a loud cry of surprise. His eyes widened as he felt a soft and wet object licking the side of his cheek. The villain growled on his lips, while her slender fingers gradually tightened around his neck. Her eyes slowly opened, revealing a pair of fiery and passionate, emerald eyes filled with burning desire.

mu_sicheng · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Who Am I?

Hearing her lover's miserable cry, Roselle immediately took action and quickly ran towards the direction of the house as fast as she could.

Cassius remained frozen on the place where he stood before. He knew that sound very well. It was the same sound that he heard in that room before something big and heavy fell on the ground. — A dead human body…. And a pair of scarlet eyes staring at him through the window.

Cassius was startled. His head quickly raised up in panic and he was about to run, when his footsteps suddenly halted. Cassius suddenly remembered the knife that he kicked away earlier.

Cassius immediately moved his gaze around and looked for the knife that fell on the grass. Fortunately, he quickly found the knife not far away from him, lying beside the wooden container. Cassius immediately took the knife and ran instantly. Not towards the direction where Roselle went, but the opposite direction of the house.

You can't blame him. He knew what's going on there. Martin was a good person, and he helped him before, the others treated him well, too. But Cassius...

.....he doesn't want to die.

Just before he entered the woods, he heard Roselle's cry for help, but Cassius gritted his teeth and didn't dare to look back.

Cassius ran without pausing, with no sense of direction.

At this moment, he was already running out of breath and his knees were weak. However, Cassius' footsteps didn't stop. He entered through the trees and followed the sound of the water that he vaguely heard as he passed by.

Thin branches scratched him all over his body, creating small wounds. His ankle was swollen and that should be very painful, but at this moment, he couldn't feel it. Cassius, who valued his little life more, couldn't care less and just kept on running.

After a while, Cassius finally found the source of the sound of the flowing water. His knees automatically lost their strength, and he fell on the ground in a kneeled position.

Cassius pressed his palms against the ground with his head down, tears started forming at the corner of his eyes. An inexplicable despair crawled out from the bottom of his heart and suddenly spread like wildfire. Then, his body began to tremble, trying not to let out a sound, Cassius started crying.

Tears gashed down from Cassius' eyes like a stream. One by one, they landed on the cold ground soil. After crying his heart out, Cassius weakly crawled towards the edge of the spring and fetched out water using his hands.

Cassius leaned over and washed his face, hoping that the guilt in his heart could also be washed away.

Cassius wiped down the water drops on his face with his hand. The cool spring water feels good and somewhat refreshing against the skin, making him instantly sober.

Cassius opened his eyes. The moon hanging above his head became a great help for him to have a clear look at his surroundings. Cassius' eyes wandered around the place.

There are huge trees of unknown origin and bushes that were thick and tall enough to swallow a person surrounding him. At first glance, one would think that no one would be likely to visit such a place. But....

Cassius stared at the footprints in front of him and swallowed nervously. Obviously, it wasn't his.

Cassius lifted his head and looked from left to right. He wonders where the owner of these footprints is right now. Is it a human like him? A vampire? Or maybe another existence who can transform into a wolf form during a full moon, such as werewolves.

Cassius' heart skipped after recalling how brutal and heartless werewolves are when it comes to killing. Atleast, when you die from the hands of a vampire, you can still have your body fully intact. Unlike werewolves, who knows how they're going to devour your flesh and bones. His body immediately shuddered just imagining the sight of it.

Cassius, who was in a state of confusion, temporarily forgot about the fact that werewolves don't eat humans. He closed his eyes tight and scratched his head in a depressed manner, roughly messing up his dark brown hair. Sooner or later, he'll go crazy.

Suddenly, Cassius caught his reflection in the water, making him startled.

The person in the mirror shows the face of a young man in his early twenties. His features were handsome and deep. The eyebrows are sharp but not aggressive, the nose was tall and pointed, and his lips are thin. His dark brown hair was slightly wet and a bit messy, but that only makes him look even more attractive. Under his bangs was a pair of eyes as dark and thick as an ink night. It was beautiful and enchanting.

Cassius subconsciously raised his hand and touched his face. Similarly, the person in the mirror did the same action and looked back. A trace of confusion showed in their eyes.

Cassius stared at his reflection in bewilderment. How come this person has the same face and appearance as him?!

He can't believe what's happening. Is this just a mere coincidence? Or.... Cassius suddenly thought of something.

His friends, his parents..... and the world he lived in. Are they all just a beautiful dream?

In this world, is he really an orphan, who has nothing? Then..... which one is the real me?

Cassius was startled by his thoughts. He slapped his face twice and started scolding himself.

What are you thinking, Cassius?! Don't mislead yourself! Remember, you transmigrated and now you're living inside the book! Your world and your family is real. Everything is real!

Stop scaring yourself, for God's sake, don't think that way! It's just a coincidence, just a coincidence, okay?

Cassius tried to hypnotize himself by repeatedly telling himself and engraving these words in his mind. Suddenly, the bushes behind him shook, accompanied by a faint sound of rustling. Cassius froze.

After a matter of seconds, he turned his head stiffly, and at the same, he slowly got up from the ground. With wide eyes open, Cassius scanned the whole place. He gulped, "W-who's there?"

A gust of wind answered his question. It howled past the trees, making their branches shook and their leaves fluttered. Cassius' hair was blown in the air. The cool air breeze touched his skin, making his body shivered.

Suddenly, the howling of wild beasts sounded out from the depths of the forest. Behind the bushes, Cassius saw a pair of malicious eyes, glowing in red. The owner of these eyes was staring at him intently and producing a growling sound, showing their two canine teeth as sharp as knives.

Before Cassius could even react, the figure flung towards his direction and without a warning, two sharp objects suddenly pierced through his neck.


Cssius didn't even have the chance to resist. As if the man was starved for a long time, his fangs penetrated Cassius' flesh deeper than normal and he greedily sucked on his neck, gulped after gulped, afraid of wasting even a drop of his blood.


The knife that was supposed to be protecting Cassius from harm, slowly slipped down from his hands and dropped on the ground. Cassius felt his eyelids grow heavy and his vision was turning black.

In the midst of losing his consciousness, Cassius vaguely heard a voice. He couldn't clearly hear the words they were saying, but it seems like someone just came and stopped the man from killing him.

Then the person let go and his body swayed and without support, his weak body directly fell down on the ground. He felt numb all over and he couldn't feel any pain except from the wound in his neck. When he saw the face of the man slowly approaching him, Cassius' eyes widened in fear. He tried lifting his arm to stop him coming, but he couldn't move anything from his body, except from his fingers.

The man stopped in front of him and stared at him for a brief moment. Suddenly, a heavy object smashed through the back of his head. Cassius felt a huge amount of pain before his vision slowly went black.
