
The Flight (mha)

izuku midoriya has a quirk that's powerful. other take notice and is made to be a solder as a kid. he finds new family and a need to help others.

Jace_Canset · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Training day

The next day seemed to go down relatively fine for the two boys. Except for the cafeteria incident where a certain person tried to stick to him like glue and an explosive blond not taking too kindly to it and almost blew up the whole cafeteria. No one was happy at that moment but now it was time for their first 'heroics' class everyone but izuku was buzzing with excitement. Joy and laughter filled the room. Izuku just took off his glasses and looked out the window to pass the time. 

The purple-haired boy who sat behind him introduced himself as shinso yesterday and spoke up to izuku "why do you wear glasses? I mean you didn't use them when you were outside yesterday but only in class" the socially awkward boy asked. "It's because my eyesight is too good" others who were listed in on the boy's conversation seemed confused and then a pink girl spoke, "what do you mean by that?" 

"My eyesight is so good I can't see anything up close but I can see far away. It's because of my quirk. It's a passive part of it."

"So your quirk isn't just wings?" a girl who introduced herself as tsu asked.

"No, it's not just wings. It's called night predator. I have the aspects of an owl, like I'm nocturnal, i can see in the dark, my flight is just about silent, and i can see extremely far away. I'm also keen on things that I see as prey aka villains in my view instead of things like mice and rabbits." 

"Wow! That's so cool! I wish I had a quirk like that!" Uraraka expressed and the other kids seemed in awe of his quirk. "It's not like it's that good there's a lot of bad aspects of every quirk like-" a loud boom and then an "I AM HERE AS YOUR TEACHER" izuku quickly covered his ears in pain from the loud man.

Izuku quickly hissed in pain but no one really noticed it and all might carried on "THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT CLASS HERO101!" The room roared with excitement while Izuku just put his head down. 


He pointed to the back of the room where all the hero suits the kids designed were. "YOUR NUMBER IS DETERMINED BY WHERE YOU SIT SO PLEASE GO GRAB YOUR COSTUMES AND HEAD TO GROUND ALPHA!!" he dashed out of the room and disappeared. Everyone seemed excited about this and went to rush to grab their costumes Denki grabbed izukus and brought it to him. "You okay you know with the ears, "Denki asked izuku, just nodded in reply and started to head off to the dressing rooms.

Izukus's hero costume was similar to his brother hawks but it's mainly black. He has a tactical outfit, combat boots, and visors for when flying at high speed, but he also has a few knives hidden and two swords on his hips for fighting. He looked more like a soldier than anything. Everyone seemed confused about how he looked when he came out of the changing rooms.

"Why is your hero costume so that you look more like a villain than a hero?" Uraraka piped in. "i will be going in underground hero work so i plan in being more able to blend in then standing out" izuku explained insulted with her comment "but your quirk is perfect for a limelight hero!" Kirishima said. 

"No it isn't, im nocturnal remember i am meant to hunt in the night not day. the light hurts my eyes in broad daylight it would be useless for me in that sense" he walked past them over to shinso. All might coughed when he saw the owl not listening to what he said before "young midoriya shouldn't your hero costume be better?" this made isuku's eyebrow twitch in annoyance he just ignored the #1 hero.


"Wouldn't it be illogical to have a bunch of untrained kids with superpowers fight? Like that would be a safety issue did aiz-" he was cut off by all might "BY WHAT DO YOU MEAN EVERYTHING IS PERFECTLY FINE! ANYWAYS GET INTO THE GROUPS ASSIGNED BY PULLING STRAWS!" izuku groaned and asked another question "may i sit out i don't feel alright using my quirk against others yet" all might laughed at the boy "NO YOUNG MIDORIYA NOW PULL" he shoved the little box in izuku's face having no way out but to pull.

How much he knew he would regret this he was now standing in front of a building with the one person he wanted to avoid. "It's so great we have been teamed together!" her voice sounding sickly sweet "i'll fly up and locate the bomb. After we both go into the building bakugou will probably go after me so you will go ahead to where i say the bomb is alright?" uraraka nodded.

When the starting alarm went off izuku quickly took flight. He took a deep breath feeling the wind through his hair again. He flew up to the 2nd from the top floor of a 6-story building to see the bomb with iida doing some villain skit "at least he commits to the role" he went back down to see uraraka has gone into the building with some explosions following behind. Izuku curses in the air "dammit she couldn't say still: uraraka the bomb is on the 2nd to the top floor at the end of the hall to avoid the explosive blond!" he said over the intercom that they were supplied for this.

"Okay heading there now!" she replied not acknowledging what she did. Izuku heads in at full speed trying to find Bakugou as quickly as he can. He rushed up to the third floor to find the explosive blond trying to find him as well. "DEKU LETS FIGHT!" izuku comforted the blond "hi bakugou if you wanna fight let's fight!" he dashed forward dodging the right hook bakugou throws he follows through with a solid punch to the gut. It causes bakugou to stumble. "FIGHT ME WITH YOUR ALL DAMNED NERD I'M STRONG ENOUGH" he dashed at Izuku only for him to sidestep the attack. "Sorry bakugou can't do that. I know you're strong but I don't want to hurt you!" bakugo tried to attack multiple times but instead of fully countering he just dodged most of the attacks.

"WHY DON'T YOU JUST FIGHT" bakugo yelled in anger at the boy to only hear a click on his wrist and over the intercoms all might say "BAKUGO KATSUKI HAS BEEN CAUGHT" you could see the anger of the blond boy he was about to blow "go back bakugou" izuku starts to walk away when he heard a small click from behind him to only have him turn around and see the blond holding up his arm with a large grenade looking piece of equipment pointing at him. "You know my quirk right? Then you should know what's stored in these" he had his finger on the clip. 

Izuku had to act fast before he pulled it. He rushed forward and managed to get close to the blond pushing his hand with the grenade up to the roof. It still exploded but the blast was thrown up instead of at izuku. The roof was blown away but some rubble was about to crumble on top of the kids so Izuku quickly grabbed the blond and used his wings as much as he could in the small area to get out of the way. Over the intercom, the boys heard "HERO TEAM WINS THEY HAVE SUBDUED THE BOMB" izuku sighed as they were now in safety izuku cursed at himself because the top of his wings was still caught in the blast. Bakugo looked like he was in shock at what happened not realizing what he had done. "Let's head back okay" izuku nudged the frozen boy snapping him out of it but bakugou just nodded and they both headed back to the viewing box.

When they got back, Izuku was pissed at what happened. Everything in the training session was putting kids in danger but all might do anything NO. Izuku stood by what he said that making these kids do battle training is too soon. He went up to all might and said "i'm going to the nurse" he turned to leave when all might said "YOU HAVE TO WAIT TILL EVERYONE ELSE HAS WENT ON THE TRAINING SESSION" rage is all izuku saw he turned to all might "are you kidding? Please tell me your kidding you're still continuing this stupid 'training' EVEN AFTER THAT SHIT SHOW" izuku began to laugh maniacally.

" You're absolutely insane. I could have been KILLED if I was any slower. hell, NONE of our gear has ever been used WE HAVE NO EXPERIENCE in fighting, BUT you think we should still go through with this? WE ARE KIDS WITH NO TRAINING WE SHOULD FIRST LEARN TO USE THESE POWERS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, RATHER THAN USE THEM AGAINST THE PEOPLE WE HAVE TO STAND WITH LATER. I know what my quirk is capable of but the rest don't. Do you not see this? Bakugo didn't understand what his gear could really do. now he's in fucking shock."

"What's going on here" everyone turned to see Aizawa standing there izuku had tears of frustration brimming in his eyes when he saw Aizawa. He walked to the door at a fast pace, mumbling something to Aizawa when he passed. Whatever was said made Aizawa glare at all might with his bright crimson eyes. "What the hell did you do to my kid all might?!" small gasps could be heard throughout as the raven-haired man went up to all might in rage. "Class, change out of your hero uniforms and go back to class NOW." everyone but one was ushered out of the room. 

When it was just the three of them left, Aizawa spoke again, "Denki leave" , Aizawa demanded. "No this has to do with izuku" Denki explained, "fine i won't ask again all might what did you do?" Aizawa demanded. "NOTHING! HE PARTICIPATED IN THE TRAINING SESSION AND BLEW UP AT ME! ME!?" All might said in a bit of annoyance. "That's a lie he forced him to do it and he could have been killed if he wasn't trained," Denki said against the #1 hero. "WHY IS A STUDENT EVEN HERE!? GO BACK WITH YOUR CLASSMATES" Denki didn't move and glared at the blond. 

"He has every right to be here. If you attended your mandatory meeting you would know that we are going to nezu so kaminari can explain what you did to my kid." 

All might faltered for a second "Y-YOUR KID?" 

Back when izuku left the room and went down the halls to recovery girl. He was still pissed about what happened "i can't believe he even did that" he mumbled under his breath. He made it to recovery girl's office and knocked. "Hey, recovery girl im izuku!" he tried to seem cheerful when he walked in "yes dearie please sit down on the bed so i can assess your injuries. It's only the second day and you're already injured?" izuku nervously laughed and rubbed the back of his neck "yeah training accident but i'm fine just a couple of burns! Nothing I haven't dealt with!" 

That didn't make her any less worried "well here dearie some gummies and lean down" he did as he was told and she kissed his forehead speeding up his healing. then plopped the gummies in his mouth "thank you so much your quirk is so cool!" almost seeming just like a normal nerdy kid.

She smiled at the boy and sent him off back to class. But had a suspicious feeling this won't be the only time he sees her.