
The Flight (mha)

izuku midoriya has a quirk that's powerful. other take notice and is made to be a solder as a kid. he finds new family and a need to help others.

Jace_Canset · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

After Math and Past

After everything sat alone at a high building enjoying the wind in his hair and the feel of the city. Being in a building was always suffocating for the boy. He has always been drawn to the sky but he could never quite describe the feeling to others. The sky was turning dark but the magnificent colors from the changing of the sky makes him feel at home. Izuku was never one for talking to others. He greatly enjoyed the alone time for the most part. He took a deep breath in and spread his wings out the farthest they could go. Letting the owl for the first time in a long time spread his wings to the fullest.

Izuku for the first time in years let his breath go and just relaxed but was short-lived when someone made their way onto the roof, the large cloud-like wings retracted back with a sigh from the boy. 

"So you were here kiddo"

Yamada sat beside the boy "you know everyone is worried. But I have a feeling you don't wanna move just yet." the boy hummed in response, seeming at ease with the adult's company. The two sat on the edge of the building. Time seemed to still for them everything but the sky which slowly faded to a deep black. Izuku broke the silence "you know all might did the same thing the commission does to children. Putting them into situations to fight others with no training…alot got hurt" he trailed off seeming to be in deep thought.

It has been a week since izuku has been taken with the commission. He was quiet and didn't complain but seemed still in shock of what happened. Him and the other two he was grouped with were in a big gym with alot of other kids in various ages ranging from 4 to 18. A Lot of the kids were sparring with the adult assigned to their team as witness of the spars. Iuzku hasn't really sparred since he has been here yet because he did not want to harm another but today would be different.

"Alright squad 29 and squad 13 please come over here." 

They did as they were told by the man dressed in a suit. Izuku started to fight because of his lack of sleep from his quirk but this is the first time izuku have felt this it must have taken a week for his quick to come in fully, because he can see farther away and hear ones conversation even if it's across the gym crystal clear. As of right now izuku is not aware of what his quirk can do; he is only aware of the passive parts of his quirk. 

"The newby and you come over here" the man addressed Izuku and another boy, who seemed 2 to 3 years older than the small boy. The two went over to a mat that was for sparing izuku spoke "i don't know how to fight and how your quirks work" he was bluntly ignored the boy and went on to explaining "you two will spar to your fullest abilities you have currently we are trying to gauge your abilities start when you feel ready."

The man stepped away from the mat and the kid standing on the opposite side dashed forward quickly trying to hit him but to izuku surprise the kid seemed not the best on his feet so he stepped to the side and watched the kid fall. Izuku opens a hand to help the boy up only for the boy to aggressively grab his hand, almost crushing it felt like his hand was being crushed by a boulder. The boy quickly gets up and hits izuku in the stomach. He falls to the ground in agonizing pain making Izuku realize what the boy's quirk is, it's a nearv amplification making his pain 5 times worse than it should be.

This makes izuku's flight or fight kick in; he quickly flaps his wings trying to fly when he has not found out how to cause large gusts of wind. The boy goes to try to attack again only to have his arm grabbed with excruciating force causing the bone to snap like a twig. The young boy lets out a nightmare inducing scream. Causing izuku to come back to his senses and sadly everyone's attention. Izuku's wings were puffed and his eyes were sharp almost like a cats and his hands had formed the talon like fingernails causing the owl to let go and start to hyperventilate realizing he hurt someone. 

The adult watched the entire thing with a smirk and only said "sparrow you will receive special training from tomorrow onward" 

"Hey izuku you okay?"

A voice bright izuku back realizing he wasn't in that time anymore. Taking a deep breath, Izuku looks at the blond, realizing his talons have come out because of remembering his past, making him panic. 

"Hey hey it's okay kiddo you're safe alright?"

Yamada tried to calm the owl boy.  He gently in izuku's view patted his head so he can know he's safe. It takes a few minutes for the boy to calm down. Izuku lays his head against yamada for comfort. "Let's head in alright, sho is probably stressing where you are." Izuku hummed and slowly stood. They ended up going  inside to an aizawa who was pacing back and forth. 

"Hiya" is all the boy can say before he gets bombarded with questions by the worried adult. "Im fine im fine all might just remind me too much of a situation that happened in the past" he tried to reassure the sleep deprived adult. Izuku asked something against his better judgment "what happens after i left? With everything i kinda verbally assaulted the #1 hero" he nervously said. All aizawa could do is glanced away and said "well I kinda"  mic interjected "he called you his kid in front of everyone and went into a papa bear rage!" 

Aizawa choked on air when his husband explained it like that but recovers quickly "he's not entirely wrong but we ended up taking this to nezu"

In nezus office they were discussing and trying to find out what caused the green haired boy to explode at all might. At that rate aizawa was about to as well. "What do you mean you did a training exercise that involves kids fighting together?! Are you ignorant?! These kids don't know how to control their quirks let alone know how to fight! And you saw it fit to do this 'training exercise'!?" aizawa tried to hold in the anger. "It's how most UA hero courses operate aizawa'' yagi tried to defend only to have aizawa yell  "NO IT ISN'T BECAUSE THAT RISKS KIDS LIFE WE ARE STILL RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR SAFETY! As well as i heard you forced madoryia to fight?! What if he has trauma from something and you just retraumatized my kid?!" 

Allmight didn't have the words to defend but Denki cut in "Izuku asked to sit out because he did not want to hurt the others nor did he like the idea of fighting when most of the kids have not been trained for combat yet." Denki seems to be standing straight up with his hands behind his back unlike when he's in class when he is loose and not the smartest. "Why is a student here and why is he allowed to see me like this?" Yagi asked, seeming to want to get the kid out of the room. 

"Well for your information he is from the commission as well as midoriya but undercover some would say because of you. Villains will have targeted this school because of you teaching here. So I 'employed' them to cat the rats in the cupboard."

Yagi went white at nezus explanation "the reason why izuku was so against this whole 'training session' is because he has experienced what could go wrong in it because that's how the commission operates on their child soldiers is forcing them into battle at a young age at pretense of a 'spar' izuku broke a kids arm with excruciating amount of force in his first fight because he didn't know how his quirk worked. He knows how dangerous this type of training is."

"Yagi for right now you will be made into a teacher aid until you are deemed fit to teach a class room. Aizawa, will you take over that class? And yagi if you make any lesson plans it has to go through either me or aizawa from now on" 

Yagi wanted to protest but he knew in this situation it would do only more harm than good as the damage he has done so he quietly sat as Aizawa responded with a small nod as to accept being the hero classes heroics teacher. "Yagi, you can not address to anyone here that kaminari and izuku are spies or even trained in the slightest. Right now because aizawa addressed izuku as his kid we can explain a fake story of being trained by aizawa when he was younger but thats all"  

"So yagi isn't the main teacher anymore? It's good that the students would be put into too much danger because of his teaching. "Izuku seems relieved. He was leaning against Denki without meaning to, his body was slowing the exhaustion was hitting him. "You two head to bed okay you need it" yamada pushed to the boy. They reluctantly agreed and headed to their rooms.

The two adults were left in the living room both worried about the kids now in their care. Both have extensive trauma and both trained to be soldiers but both children. "Sho they need help, they can't deal with this alone, it's worse than we thought." he looked at his husband when he spoke "those kids never deserved this, they deserve a good home and to feel safe sho." he was in tears thinking of the kids. Aizawa hugged him to reassure him.

"I know hizashi i know now they have a home. We have to be here for them and give them the secure home they never had. But there is also hawks" 

"Why would the commission do this to just kids sho they are just kids for kami sake!" The two adults sat in the living room for a bit talking about worries. Waiting for tomorrow to arrive.

Heya I kida just posted all the chapters I have at once currently for this, but just so you know I write on AO3 and I don't know if I will keep up with updates on here this is just to try out and see woth my book. I hope yall like it and wish to see more

Jace_Cansetcreators' thoughts