
The Flame Orb

When a missing kid from gotham appears to have superpowers due to a nuclear explosion on ACE Chemicals he can control heat absorbing it an regain his health or use it to create flame orbs that can cause severe damage to his enemies

Panos_Boukas · Movies
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Chemical Destruction

( Rh ) : Tim you hear me ?

( Rr ) : Yes meet me at the ACE Chemicals in 2 hours , you need some rest .

( Rh ) : You're probably right .

Back to the Mansion

( Al ) : Master Todd , you need anything ?

( Rh ) : No Alfred , just a cup of coffee.

( Al ) : Batman called from Justice League Headquarters ,

he wants a report of your last 24 hours .

( Al ) : Just like master Bruce , if you don't want to hear something you simply leave in the middle of the conversation .

( Rh ) : Simde i was robin , i wanted to be independent from the bat , he can't control me now .

( Rr ) : I understand you anger but we must move on . Sitting in this rooftop watching Gotham won't help you .

( Rh ) : You're probably right .

( Rh ) : Did you find anything else ?

( Rr ) : No so many books about this place , and it doesn't say

anything about weapons just about the employment program and the schedule of every staff member .

( Rh ) : I think the problem is you're reading a book insteaf of going there youraelf .

( Rr ) : Hey the radion counter is so high we cant go in there .

(Rh ) : We need a justice League Member with high radion system .

( Rr ) : Got it ! I will check the database about that .

( Rh ) : Does it gave anyone from Justice League?

( Rr ) : Yes ! Of course , he's Batman ! Remember ?

( Rh ) : I remember .

( Rr ) : You'll go rest for now . I will keep you informed .

( Rh ) : Okey .

A few hours later

( Rr ) : I'm happy you wake up . Found him his name is Captain Atom , he drains radio energy .

( Rh ) : Do you think he will respond ?

( Rr ) : I don't know , I'm not in the League .

( Rh ) : Me neither .

( Rr ) : Very well . . . Another idea ?

( Rh ) : Why we catch him when he is ging the cargo to the gang . At least we got the location point and the date .

( Rr ) : You may have a point . If we can't go to him , he will go to us .

( Rh ) : Prepare your vehicle we have a long trip to go .

( Rr ) : I don't have one .

( Rh ) : Then how are you gonna get there ?

( Rr ) : By the rooftops just like the old days .

( Rh ) : Whatever you say Tim , just be careful .

( Rr ) : I will .

( Al ) : I suppose you're leaving master Todd ?

( Rh ) : Alfred stay at the control we need guidance.

( Al ) : Of course sir .

( Rr ) : Hey Al don't cancel the pizzas . They will be like 10:30 here .

( Al ) : Yes master Drake .

( Rr ) : Just call me Tim ?

( Al ) : I can't sir , its the butler code .

( Rh ) : Don't try to convince him he won't respond .

( Rr ) : Well then , see you later Alfred .

At the trade destination

( ? ) : So how many are there ?

( ? ) : Like 50 .

( ? ) : Great .

( Rh ) : I need you to analyze the voice .

( Rr ) : Don't worry it's recognizable .

( Tf ) : My boss will be happy .

( ? ) :Wheres my payment .

( Tf ) : You promised us around 100 weapons a day . You won't get paid if don't bring as much as you promise .

( ? ) : That's it !

( ? ) : You don't know my actual powers .

( Tf ) : You are just another Firestorm . You wish you are special , but you're not .

( Rr ) : Now , we should wait here until . . . You could just inform you know !

( Rh ) : Sorry Twoface deal's over .

( Tf ) ; You wish , Hood boy and you Red smelly crap .

( Rr ) : Hey could you be so respective , in at least one face .

( Rh ) : Enough ! You'd come with us ! Tim !

I'll take on the ugly guy .

( Tf ) : The coin shall tell you what to do . Oh what a surprise it chose you to die , bad luck i guess . . .

( Rh ) : Gunshots everywhere , bullet's flying all over the place , the only thing i had was to retreat with Tim and the kid !