
The Flame Orb

When a missing kid from gotham appears to have superpowers due to a nuclear explosion on ACE Chemicals he can control heat absorbing it an regain his health or use it to create flame orbs that can cause severe damage to his enemies

Panos_Boukas · Movies
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5 Chs

A primal research

( Rr ) : Jason ?

(Rh ) : Did you find anything ?

( Rr ) : The kid on the photo is Eduard Hakim , a kid from Mexico moved to Gotham 9 years ago . He is being held to Arkham Asylum room 11948 .

( Rh ) : I will check it out . Maybe he could say something important about that flame kid .

A day later :

( G ) : I believe you choose the correct prisoner to visit . He had some quite unexpected predictions .

( Rh ) : Thank you Commissioner , for this acceptance to my

request .

( G ) : Here it is .

( Rh ) : I could hear the voices from the next 20 rooms below

he was shouting - He is coming for me. For me ! Please stop him - but i wanted to speak with him .

( Rh ) : Open the cell .

( G ) : You need to talk to him ?Okey , but you should be careful if you need anything just signal to the mirror .

( Rh ) : Don't worry , i gave my defence systems .

( G ) : Don't kill him

( Rh ) : Who said anything about killing him . Just I'll break him .

( G ) : This isn't a hospital .

( Rh ) : I know this is why I'll only break him .

( G ) : I should call the doctor .

( Rh ) : You don't need to do that .

( Rh ) : Eduard Hakim ?

( Ed ) : Who ?

( Rh ) : You know who i am now talk .

( Ed ) : I don't have anything to say . . .

( Ed ) : Especially on you !

( Rh ) : Talk ! Now !

( Ed ) : Why Batman sent you ?

( Rh ) : Batman doesnt kill . In the other hand me , i can break your arm right now and nobody is going to say anything .

( Ed ) : Oh , please i thought you are just a sidekick just like the others . Ahhh. . . Fuck

( Rh ) : To be considered this was useful , now he could talk more easily .

( Ed ) : Alright! Alright , i will tell you just don't do this again .

( Rh ) : You have one more arm and two legs . Just be quick .

( Ed ): That flame kid was caused by the chemical explosion on ACE , he has been giving chemicals to create weapons with high radion counter , they will melt you in 5 seconds .

( Rh ) : I suppose i should leave i f you have anything else .

( Rh ) : Before i leave i should do something last .

( Ed ) : No ! Please ! No ! Get away from me !

( G ) : Enough !

( Rh ) : Call the doctor , he has one broken arm and one broken leg .

( G ) : Did you found anything useful ?

( Rh ) : Maybe . . .