
The First Gravity Mage

Follow the story of 14 year old Ryan Lowells that will have to face the world unprepared. He is not overly talented or extremely smart, but he is more intelligent than the average at person. The only help he will have is snippet of memories from a person on earth, as he rank up and get stronger he will be able to receive more memories. He will have to learn how to use an unknown element that no one in his world had before. With no preset spells or martial skills already made with his element, he will be forced to become more creative to find ways use his element and create his own spells. As he struggles to progress his power in a world where power is survival, he will face many challenges. As simple as knowing who your true friends are or just wanting love, to fighting for a chance to keep his world alive. A unknown power will periodically transfer any living being that had entered a dungeon before to another world. With the only objective is to survive and there are more than one world that is suffering from the dungeons. Why did Dungeons appear. What is the reason to give them power. Why did a unique person gave him his memories. Are you truly free in a world where you only left with no choice but to do what someone else want. What will happen when you lose most of what you are fighting for but not everything. Will you continue to fight for what you have left or focus on revenge and disregard what you have left. (I won't ever be locking any chapters, the app price things way to high. I Want to try to build a fan base. First time writing, probably will make mistakes. I can only get better, so feel free to let me know the problems in my writing.)

Dynaxty · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
106 Chs

2 Ryan Lowells

The group walked into the sky blue, space distorted, portal entrance. It transported them to a lively jungle environment. The jungle canopy was like a thick green blanket, it smothers the jungle until one can hardly breathe due to the oppressive, heavy air. The ground looks like an endless swamp of algae bloom moving as the wind blows. You can hear the beast running over the hills and valleys in the near distant.

The Faction leader didn't waste time looking around at the scenery. He immediately order his members to get in same formation as usual. He left 3 people stay to kill at the exit of the portal and the remaining 5 people went with the leader to find the boss. There was no need to have to many people stay at the exit, when there will be other factions coming in.

Many hours later you see people coming out the portal and Black Hawk  faction was some of them. You could notice some of the people in the surroundings was looking at the faction leader with envious and jealous gaze.

3 Months later.

Boom!!! A 14 year old kid sent flying to the other side of the room hitting his back against a wall. As he struggles to get up, another kid that look similar to him stood there looking down on him saying "let's make this fast, im in a hurry".

The younger boy name is Ryan Lowells. he's nothing special when it comes to looks. He 5"6, maybe a lil more muscle tone than normal but nothing ridiculous. Warm beige skin, honey colored eyes and dark tan spiral curled hair that look a little too springy.

Ryan got up off the floor and  look directly at the other young man eyes. "you can't do this, mom left it for me".

After the words left his mouth Ryan ran at him while circulating very little amount of mana in his legs barely increasing his speed.

The young man he charging at was his older brother. Daymon Lowells, 18 years old. light brown skin but darker than his younger brother, with short black hair. He more muscler and taller than the average person.

With an indifference expression Daymon stood there waiting for his younger brother to reach him. Ryan throw a right punch at Daymon face but he dodge it with ease. Ryan throw more punches and kicks one after another not letting up. Ryan actually wasn't expecting to hit him with any of those attacks because he never could before. Daymon side step the last kick just as he always do and  kick towards Ryan stomach.

This time Ryan was ready, this was the moment he was hoping for. He circulate mana in his arms attempting to grab his leg, in hopes to keep him still long enough for his next attack. Daymon kick connects to Ryan stomach and he grunt from the sharp pain. But he fought through the pain and grab onto Daymon leg as tight as he could.

Once he got ahold of his leg, Ryan use all his strength to keep Daymon leg from coming back down to the floor. While Daymon leg still in his hands Ryan lift his right leg up aiming straight at Daymon nuts. Right when Ryan thought he had him and was about to connect. He felt Daymon getting lighter but he ignored it and payed for it the next moment.

All Ryan saw was his older brother other leg coming straight at his face. Daymon had jump up and spin kick him back to the wall before Ryan kick could connect. Ryan laid there moning in pain holding his face until he hear Daymon walking away.

Ryan couldn't help but make one last ditch effort and ask. "can you please just leave me some".

Just before Daymon walk out all he hear was an ice cold. "No".

Ryan sat there still holding his face, anger and frustration burning in his eyes. Thinking to himself. (What is the point to even attemp to fight back when I know I'm to weak to win.)

"Useless to even try when the results already certain". Ryan mumble to himself as he slowly got up.

Probably wondering whats going on, why are they fighting. It started when Ryan awaken mana sense a couple weeks ago. it was a pretty big day for him, he been waiting for this day for years. Everyone had congratulated him, not everyone could awakened mana sense. Non-awaken humans future are not nearly as bright as an awaken future. Mana sense is one of the most important thing you need to form a mana core. Very small amount of people have bad luck and just naturally terrible at sensing mana and never awaken mana sense.

Ryan always wanted to be a talented mage and even made a bet when he was 9, that  he would be the youngest to awaken mana sense in the family. After so much time past without awakening part of him was scared that he might not ever awakened. His older brother was only 11 when he start senseing mana. He thought he may just be that unlucky kid and was always emotionally sensitive to the topic of awakening mana sense

Ryan was never a fan of working hard. He used to use every excuses he could think of to get out of training. He even claims that there no point to train until he could sense mana. Even tho knowing his body will still passively absorb mana after training without mana sense.

Now that he can sense mana, his parents made sure he started his training. Refining the body with mana is the first thing people need to do before creating there core. The training he doing  now could have already been done if he had been training hard before.

To refine the body you have to channel mana into the body and it will slowly refine it. To speed up the process of refinement you could take body damage and use mana to heal your body. Repeatedly doing that will temper and refine the body alot faster than just sitting in place slowly soaking your body in mana.

Daymon has been fighting his brother as a form of training, at least that what he had claimed. Mom bought Ryan ice cream and his brother wanted it. Ryan try to stop him from taking it and the results was him getting beat up. There parents don't care about these types of fights either but they are the loving type. They just believe in the strongest take what they want. They always telling them "That's how the world works, you better get used to it now and become stronger. Or you may lose something you really care about in the future".

Ryan walk back to the kitchen looking for something to eat and see his brother eating his ice cream. While holding back the anger that trying to pour out, he found something else to eat. Ryan sat at the table with Daymon and asked. "What are you doing home so early, You normally still training around this time".

"Mom and dad asked me to be here, apparently they have something important to tell us." Just as Daymon got done speaking.

Boom! A tall muscler brown skinned men that look to be in his 30's with short black hair.  His smile, protruded beneath the bushy black moustache. Which reached up to his eyes and wrinkled them. He have light body armor on with a black long sleeve shirt underneath and black pants. As soon as he kicked open the door and came in. He had a big smile on his face and yelled "who is the best father ever".