

old book

Dynaxty · Fantasy
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106 Chs

1 Dungeons

Bnee-nore bnee-nore bnee-nore Beast Tide!!!

Bnee-nore bnee-nore bnee-nore Beast Tide!!!

All throughout the city you can hear sound of sirens going off repeatedly. When the sound hit and rattle people ear drums, they did not hesitate to start barricading doors and windows. If at work or on the street going about their daily life, they would search for the nearest public underground bunkers.

People with strength, rush there way towards a dingy looking, badly damage wall that surround the city. Everyone moving fast but organized, you can easily tell this not the first time.

Beast Tides has been occurring more often as time pass. There was a time where  you could have went 2 to 3 years without having to fight off a Beast Tide. Now it happens 2 or 3 times a year. It's one of the many mysteries on this planet.

No one knows why Dungeons appeared on the world but it is very obvious that some higher power is at play. Some people thought a God like being had a hand in all this  because beasts wasn't the only thing that came from Dungeons.

All dungeons are filled with this unknown energy that some how changed every living thing and the planet itself. These dungeons consently slowly leaks out the unknown energy into the environment.

It had caused every living thing to mutate and become more evolved over time. Some animals gain more intelligence and others became more aggressive. But the mutated animals was the least of the worries.

When a dungeon is left alone for to long, strong beasts come rushing out targeting the nearest humans. Unlike the mutated beasts that mainly attack to survive. Dungeon beasts seem like they attack like they have a deep hatred for humans.

Of course the humans did their best to defend themselves. It just there efforts was almost useless with the some what primitive tools they had. They couldn't stop the beast advancement but could delay them enough for other people to get away safely.

After suffering countless casualties the humans that was fighting the dungeon beast started to realize there body are improving. Going beyond human limits, healing faster, physically stronger and more. It didn't take  long to connect the dots.

All the animals and plants near the dungeons change. It was pretty easy to come to the conclusion that the dungeon was the cause of the changes.

They chose to call the unknown energy mana. Once they found out mana can improve a person body and make them stronger. People started actively entering dungeons in hopes to harness the energy.

To there surprised when you enter the dungeon for the first time you will hear a voice in your head. Explaining the purpose of the Dungeon. This is one of many reasons why people are so certain someone is behind all this.

There are 3 different types of Dungeons on the planet. Instance Dungeon, Ranking Dungeon, and Permanent Dungeons.

The instance Dungeon was the first to appeared, and it appears randomly in random locations. Fighting your way inside to kill the boss is the best way to get rid of the dungeon. There also a chance to find powerful artifacts or random techniques  and spells inside.

Waiting until the boss leave the Dungeon  is an option too but it will have its own risk. Beast tides is normally the outcome from that option.

Instance Dungeon is not the only cause of beast tide. Sometimes a random high level beasts will leave there territory and attack cities filled with humans.

Permanent Dungeons is like a new dangerous world to farm for resources to get stronger. These Dungeons will never close but there is a power limit on each permanent dungeon.

Permanent Dungeons have multiple entrances to the same world all around the world.

The world they live on is 30 times bigger than earth.

Killing each other in the permanent Dungeons are common occurrences. High level beasts territories splits up the human territories. Causing many groups of people become isolated.

When your life's survival literally depends on strength, many will do whatever it take to retrieve resources. Even if you have to kill other humans while still worrying about beast taking over the planet.

The last Dungeon is The Ranking Dungeon. A chance to earn rewards for clearing floors of the Dungeon. Just by entering the Dungeon on floor zero you will receive a technique on how to cultivate a mana core.

That was the start for humans to stop playing defense and actually have the ability to fight back. People that form mana cores was called mages and how to form mana cores became common knowledge.

Bnee-nore bnee-nore bnee-nore Beast Tide!!!

Bnee-nore bnee-nore bnee-nore Beast Tide!!!

After 400 years of dealing with Dungeons, it's like second nature to everyone when they hear the loud blan siren.

It's extremely dangerous for everyone, there are always casualties during a beast tide. Beast tides will normally out number the number of mages in a city. Beast also have a stronger body and some have the ability to use mana too.

Mages have a limited amount of mana to use. As the fight go on, the humans will become more and more at a disadvantage with the weaker body. To recover mana take to much time and mages are pretty much useless without mana.

The cause of the beast tide this time was a instance dungeon.

Faction members are normally the strongest fighting force against the beasts.

Many faction are made in a city but the strongest faction in this city is called Black Hawk.

Factions normally not some overly righteous group of people. Everyone knows the only way to survive in this world is with strength. People in factions only ever make a move when there benefits to take advantage of.

Beast cores, that is found in beast can be use to grow stronger. With the chance to attaine better resources, they even go out there way to enter dungeons.

The first people to react to this beast tide was the black Hawk faction. A team of 8 members rush out slaughtering a path into this Dungeon. The rank 5 faction leader on the front line leading them in.

He is a wind mage that use wind blades to create a path into the Dungeon. All the dust and blood in the surrounding scatter as he walked towards the entrance.

Every single drop of blood or dirt spect avoided him as he walk. It was as if it had a mind of its own.

The faction leader is handsome, perhaps not in the conventional sense. But he had that appearance which could make him stand out in the crowd. He was fair, almost pale white. Sky blue eyes was deep and expressive, where you could get lost if you stared long enough. His hair was pulled backwards, wearing all black formul suit.

If you didn't know better you would think he on his way to a dinner party and not a boss fight.