
The First Demon Diablo

[The Synopsis will be rewritten into a real one instead of the text below] As a 65-year-old man with a well-built/fit body, blue eyes, and a handsome appearance for his age, is sitting on a chair in a hut that is situated in a forest with a river nearby and a large field of grass as well as a village two kilometers away. While watching TV, the old man could not help but shake his head. "*Sigh*... It seems that the government still plans on going to war, but this time it will be devastating as they will employ nuclear weapons." In other words, a nuclear war. He couldn't help but mutter "I guess the company that I worked so hard for and that has supported my family for over a decade will crumble to dust tomorrow or today..." His main emotion wasn't sadness, but rather a sense of unwillingness to let his work crumble. He did not really feel more than that, except for pity for his family and grandchildren since their future looked bleak. "It's quite fortunate for me to die before that damn nuclear war begins." Seeing his device to the right of his room, he realized that his heart would stop at any moment. That's why he got up to go outside rather than stay in bed and die like all the other old men. Upon exiting the door and walking to the river, he noticed a bright light in the distance and was blinded by it as he laughed. lol, I guess I will get a Guinness World Record Award for having witnessed a nuclear bomb explode right before my death. "Heh, what a beautiful sight. HahahahahHAHAHAHAHA....!!!" And then the shockwave arrived as well as the heatwave of atomic radiation that engulfed him as his vision went dark. It is unknown whether he died from the shockwave or his heart attack first... ————————————————————— A variety of political reasons led every country in the world to join the war after his death. Nevertheless, they didn't realize that irreversible damage had already been done to the planet beforehand, as climate change was already demonstrating. Hence, Earth blew up. In which a certain soul disappeared from time-space and resurfaced in the distant past. In an Abyssal Black Egg... As if such a thing were normal. ————————————————————— WARNING: -There will be GORE so if you're weakhearted then read at your own risk. -NO Harem (considered having 2, but noticed that it is unnecessary) -It's not a fanfic ————————————————————— P.S. The cover isn't owned by me P.S.2 The Cover got edited by me though ;D Discord link: https://discord.gg/bxsBWrTFvm

Ghost_Playing · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter 008: Search for the Portal

In his search for the Portal, he encountered a Peak Adult Stage Demon who was quite strong.

Therefore, to quell his boredom, Diablo fought the Peak Adult Stage Demon without talking to him as he wanted to enjoy a good fight once in a while.

Hence, he dashed to the Demon by leaning forward and allowing the Chaos Aura Style to do its work, as he already ingrained every move into his body and instinct, so he didn't need to think much about it.

After he appeared in front of the Peak Adult Demon he pulled back his right hand and got into a stance, leaning back slightly to get more momentum out of his punch. He then executed his move by targeting the Demon Heart, followed by a faint bait to the head to confuse the Demon.

Though the Peak Adult Stage Demon didn't fall for the bait and tried to retreat even though it could sense that Diablo was only an Adult Stage Demon, its instincts and fighting experience that was honed over the last 165 years were still capable of perceiving the threat of Diablo's punch.

But the Demon wasn't able to completely avoid Diablos' punch and was therefore still flung away for 146 meters from the force behind Diablos' punch which shocked the Peak Adult Stage Demon quite a lot as Diablo only touched its chest slightly and it already was still slightly shaken by the leftover power of the punch.

After sliding for a few more meters and coming to a halt, the Demon analyzed Diablo's appearance once more, becoming shocked and scared for the first time in its life as Diablo was covered in a weird chaotic aura that the Demon had never encountered before, nor had it felt anything similar to any other Demon or creature it had encountered up until this point. Not to mention the constant pressure he was emitting made its blood become agitated for some reason.

Therefore, once it realized its life was in danger, the Demon gathered Abyssal Energy in its mouth, locked Diablo as its target, and unleashed a Beam of Black Flames.

After seeing the beam in slow-motion in his perception, Diablo thought:

'It's a pity that I couldn't take out a Peak Adult Stage Demon in a single punch...'

'But that just shows that older demons have a lot of fighting experience even if their movements could be more efficient. Though I'm pretty sure that there will appear demons in the future who should be good and learn their own Fighting Style for better movements since only relying on ones pure body strength is stupid'

After thinking for a while he came to the decision to just take this Beam of Flames head-on.

Which he did shortly after it arrived in front of him by deflecting it to the side while using his Chaos Abyssal Energy Claws and the Chaos Aura that is covering his body completely.

[12.2 Abyssal Energy used]

[622/634.2 Abyssal Energy remaining]

Though it still seemed like that it took a bit of his Abyssal Energy away since he still needed to withstand the beam even if he deflected it head on to test his Chaos Aura.

Therefore, after seeing the result, he was quite satisfied since he was fairly sure that the Demon used at least 123 Abyssal Energy to release that attack due to his inefficient control, which was a good trade-off to him.

As he realized that this was a good opportunity to test a few more of his battle abilities, he decided that he should take his time in killing the Demon so that he could learn what his limits are before moving into another world.

Thus, he started flying with his reverse wings and flew to a decent height to test how much damage his reverse wings and horns could do.

That left the Peak Adult Stage Demon puzzled, as he thought Diablo would attack him again as he saw him easily deflect his beam, so he couldn't figure out why Diablo wasted such an excellent opportunity to attack.

Though the Peak Adult Stage Demon began to put up its guard once again as it saw Diablo dive down from the sky with incredible speed, it began to sense an even greater danger afterward.

This made it desperately try to avoid Diablo's trajectory, but it failed, and thus its left arm was completely severed and pulverized.

This caused the Demon to roar in rage as it felt pain for the first time after a very long time, as tons of blood started leaking out of its left side, so once the blood landed on the ground. It started to burn the ground away due to its high heat.

Although that didn't last long since the wound closed shortly afterward, as the Demon's arm started slowly regenerating, which actually didn't calm the demon down at all, but rather made it even angrier as it started rushing towards Diablo.

Which Diablo didn't really perceive as a threat. Diablo instead became even more excited after he found out he could use his wings as weapons. Once the Demon was in front of him, he used his tail to thrust it forward and rip the Demon's right arm that was just about to touch his head away.

After the Demon's arm was ripped away, he took it with his left arm and directly pushed it down the Peak Stage Demon's throat, while he took the Demon's tail with his right arm and threw him left and right, with his body as the center, as he had just remembered a scene from his past life where a green monster beat up a god.

'Puny Demon'


Having calmed down a little, he condensed a Chaos Abyssal Black Sun which he aimed at the lower half of the Demon on purpose, and then released it.

[10 Abyssal Energy used]

[612/634.2 Abyssal Energy remaining]

This caused the Demon's lower half to be blasted away, and he couldn't even let out a roar before Diablo grabbed his jaw with his left hand and ripped it away, as he also ripped out the Demon's tongue in the process.

As Diablo looked at the mess he created where pulverized organs and limbs lay on the ground he himself was quite surprised at his own brutality to his race but accepted it at the end, as his new mentality.

As he had already gone so far, he decided it was best to finish the job properly, therefore, he used his claws to dig out the Demon's eyes as he suddenly thought...

'In fact, I have never eaten an eyeball before, do they taste good?'

'Well..., why not give it a try?'

Because of this one simple thought he went ahead and devoured the two eyeballs and couldn't help but say

"Why do they taste like jelly!?"

'There is definitely something wrong with demons' taste buds'

After the initial confusion and surprise, he quickly shrugged it off as he guessed that Demons wouldn't be able to eat raw organs otherwise if they didn't get to devour souls. Since all, he saw till now while being in this Jungle was just pure madness.

"I guess I will finish you off now since I had enough fun."

Therefore he released an Abyssal Energy Slash which cut right through the Peak Adult Stage Demons' neck.

(Abyssal Energy Slash, Picture Here)

[1 low-level soul consumed]

[0.1 Abyssal Energy has been added to your base reserves]

[613/634.3 Abyssal Energy remaining]

After devouring the soul and analyzing his fight, he ran a short distance.

'Now, let's continue the search for the Portal'

So after thinking this he started to fly once again while asking the ABYSS inside his head a few questions out of boredom.

'I wanted to ask this for a while already but are Demons EVIL, ABYSS?'

[Abyss: No. The concept of EVIL and GOOD only exists for other races.

Since Demons are only Beings of Darkness and Destruction that can bring both GOOD and EVIL or none since they aren't affected by karma.

The same goes for Angels as they are only Beings of Light and Creation and can bring both GOOD and EVIL or none. This is because they too aren't affected by karma.

Though this misconception of EVIL and GOOD exists in many races as the Demons bring Destruction most of the time and are therefore termed EVIL in most cases.

As for Angels, they contribute to Creation in one way or another and are, in most cases, considered GOOD beings.

But none of the mentioned above means that Angels and Demons are limited to bringing destruction or creation.

Since both can bring either Destruction or Creation.

Though Angels are better at Creation than Demons and Demons are better at Destruction than Angels.]

'Okay~, and what do you mean by Beings of DARKNESS and LIGHT?'

[Abyss: The soul of a Demon is black and the soul of an Angel is gold.

That is because Demons use Abyssal Energy which has the characteristic of DARKNESS therefore their soul is black and Angels use Divine Energy which has the characteristic of LIGHT which makes their soul gold.

As for the different races, they gain either a black shade or golden shade on their souls depending on their karma which could even elevate their soul level in some cases without them needing to increase their strength.

Which has the effect of birthing either a Demon or an Angel after they reach a certain level.

Though once they die naturally, they will either go to Heaven or the Abyss...

That means if a Demon were to devour a Black soul, they would gain more out of it than when they eat a golden soul. This would be the same for the Angels as well just the opposite way.]

'Uhm, so what happens with the souls that go to the Abyss or Heaven?'

[Abyss: In both Heaven and the Abyss they get treated as soul energy generators.

That means that in the Abyss they get tortured for Abyssal Energy.

And in Heaven, they get happiness for their Divine Energy.]


'So Paradise and Hell do exist huh...'

'Good to know I guess.'

*ಠ_ಠ* (💡)

'I can at least blackmail people now, into them going to hell if they don't agree to the contract or breach it'

[A total of 3 days later...]

After spending quite a while just flying aimlessly he finally found the portal that led to another world.

So as he dived down and arrived in front of it he was a bit disappointed as only a Low-level Soul floated above the bottomless hole.

"Well, whatever. I will just gain the necessary Souls for my advancement in the world and enjoy a new adventure while being at it."

Then, he took the Low-level Soul into his hand and passed right through the bottomless hole as the portal appeared and sucked him in.

(Picture of the Portal and Pentagram Here)

[To be continued...]


Author Note:

Because every Demon who lives in that Jungle until they reach Demon Adulthood has a lot of fighting experience, there aren't really any weak Demons or Abyssal Demonic Beasts.

This is my first time writing a real fighting scene, so how would you rate it out of 1/10?


Current Status:


[Name]: Diablo

[Race]: Demon

[Bloodline]: Chaos Demon

[True Demon Name]: Diablo Xiodo Tadren Alucard Landisher... Ramos Osiris

[Title]: First Demon,

[State Of Being]: Mortal

[Soul Stage]: Abyssal (Special)

[Age]: Adult (11 years)

[Stage]: Adult-low-level

[Attribute]: Chaos (All-Elements available, Chaos is an independent element as well)

[Body Physique]: 179.22

[Senses]: 179.22

[Gaseous Abyssal Energy]: 634.2/634.3 (Regn.<1 AE = 5 sec>)

[Current Abyssal Skills/Magic]: Chaos Abyssal Black Sun (primitive), Chaos Abyssal Energy Claws (primitive), Chaos Aura Style (primitive), Soul Attraction Force (primitive), |

[Current Passive Abyssal Skills/Magic]: Chaos Fear Aura (primitive), |



I added some easter eggs (from other stories, animes) and memes throughout this chapter as well.

I'm looking forward to seeing if you guys are able to find them. 😄

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