
The First Demon Diablo

[The Synopsis will be rewritten into a real one instead of the text below] As a 65-year-old man with a well-built/fit body, blue eyes, and a handsome appearance for his age, is sitting on a chair in a hut that is situated in a forest with a river nearby and a large field of grass as well as a village two kilometers away. While watching TV, the old man could not help but shake his head. "*Sigh*... It seems that the government still plans on going to war, but this time it will be devastating as they will employ nuclear weapons." In other words, a nuclear war. He couldn't help but mutter "I guess the company that I worked so hard for and that has supported my family for over a decade will crumble to dust tomorrow or today..." His main emotion wasn't sadness, but rather a sense of unwillingness to let his work crumble. He did not really feel more than that, except for pity for his family and grandchildren since their future looked bleak. "It's quite fortunate for me to die before that damn nuclear war begins." Seeing his device to the right of his room, he realized that his heart would stop at any moment. That's why he got up to go outside rather than stay in bed and die like all the other old men. Upon exiting the door and walking to the river, he noticed a bright light in the distance and was blinded by it as he laughed. lol, I guess I will get a Guinness World Record Award for having witnessed a nuclear bomb explode right before my death. "Heh, what a beautiful sight. HahahahahHAHAHAHAHA....!!!" And then the shockwave arrived as well as the heatwave of atomic radiation that engulfed him as his vision went dark. It is unknown whether he died from the shockwave or his heart attack first... ————————————————————— A variety of political reasons led every country in the world to join the war after his death. Nevertheless, they didn't realize that irreversible damage had already been done to the planet beforehand, as climate change was already demonstrating. Hence, Earth blew up. In which a certain soul disappeared from time-space and resurfaced in the distant past. In an Abyssal Black Egg... As if such a thing were normal. ————————————————————— WARNING: -There will be GORE so if you're weakhearted then read at your own risk. -NO Harem (considered having 2, but noticed that it is unnecessary) -It's not a fanfic ————————————————————— P.S. The cover isn't owned by me P.S.2 The Cover got edited by me though ;D Discord link: https://discord.gg/bxsBWrTFvm

Ghost_Playing · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 007: Questions and Answers

[A total of 2 days later...]

"Urgh, I can't just wait for the demon and waste my time doing nothing while at it..."

I guess I will have to do something by asking the "Abyss", he thought.

"Sooo, ABYSS what happened to the demon after he touched the mid-level soul?"

[Abyss: The Adult Stage Demon has been transported to a different world through a summoning.

This currently isn't too uncommon yet it is rare to happen as demons haven't been active for a long time and haven't become widely known, yet.]

"Okay!! So how long do I have to wait until he returns?"

[Abyss: As the time difference between the Abyss and the "Outside" is 1 to 365 it will take 1 day in the Abyss for 1 year to pass for the "outside" which means that you most likely won't need to wait too much longer for him to reappear.]

"Does that mean if an Infant Stage Demon were to evolve "outside" into an Adult Stage Demon that it would take them 1,065,800 years to finish evolving!?"

[Abyss: Yes and No. Theoretically, all demons evolution till the Peak Adult Stage takes exactly 8 years no matter which TIME ZONE they are currently at.

Though, it can happen if they enter a world or multiverse that has a slower TIME ZONE than the Abyss and Heaven where time is orienting itself.

In this case, they would take much longer than usual.]

'Okay, that's a relief.' Diablo thought

"By the way, you said that the Adult Stage Demon was summoned but you didn't say what he does over there."

[Abyss: After being summoned a Demon would sign a contract with its summoner in which they gain the ability to fulfill any wish the summoner might have through an equivalent exchange.

This means that if enough souls were available, they could manifest anything without even knowing its composition nor any prior knowledge of whatever it is.

Though they can change the true price of the souls needed in the contract to make their own gains.]

"What happens in the case that the summoner wants a physical task or help from the Demon?"

[Abyss: They can set the price themself in that case.]

"So can Demons also fulfill any wish through an equivalent exchange for themselves?"

[Abyss: No, they can't. Though, they can only make items with souls if they know how to make them.]

"Am I restricted to this as well and can those items be biological?"

[Abyss: You aren't but you can if you know about the composition of the item.

As for biological items, they can be made.

Since anything can be constructed through souls, so you don't have to worry as souls are an Omniversal Energy that can be used for anything.]

*ಠ_ಠ* (💡)

"What if I get knowledge through equivalent exchange? Does that mean I can also know knowledge from the future and the past?"

[Abyss: ....]

'?' Diablo was confused as to why it was taking so long for it to answer.

Even so, it still answered in the end.

[Abyss: Yes you can do that.]

"Can other Demons do that as well?"

[Abyss: No they can't. They will have to figure it out themselves through experiments, research, or stealing knowledge.

As for you, you can only get knowledge through equivalent exchange because you are the core of the Abyss. That way you are always connected to the future, past, and present.]

"What do you mean with me being the Core of the Abyss?"

[Abyss: It means that you can't die or get your soul wounded in any way.

As well as you already being the Ruler of the entire Demon Race.]

"And what does it mean for me to be the Ruler of the entire Demon Race?"

[Abyss: It means that you are the Father of all Demons as you are the First Demon.]

'Is that supposed to be good or bad?' Diablo thought

"But how am I the First Demon when there are already other Demons that were born earlier and are older than me?"

[Abyss: You are the first Demon to exist. Therefore, even if you hatched later than them as a result of taking longer, that does not mean that they are older than you.

If you truly want to know your age then you would be:

One Centillion and 1 Second years old.]

(╯°□° ╯)(❗)


[Abyss: The Abyssal Black Destruction Egg just took that long to hatch since it had to wait for the Abyss to evolve and develop properly, until it could run by itself, collecting sinner souls throughout the Omniverse and torturing them to obtain their soul energy in a parallel Abyss where they are stored and used.

Because of this, we also needed to create other Demons to develop ourselves, by using you as an orientation for the Sub-demons, since you were the Main Demon.

That is also why you are the Father of All Demons.]

"So you're telling me that I'm also the Mother of All Demons!?"

[Abyss: Theoretically, yes. Since you are not limited by gender and can change into whatever you want.

Though a male demon physique is superior in the physical aspects and can therefore output more power, that means the female demon physique can be inferior or equal depending on how it is built.

In other words, if you change your gender without changing your body structure, then you would still have the same physical strength and output.

But you don't have to worry since they were born in the Abyss which would mean that the Abyss is their mother in your human knowledge.]

'...' Diablos mind ended up going blank after hearing this

"S-So are you my w-wife now, Abyss?"

[Abyss: No. You are not. As we ourselves are just an Omniversal Realm that is constantly expanding alongside the Omniverse.]


"Am I still the Father of All the Demons then?"

[Abyss: Yes.]

"..." (😐)

"Alright, I will stop asking questions and start waiting for the Adult Stage Demon before I die from shock"

[A total of 10 days later...]

As he was staring with a blank look at the ground where the Adult Stage Demon disappeared, as usual, he noticed that the Portal seemed to be reappearing.

'Let's see what he has been doing over there' Diablo thought

After the Portal with the Pentagram reappeared. Nothing happened.

Though, after a while, a heavily wounded Peak Stage Demon came out of it that seemed to be heavily weakened as his Abyssal Energy reserves were depleted.

Where he afterward summoned a round object in which he sent his remaining Abyssal Energy, through which dozens of souls came out and were devoured by the demon.

As a result, his Abyssal Energy reserves started refilling completely as his grave injuries began healing faster than they originally were.

In that short moment, Diablo moved ahead and got out of his cave as he "walked" in front of the Peak Stage Demon.

Though the Peak Stage Demon instantly sensed him and became wary as he waited for his injuries to heal, he asked in a hoarse voice.

"W-What do you, urgh... want...?"

He stuttered as his injuries flared up for a second as they healed a major part of his nerves. This caused his sense of pain to rise beyond his pain tolerance for a moment.

"Well..., I want to know what the round object is and where you ended up after you passed through the portal as well as your activities over there and how you got so badly injured."

"In other words, I want to know everything"

"All for the cheap price of me letting your pathetic life go..." Diablo said

Though, the Peak Stage Demon just became more apprehensive since Diablo looked frightening with the weird aura that surrounded him so that's why it shouted at him and asked

"Why would I believe you anyway!?"

As he became ready to attack Diablo since he thought he could at least take him down with himself or get out of there alive despite his injuries if he is careful enough, he got overwhelmed with fear as Diablo appeared right next to him and took the head of the demon with his hand as he smashed him into the ground before the demon could react.


Both remained quiet for a while as one could see that the Peak Stage Demon was quite panicked as despite being injured, it should have been stronger than him from the Aura it perceived of Diablo who was still an Adult Stage Demon.

So it couldn't understand how it wasn't even able to react when Diablo moved.

"Do you want to start talking or should I rip out your....injured soul?" Diablo said, with a little confusion in his voice as he hadn't seen a Demon with an injured soul, yet.

As he asked this, the demon gave up for now, as it waited for its injuries to heal.

"Ask, what you wish to know..." the Peak Stage Demon said while it waited for a favorable moment to appear after its injuries healed.

"So, why is your soul injured?" Diablo asked the Peak Stage Demon

"This happens when you die 'outside' of the Abyss and get revived in the Abyss through the Ouroborus Mark, though if your soul is destroyed or purified before you get taken back into the Abyss then you'll be stuck or directly die 'outside'.

Though, you will be able to heal it again through devouring souls. So while you are injured at the soul level, you will only be able to use 50-80% of your Abyssal Energy properly.

As for your physical body... that depends on how you died."

The Peak Stage Demon said after thinking for a while

(Ouroborus Mark, Picture Here)

'ABYSS does this apply to me as well?'

[Abyss: No.

Only your physical body would be injured as your Abyssal Soul would be completely fine.]

"Do I have to die to return to the Abyss?" Diablo asked

Though, after asking this the Demon looked at him like the question was dumb.

"Have you never been through a portal before?" asked the Peak Demon in confusion while looking at Diablo who was supposed to be an Adult Stage Demon.

As confused as the Peak Stage Demon was, Diablo replied, "Uh, no?"

As he waited for his injuries to heal, he came to a reasonable conclusion and asked.

"Are you perhaps a newly evolved Adult Demon? Since all Adult Stage Demons should have come across a Portal once in a while."

"Well, anyway. So you don't need to die to return to the Abyss. Instead, you can either fulfill the Abyssal Contract OR just go back by willing it after killing your summoner in one way or another.

Though that doesn't mean that you have to be contracted to stay 'outside' of the Abyss.

Since you could just fight the worlds repulsion with your Abyssal Energy until it becomes too strong BUT in some worlds standards you could practically stay forever if the world is on a higher stage than our current strength or stage." said the Peak Stage Demon

(Abyssal Contract, Picture Here)

"Alright, so what did you do and how did you die over there?" asked Diablo


"Well... I was summoned by some cult who sacrificed 10.000 people for a Mid-Level-Soul that they did not know existed.

Where I afterward made a contract with them with additional souls. As part of the contract, I was supposed to take care of the holy empire that these people were enemies of.

In addition, I would also give them an item so that they could hide from other enemies.

However, I made the condition that I would only do it 8 years later, which they agreed to.

Having evolved through eating the Mid-level Soul, I went on to destroy the holy empire in those 2 years, earning many souls.

Though I was a bit hasty and probably shouldn't have attacked the capital as my first target.

But I was too attracted to it as that was where most people were located. Therefore, after killing a few people my main target appeared, the saint and ruler of the holy empire.

So I ended up fighting a tough battle with him and before I could kill him, he self-destructed with his holy sword, like an idiot.

Which caused me to die before I could reap more souls..." explained the Peak Stage Demon

"So what about the round object you summoned earlier where a lot of souls were stored?" Diablo asked after taking a millisecond to process all the new information

"It's the Abyssal Soul Container that every demon gets when they go out of the Abyss for the first time.

As for how I can summon it out of nowhere...

Apparently, it isn't a physical object, and that's why Demons store it in their souls and can also summon it so easily.

Though, I used them at the end to heal my own soul..."

Said the Peak Stage Demon as he grumbled with a hint of annoyance at the end of his explanation.

(Abyssal Soul Container, Picture Here)

"Hmm, alright that's it then I guess."

Said Diablo, as before the Demon could react he firmed his grip on the head of the Peak Stage Demon and threw him away like a ball as he flew several hundred kilometers before landing on the ground.

"Well, I guess he will have a traumatic memory after this since I swear that I saw him screaming for a second due to the sudden shock of my unexpected action. "


"Alright I will have to wander the Abyss again to find a new portal, since just being here and hunting like a mad demon (literally) is kinda boring.

Even if I started to enjoy ripping their organs and eyeballs out of their body while they beg me to let them live..."

And so began Diablos Bizarre Adventure in finding his new beloved portal and toy...

[To be continued...]


Author Note:


(If you can't see the PICTURES then please go to the Auxilary Chapters. IF you still can't see it THEN join my DISCORD SERVER

Discord Server link:

https://discord.gg/bxsBWrTFvm )

Other Demons have slower regeneration and worse evolution adaptations than Diablo by a huge margin.

Though their regeneration and adaptations, speed would be the best in any multiverse without a doubt. (Yeah, even better than Angels. They too take much longer to evolve and adapt. Their regeneration too can't keep up with the demons. Though they have other advantages.)

I'm a huge fan of resident evil and I kinda thought that "Custom Made Demon King" didn't make use of it properly so that's why I wanted to make it better in my own novel

As for the items and knowledge, well...

They cost a lot, so they won't appear any time soon. (At least the OP items artifacts or knowledge, though he will use it if it isn't too expensive so that he can save up enough souls for the good stuff.

Yes, he will use it most of the time for the long term BUT that doesn't mean he won't use it if it is convenient)

Lastly, English is my 4th language so I always need to rethink it from my main language to translate it into English which always takes longer than I'd like it.

(1st German, 2nd Bosnish, 3rd Arabic, 4th English, 5th and a little Spain)

As for my grammar...

Well, tell me honestly what you think.


Current Status:


[Name]: Diablo

[Race]: Demon

[Bloodline]: Chaos Demon

[True Demon Name]: Diablo Xiodo Tadren Alucard Landisher... Ramos Osiris

[Title]: First Demon,

[State Of Being]: Mortal

[Soul Stage]: Abyssal (Special)

[Age]: Adult (11 years)

[Stage]: Adult-low-level

[Attribute]: Chaos (All-Elements available, Chaos is an independent element as well)

[Body Physique]: 179.22

[Senses]: 179.22

[Gaseous Abyssal Energy]: 634.2/634.2 (Regn.<1 AE sec>)

[Current Abyssal Skills/Magic]: Chaos Abyssal Black Sun (primitive), Chaos Abyssal Energy Claws (primitive), Chaos Aura Style (primitive), Soul Attraction Force (primitive), ]

[Current Passive Abyssal Skills/Magic]: Chaos Fear Aura (primitive),



I added some easter eggs (from other stories, animes) and memes throughout this chapter as well.

I'm looking forward to seeing if you guys are able to find them. 😄

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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