
The First DemiGod

Koa Alvin is a bastard son from the city of Axefall. He was treated very poorly. He wanted to become stronger in a world where the strong thrive. Koa was sent in to his first battle where he died. He met someone allowing him to return but more than what he once was. Follow Koa as he becomes something else within the world of Desolaverunt. This is the Discord sever that I will be using: https://discord.gg/UBwXv3K7Mf Send a message at me if you see a mistake that you think will needed to be fixed. This is my first book so I don't mind criticism but make it where it will allow me to learn from my mistakes. By no means am I a amazing book writer that makes no mistakes, English is my first language and I still suck at it. Each chapter will consist of a thousand words so, don't imagine long chapters. This will allow me to post at least once a week. The post day will be Sunday morning. If more people want chapters I will try to post more on Wednesdays of the week but it will depend on you guys.

Koakiki_2000 · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 18

The trio instantly span around with their weapons drawn. What they saw made the tremble with fear so much that they couldn't even have a chance to hide it. Their faces began to pale with the fear until they snapped out of the trance by Koa.

"Well, as you can see I wasn't just spouting off bullshit. Haha" Koa sneered.

The trio didn't even turn to reply to Koa's comment they were merely staring at the dark figure before them. It was as if death itself had descended and was staring them in the eyes. While the trio was staring into the eyes of the figure; Koa decided to see if any information about this creature was available.

'Inspection' Koa chanted in his head.

*Shadow pup is the child version of Shadow Wolves - which both are magic beasts*

[Name: -None-]

[ Race: Shadow Wolf -Elder- ]

[Age: -Unknown-]

[Title: The Eldest of the Pack]


Life Points: 1078 / 1080

Mana Points: 115/230

Stamina: 200/250

Strength: -Unknown-

Dexterity: -Unknown-

Intelligence: -Unknown-

Constitution: -Unknown- ]

[Skills: -Unkown-]

[Unique Skills:

Eye's of the First Fallen]

'Ummm. Well, that is not good. I have been able to read everything's stats, since I got the skill. So, this must mean that this Shadow Wolf is a lot stronger than me.' Koa thought

The trio began to overcome their fears and began to discuss what their next move is to get out of this predicament.

"Shit. Okay Vex you get its attention, Lix you prepare to strike when it is focused on Vex and I will prepare a path of escape." Yeo

"What do you mean get its attention? And you clear a path what shit is that. Are you just trying to run away?" Vex

"I agree with Vex why do we have to fight it. So, I think I should clear a path instead." Lix

"I just think that is better for us this way. I have the weakest strength so I can't fight it head on, and I'm to slow to sneak up on it." Yeo

"You may be slow, but how is it fair that only we fight, and you get a chance to run away." Vex

The trio began to doubt their companions' words all of them began to prepare to run away and who ever was the slowest would have to fight the Shadow Wolf. They all looked in different directions seeing easy pathways that would led them away from the camp site.

"Now" Yeo said.

All tthree of them split into different directions, leaving Koa and the girl behind. To the surprise of Koa and the girl the Shadow Wolf left and followed the one that went to the left. Koa remained cautious incase there was a remaining wolf lingering in the shadows. Koa no longer remained tense when a familiar blue word appears in front of him.

[Feral Instincts: No longer sense any shadows looking toward you or that remain in a 90-foot radius of you.]

A ways away from Koa's Campsite to the North

A human was running for their life as the sounds of twigs and leaves break followed. This human was Vex, he ran to the north, as Lix ran southwest, and Yeo ran east. Vex had the feel that the creature had chosen him over his two 'colleagues'. He felt like cursing wonder why he was chosen over the other two. As Vex began to run out of breath, his footing began to become rather erratic. As result of this he fell face first onto the ground, after he triped over a tree root. Do to the fall he twisted his leg which dislocated his knee making his shin and foot looking backwards. The pain was over wheling even with adreamlin.

"Ahhhhh" Vex screamed out as he span his leg back to the correct position but it just remained lose

He felt like his leg could spin in a complete circle now, but his fear for his life over to the worries about his leg and staggered to his feet and began limping away.

To the southwest of Koa's Campsite

Lix was running for her life as well, but there was no pressure from the strong creature like before. She was relived by this, but she wasn't safe like she thoughts she was. Because you should always the things that you can't see. She began to slow down to catch her breath.

When she was least expecting it a Shadow pup dashed out of the bushes and its claws caught onto her upper thigh.

"Ahh. Fuckiong dog." Lix said as she tried to swing her dagger at the wolf. The attack missed but drove off the wolf.

It wasn't a deep wound, but it caused her to be completely vigilant after that. So, she began to move again to try to gain some more distance from the wolves.

To the east of Koa's Campsite

Yeo was running, but in a different manner than the rest he was running following trails of other creatures in the area. He did this in hoping they would lose he trail because of all the other creatures that he was following. He was using almost all his skills in order to follow trails of the creatures of Ingran Forest.

He didn't stop he was moving constantly; he was afraid that he would still be able to be followed by the Shadow Wolf. The constant moving around had caused his body to be worn out and have no chance of restoring any of his stamina. His breathing became more ragged as the further he ran.

Back to the North.

Vex was staring with the creature that caused the three of them to tremble in fear.

"Why did you choose me!?" Vex yelled.

The Shadow Wolf dashed toward Vex. Vex ready to die raised his blade to try to hurt or kill the Shadow Wolf the dash toward him. The blade penetrated something, but the eventuality did not stop his death. His head was taken from his body. When his head less corpse slumped to the ground; the Shadow Wolf let out a violent howl that shook the forest.

Thanks for reading as well as the power stones. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Koakiki_2000creators' thoughts