
The First DemiGod

Koa Alvin is a bastard son from the city of Axefall. He was treated very poorly. He wanted to become stronger in a world where the strong thrive. Koa was sent in to his first battle where he died. He met someone allowing him to return but more than what he once was. Follow Koa as he becomes something else within the world of Desolaverunt. This is the Discord sever that I will be using: https://discord.gg/UBwXv3K7Mf Send a message at me if you see a mistake that you think will needed to be fixed. This is my first book so I don't mind criticism but make it where it will allow me to learn from my mistakes. By no means am I a amazing book writer that makes no mistakes, English is my first language and I still suck at it. Each chapter will consist of a thousand words so, don't imagine long chapters. This will allow me to post at least once a week. The post day will be Sunday morning. If more people want chapters I will try to post more on Wednesdays of the week but it will depend on you guys.

Koakiki_2000 · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 17

"Hmm. I guess you weren't lying when you said you were followed here, but I'm guessing they don't know what they did in this forest though." Koa said while looking straight at the girl.

The tri thought Koa was just trying to act tough, but they don't have the same skill Koa as.

[Feral Instincts has picked up a shadow that is much stronger than you. The mere presence causes you to feel fear.]

'Well, I am pretty sure that the strong creatures don't come close to the edge of the forest because not as many creatures live on the edge, which would affect their ability to get food. So, the only reason something would affect my Feral Instincts as a warning would be they did something to piss off a powerful creature and brought it straight to me.' Koa

"Boy if you don't heed to my words you will have to pay with your life; I am trying to give you a chance." Yeo said with an indifferent look on his face.

'The arrogance of the younger people is getting worse they probably think that the world is just for their taking, but they are very mistaken.' Yeo thought.

"It's not that I am not heed to your words, but how can I trust your word to not stab me in the back as I leave. If you think I would blindly trust you, you would be mistaken. Only fools and idiots would blindly follow or trust the words of a man." Koa said with a smile.

"Are you insulting me now brat? Saying that I am untrust worthy because you never met me before." Yeo

'I am going to kill this brat and feed he corpse to the wolves.' Yeo

"Well since you are fools that don't know what you have done in the forest why would I trust you. If you knew what you did you would have thought twice before doing it, but since you are a bunch of dimwits I have chosen not to trust you." Koa

'What we did in the forest? Why would that matter what we did?' The trio thought

"What are you talking about boy, what have we done in the forest that would cause you to not trust us." Vex

"Well, since you understand let me tell you that there aren't any wolves in this part of the forest." Koa

"I think you're the one that's the idiot, these are all wolves that we killed, even a child would know that." Lix

"You are wrong about that, in this part of the forest these 'wolves' are actually called Shadow pups. They are a similar species of wolves with a slight change in their anatomy causing them to be magic beast, but since they are so young they haven't fully developed how to use it. Though they are protected but one of their own that's very powerful and tends to how a grudge for life. As long as you are in the forest it will follow and track you down your smell." Koa

"Boy stop spouting of nonsense, there are no magic beasts with in Ingran forest. There are only normal species here and if there was magic beast there would have been territorial markers everyone knows that." Yeo.

"Well in normal case that would be the cause, but since there has never been magic beasts within the forest why would they have to mark their territory. For all we know this entire forest could be their territory, but mainly reside in this side of the forest." Koa

"I am tired of listening to your excuses…." Vex

All of a sudden around the small camp crunches of leaves and twigs became more apparent. The noise was coming from all sides of the camp. Koa, the girl and the trio began to look in the direction of the noises.

"Where are they I can't see anything" Lix said while turning her head from side to side.

"Hey, Yeo can you see anything!" Vex

"No there is nothing but darkness around us." Yeo

"So then where are the noises coming from." Lix

"That noise you idiots its the very thing I was telling you about. Actions have consequences, hopefully you can afford to pay it." Koa

"Shut up brat if this is you group doing this then you should make them stop or we will kill you." Yeo said.

"As much as I wish I could do this its definitely not me. So all shouldn't be looking towards me." Koa said while their trio was facing him.

As Koa was looking towards the trio, a black figure began to creep out from the forest from behind them. Koa locked eyes with the creature; Its foot steps made no sound as if everything around it had went deaf. Its eyes looked as if it could pierce through your soul and set it ablaze. Koa face remained unmoved, but his insides felts as if they were screaming to run away. Due to his Feral Instincts skill this affect was amplified by enormous amount. If you were a creature with a sensitive nose you could almost smell the fear that Koa saw as when he looked into the eyes of the figure. The figure had almost no distinct features it could be noticed it merely looked like a shadowy blob that had sharp yellow eyes. The eyes look as if they were read to set the world on fire. Koa didn't know if it was due the anger that the trio caused the beast or if the beasts' eyes naturally looked like this. The figure continued to move forward as it began to draw closer the trio. When the creature was about twenty feet away it let out a low growl, that almost sounded like rubbing to stoned together.

"Grrrrr arrrr." The sound the figure made.

The trio instantly span around with their weapons drawn. What they saw made the tremble with fear so much that they couldn't even have a chance to hide it. Their faces began to pale with the fear until they snapped out of the trance by Koa.

Thanks for reading. As well as the power votes it helps me keep motived when making more chapters.

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