

"Good morning Ms. Hensley..." the dean greeted as I walk in the dean's office.

"Good morning sir..." I bowed my head a little as a sign of respect to our dean.

"Have a sit." he pointed the chair in front of his table. So I sat on there.

"Is there a problem...sir?" i asked. confused.

"I have received something..." he said as he handed me an envelope. "You open it..." with my shaking hands... I slowly opened it. There's three pictures to be exact inside the envelope. My eyes widened when I realized what it was. It was a picture from a CCTV footage from the chemistry laboratory! yesterday!

"W-what..." I couldn't say anything. I'm lost for words. I feel terrified when in fact I'm the victim on this one!

"You know that Meredith is an elite...right?" he asked. I swallowed before nodding. "And you know that... you were involved in that scandal?"

"I'm sorry sir but... what scandal?" I asked. he sighed before looking at me.

"You're a scholar... you're smart. You know that getting involved into something that will ruin your image as a scholar can affect you.." he explained. "So..."

"So you are saying that... I'm going to lose my scholarship just because of that incident...sir?" I said, nearly crying. "I'm sorry sir but... I wasn't responsible for that trouble... how come I'll lose my scholarship just because of that? when in fact they were the one who bullied me... they played me..." I lowly said.

"Ms. Hensley... I'm sorry but the elites made the decision."

"That fast? that only happened yesterday!" I couldn't help it anymore. This is so unfair. "I didn't do something wrong... I took care of this scholarship. I can't lose it. please sir..." I begged with my bloodshot eyes.

"I also don't want this to happen. But they made me do it. Hope you will understand. I'm sorry Ms. Hensley. Please find a new University. They gave you 2 weeks to transfer." he said as he stood up from his seat before fixing his coat. "You may go back to your class now..."

I didn't talked to anyone that day. I was dumfounded... it felt unreal. I feel so hurt. how can I go back to school? I couldn't afford it. I'm broke. It is my last year already! why did I let this happen! I cried as I walk my way home. It suddenly rained. I didn't even bother to use my umbrella that's inside my bag. I just cried as I walk and walk.. I'm already wet.

What am I going to do... I lost my scholarship. Losing my scholarship means I'll lose my home too. Where will I sleep... I don't have anyone... I only have Ella... I stopped walking when I felt something covered me. He put his jacket on my shoulder as he was holding an umbrella.

"I have my umbrella..." I said as I started walking again.

"You'll get sick..." he said as he stood beside me. Covering me with the umbrella he was holding.

"What now? you're here again..." I said as I cried more. "I just lost everything... when in fact I didn't do anything wrong..."

"I'll talk to the elites." I shook my head.

"No. You can just leave me alone. Aren't you done playing with me?" I bit my lip as I avoid his gaze. "I hope I didn't trust you.."

"You don't say that to me heather..."

"Then sorry. what am I gonna do? I'm just a poor nobody. I can't do anything about my right, especially with those of you who are an elite."

"Don't bring that up... don't you ever bring that up." he sounded mad now.

"You're the one who's mad now huh?" I said as I wipe my tears away. I removed his jacket as I shove it into his hands. "You're the one who's mad at me now? you have everything Adan! you have everything already. so stop it already."

"Get over here heather... you are getting wet." I shook my head.

"Stop this... you're making it hard for me." I begged. for the sake of my heart...

"You are making this hard for us.."

"No... you played me Adan. What do you expect me to do? act like nothing happened? act like you didn't do something wrong that could hurt me?" I shook my head.

"I know that... I'm sorry heather...." he begged.

"Then you're forgiven. Just leave me alone already..." I sighed.

"Heather... come on. Don't be like this..."

"Adan... you're confusing me.." I said lowly. He walked towards me.

"Stop running away from me.." he said as he tucked some strand of hair on my ear. I looked away.

"You always confuse me... you always play with my feeling..." I said I tried to stop my tears from falling again.

"I am not playing with you heather... stop crying now..." he stroked my back as he lead me close to his chest.

"I lost my scholarship... I will lose my home too..."

"I will help you..."

"There is no use Adan..." I said. he sighed before looking at me.

"Can you come with me first? the rain is getting heavier as we argue here. We'll get sick." He said as he lead the way to his car. I didn't notice that he has his car with him.

And here I am again. After losing everything... I'm with him again...trusting him again.

"Wear this..." he said as he handed me a new shirt. I shook my head.

"Just take me home..." I said.

"Don't be so difficult now. You'll get sick." I sighed before I took the shirt from him. I glared at him when he remained staring.

"What? turn around now." I said. He shyly nodded before looking away.

"The windows are tinted..." he said.

"I know..." as said.

"Cover your eyes now. please?" he pouted before doing what I've said.

"Can you take me home now?" I asked. he sighed before nodding.

Dead air invaded us as he drive me home. When we arrived..

"How about your shirt..." I asked

"All yours," I pouted. Yeah, he's rich so he can just buy a new one.

"I'll go now.."

"Uhm heather.." he stopped me. I looked at him. "Are you going to work tonight?"

"Of course. I need to earn more money Adan." I smiled. "Drive safely. Thanks for the ride." I said as I closed the door.