

"Heather..." Ella stood up as I opened the door. "You are a bit wet.. wait." she said as she walks toward the bathroom to get me a towel.

"Thank you Ella.." I said as she handed me a towel so that I could fry myself up.

"What happened..." she asked lowly.

"Are you fine... living alone here?" I whispered.

"What do you mean?" she asked with confusion. I looked at her straight in her eyes. She shook her head as if she knew what I meant already. "Oh no... no, d-don't tell me..."

"Ella... I'm getting kicked out..." I said with my bloodshot eyes. "I only got two weeks..."

"How... n-no. If you're getting kicked out... Then I will transfer with you!" I shook my head.

"Look... I got no money, I'm broke, I don't have a house to sleep into... I don't want you to experience this too. Ella... we've been through a lot.. you've been through a lot."

"But we are sisters..." she sobbed.

"We will always be... me moving out won't cut the ties between us," I walked towards her as I hugged her tight. she cried more. "I will always be here... I will just move out..."

"It's not just about that! why would they do that to you! I know... I know that you didn't do something! you were always kind to everyone... why.. why would they do that when you deserve all the good things in this word!" she shouted as she hugged me tighter. I closed my eyes to stop myself from crying. but I failed.

"you will be okay here...right?" I asked her. she didn't answer.

"Stop worrying about other people heather... worry about yourself this time." she said. "Cry on me this time.. I haven't had the chance to comfort you. You were always the one who stops me from crying... now, let me be the one who you'll cry on." she said making me cry more.


Even though I was carrying a heavy load inside my head, I still had to go to work.

nobody was at the store when I got to the store except for Anna who I will replace.

"Good evening Heather." she greeted. I smiled at her.

"I'll take your place. You can go home now though.." I said. she thanked me before walking out of the counter.

My mind was blank... I feel empty. I stared blankly outside the window. the rain is pouring outside. The sound of the chime caught my attention. Jayvee walked in with an umbrella on his hand.

"Hey," I greeted.

"Hey, good evening." I nodded at him. "Where's that clingy guy you work with?" he chuckled.

"Oh.. you mean Adan?" I asked.

"Yeah, that football guy,"

"He didn't go to work..." I said as I check my watch. He is one hour late already. think he won't go to work.

"I see, I'll grab something..." he said before walking out of my sight. After a few minutes he came back holding two baskets full of chocolates and chips. There was no beer. this time..

"That's a lot. where's your beer?" I asked him. He chuckled before turning his glance at me.

"Nobody needs a beer now.." he smiled. A hint of sadness was evident in his eyes. What happened?

"Alright..." I said as I scanned the goods. "Are you going to eat all of this?" I asked him.

"No. I will donate it." I looked at him while I was a bit shocked.

"Donate?" I asked. He nodded before sighing.

"I donate it to the oldies." He answered. "I always visit nursing homes. Last time... I always buy beer because Larry asked for it." he chuckled.

I did not realize that Jayvee and I were already sitting outside and talking.

"who is Larry?" I asked him as I sipped on my coffee.

"Larry is an eighty-nine years old man. I met him there when we donated some stuffs. He was sitting alone near the fountain. I talked to him... he told me he had a grandson. But he could no longer see him because he was old. I asked him... 'why don't you want to see him?' he said.. he didn't want to. Because he did not want to hurt his grandson when he'll pass away." he closed his eyes as if something is haunting him.

"Where is Larry now?" I asked him lowly.

"He... passed way." He sighed. "Just this morning..."

"I'm sorry for that."

"I felt bad for him. He didn't have anyone when he died. He was alone. I wanted him to know that he wasn't. I am his friend. I became his friend..." I stared at him as tears slowly trickled down his swollen eyes. I didn't know what to do... I stood up as I stroke his back.

"Maybe Larry is in good hands now. don't you think?" I asked him.

"Maybe he is..."

"I'm pretty sure that he is watching you from here. Maybe he's thanking you for being a good friend. Maybe he is thanking you for sneaking some beer for him." I said which made him laugh a bit.

"I won't forget about him..." he said.

"He won't forget you too." I said.

"I don't wanna grow old like Larry." He said. I looked at him. "He was alone... "

"There's nothing wrong about being alone." I said.

"Yeah, but being alone is sad. Lonely,"

"Oh. yeah, you got a point." It is sad being alone. I'm really thankful that I had Ella by my side as we grew older. "Don't you think it's late? you should go home now..."

"Yeah, sorry for wasting your time here." He said.

"You didn't. silly,"

"I'll go now..." he said.

"Take care! drive safely!" I said as I wave my hand at him.

I sat there for a few more minutes. Until I felt someone sitting next to me. I was shocked to see Adan. he looked tired.

"I thought you won't go to work?" I asked him. he looked at me before placing an envelope on the table. "what's this?"

"Open it.." he said. my eyes widened as I opened the envelope.

"No way.. y-you didn't..." I said as tears started to form in my eyes.

"You deserve it." He said. I looked at the letter as I read it.

"Good day! Heather Hensley, we offer you a full scholarship here in University of St. Catherine for your outstanding grades! feel free to reach us out anytime this week for your confirmation." I cried. "This is an scholarship Adan..."

"Yes. I know.."


"I did it for you. You deserve it..."

Written on this 14th day of september. Above is Jayvee being a softie and Adan being late for work just to get a scholarship for heather. :)

happy 2.6k reads!

AyekiLeycreators' thoughts