

"Can I borrow your notes, Heather?" Cynthia asked. I nodded before handing it to her.

"Here.." I said.

"Uh, can you just give me that after class? on the chemistry lab?" she asked so I nodded. after that, she said goodbye so that she can go to her next class already. Until my class was over that day...I was bothered for what Meredith told me yesterday.

"Cynthia..." I called as I enter the laboratory. My forehead creased when I realized that nobody is in here. "There is no one... in here..." I whispered. I was about to turn my back when I saw a shadow on the left side of the laboratory.

"Cynthia... is that you? I got the notes here..." I said as I approached to where the shadow was. She told me earlier that I should go here... so where is she now? did I go to the wrong place-

"Hey Cinderella..." she mocked. How'd she know that? Adan's the only one who calls me that.

"Meredith..." I whispered as I put my notebook back on my bag. "Have you seen Cynthia?" I asked.

"Aww you sound so innocent. But dear... that wouldn't change the fact that you're a good ass pretending bitch."

"W-what?" I said. confused. "I don't know what you're talking about..." I said lowly.

"So as I was saying..." she smirked. I can't help but to worry. What will she do to me? "how is Adan... and you?" she asked as if she knows something is going on.

"We're just... colleagues," I sighed.

"Hmm, I thought you and Adan are friends. What happened now Cinderella?" a smile invaded her lips as she saw terror on my eyes. "What? are you freaked out?" she asked as she close the distance between us.

"W-what exactly are you doing? this is already bullying Meredith..." I said as fear invaded my system.

"What? bullying? I haven't touched nor hurt you yet. You're unbelievable." she laughed sarcastically.

"It's not just bullying. Verbal abuse... is also qualified as Domestic abuse. Incase you didn't know Meredith." I said while avoiding her gaze.

"Hmmm.. you think I care about the rules?" she arrogantly said.

"Do you have a problem with me?" I asked. she looked at me as she shook her head.

"No. you think I'm mad at you? no dear. I'm not. Why would I have a problem with you?"

"Look.. I'm sorry but I do not want to get in trouble..." I said as I look at my feet.

"Yeah. Stop acting now Cinderella. Doesn't suit you.." she said. I was about to walk away when she grabbed my arm harshly. "You don't walk out while I talk to you!"

"Calm down... let's talk then. Calmly..." I said.

"Stop seeing Adan," she demanded.

"Adan? we're not seeing each other." I swallowed when I remembered what Adan and I had talked about last night.

"Yeah? you are making him work! when he doesn't need to!" she yelled. I tried to look on the door but I saw Cynthia there. She's guarding the door as if someone will come and invade us.

"I... I didn't told him to work..." I sighed. I grabbed her hand lightly so that I could get out of her grip.

"Stop touching me!" she yelled as she slapped me. My eyes widened when I realized what just happened. She did hurt me... physically. "Don't you dare touch me you fucking bitch-"

The door slammed open and thenI saw Adan... he is sweating and gasping. Maybe he ran? Adan looked at me so I averted my eyes.

"What the fuck this this Meredith?" his baritone voice filled the room.

"What? you cheaters!" she shouted.

"You're fucked up. Stop dragging people down!" he shouted. He then glanced at me again. "Are you okay?"

"Do you think she's fine? of course she is! because you are here now! right Cinderella?" she smiled sarcastically as I remain teary eyed.

"I should go now.." I said as I walked out the room. I saw Cynthia outside... I closed my eyes shut as I ran. I felt the the hot liquid streaming down my face. I'm crying. I was bullied. I'm being bullied. should I do something about it?

"Heather!" I heard Adan. I ran even faster until I could get out of the gate. When I was about to cross, a hand stopped me.

"Don't t-touch me..." I said with my voice shaking.

"What happened..." he asked. Concern was evident in his eyes. I looked away as I wipe my tear away.

"You should've stayed there..." it's for the best. "Why are you even here..with me?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" he asked. "You're hurt."

"Don't worry.. I-I won't tell anybody.." I said as I sob.

"Stop crying..." he said as he walked towards me.

"I'm fine... you don't have to do anything. I won't talk. I promise y-you that." I only feel fear and pain. Afraid of losing my scholarship in case I talk about what happened, and pain because I do not know what to do if this will affect my future. it's violence...

"I'm sorry..." he looked away.

"What's with you huh?" I asked while I cry my heart out beside the busy road of Seattle. "You always play with me! you confuse me.. you always drag me in trouble which I do not deserve at all!" I cried more as he remained standing while staring at me.

"Let's get you home Cinderella-"

"N-no! I'm not Cinderella." I said while shaking my head. "My name is heather... I have a name.." I looked at my feet.

"Heather let's report them..." he suggested.

"I can't lose my scholarship Adan....I have nothing against those of you who are rich," I said as I gasp for air. I then smiled at him. "Please... let me out of this mess... stop playing my feelings... this is all about you. You dragged me into this."

"No! I can fix this. I'm sorry... just don't avoid me again heather..." he pleaded.

"What are you going to fix Adan? did you do something?" I asked him. He was about to talk when Meredith suddenly appeared.

"It was all a bet honey." she smirked while looking at me. "It was all a bet...your closeness with Adan.. everything-"

"STOP IT MEREDITH!" he shouted while Meredith laughed.

"What now Adan? tell her. You know I'm right, right?" I looked at Adan. He is staring at me.

Yeah. I was played by the playboy... and bullied. This is the worst day ever.