
The Final Player Ends Up In The Marvel World As A Store Owner

A meteor suddenly appears out of nowhere, but it cannot be detected by devices on earth. In the end the meteor fell in a forest, from the chunks of meteor rock finally a man's body was covered with scars. A bald woman appeared out of nowhere, after waiting for a while the man woke up, seeing the figure of the bald woman he first raised his eyebrows before letting out a long sigh. "Ancient One?" The man started the conversation. Note: Alright, before reading take a look at this first, English is not my first language, so I wrote using Translate, so if there is a mistake where the MC, namely Arya is a handsome and cool guy, she wrote that it was an error in Translate, the author wrote this novel to relieve stress, if writing this novel adds stress to the author, then the author will stop, maybe the author will fix it but not in the near future, so if you don't like this story, leave it!

Fabi_Dayu · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

12. Married

Arya then wakes up in the morning, looks around the room filled with the mess she made last night, with the lingering smell of sex, making Arya smile broadly.

"Uhm..." Looking at May made Arya smile warmly.

"Good morning."


"...You rendered me unable to move..."

"Well I told you no, I will make you beg to stop..."

"I guess I should find you another woman to help me deal with your lust..."

Arya immediately opened her eyes wide, she stared at May with a surprised face.

"...Why did you say that?"

"I don't want to be unable to move every morning because my legs are not strong enough to stand up... Therefore I want you to find another woman to help me satisfy you."


"What about that friend of yours? The one looking after Peter, he looks good, what's more... His thing is much bigger than mine... Have you ever done that with him?"

"No, it's my first time..."

"Really? If it's like that then I'm really happy, because it's also my first time."

"Stay here, I cleaned this room, and made you some food."

"Of course!"

Arya then started cleaning the room, after which she went to take a shower before finally preparing food for May and herself.

Then Arya brings the food to May, after which May eats Arya's cooking, where she is surprised that the food turns out to be so delicious.

"I didn't know you were good at cooking..."

"At my previous job, I traveled a lot, so having some skills in various fields is a must."

"I became very curious about your work…"

"Hehe... You'll find out later..."

Then Arya picked up Peter from Anna, at that time Anna was still not known as the owner of the Godghost company in the general public, except for a few elite people, so Arya could entrust Peter to Anna casually.

Arya's life continues, several more months pass, until finally Arya decides to make her relationship with May more serious, Arya proposes to May, it makes May very happy.

One month after Arya proposed to May, the two of them got married, their second wedding was attended by only a few guests, because May had few friends, but what May didn't expect, Arya would invite hundreds of people, who were her acquaintances in Hell's Kitchen and her subordinates who had been in prison. Matt and his friends, as well as Elektra also came there.

May also meets Anna there, she quickly becomes friendly with Anna, after that Arya stays with May, at Arya's house, but May and Peter can go to their house too.

May doesn't want to sell her house, because she has many memories there, and she intends to make her house Peter's when she grows up.

Arya still goes to the shop, several times she will meet Matt or Elektra from time to time.

Arya's life is full of happiness, but that happiness and serenity might eventually get a little disturbed from time to time, as eventually Tony will start to get out of his captive place.

"May, I'll be gone for the whole day tomorrow..."

"Hmm? Why? Do you have to go somewhere?"

"Yeah, my previous workplace had some problems, hence I need to come over to help, is that fine?"

"It's fine, but come back quickly..."

"Of course honey, Peter please watch your lips okay!"

"I will definitely look after Aunt, Uncle!"

"Hehe that's fine then."

(Note: Give Power Stone)