
The Final Player Ends Up In The Marvel World As A Store Owner

A meteor suddenly appears out of nowhere, but it cannot be detected by devices on earth. In the end the meteor fell in a forest, from the chunks of meteor rock finally a man's body was covered with scars. A bald woman appeared out of nowhere, after waiting for a while the man woke up, seeing the figure of the bald woman he first raised his eyebrows before letting out a long sigh. "Ancient One?" The man started the conversation. Note: Alright, before reading take a look at this first, English is not my first language, so I wrote using Translate, so if there is a mistake where the MC, namely Arya is a handsome and cool guy, she wrote that it was an error in Translate, the author wrote this novel to relieve stress, if writing this novel adds stress to the author, then the author will stop, maybe the author will fix it but not in the near future, so if you don't like this story, leave it!

Fabi_Dayu · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

13. Become an Angel

"Hey Uncle Arya!"

"Hey Peter! May!"

"Hmm? Where are you now?"

"I'm in Afghanistan, well this is my job, whenever there's a big enough Meteor that doesn't burn up in the atmosphere, I'll go there to check it, that's my job."

"Wow! Is that true Uncle! Can I when I grow up work at your place?"

"No Peter..."


"My job requires me to go places, like for example here, I need to be somewhere hot, this is not easy, don't you want to do research because of your love for Science and Technology?"

"Uhm you're right uncle..."

"Haah... Anyway, hurry back honey..."

"Of course honey, take care May! Peter!"

Arya was currently in the Desert, seeing the sand around her made Arya smile wryly, Arya then headed where she should have been.


Somewhere Tony Stark and Yinsen, in a rush by time, where both of them need to prepare Iron Mark One armor, but time is something that neither of them have.

"Tony! I'll hold them off! So hurry up and finish!"

Yinsen immediately left without hearing Tony's words, only with a gun, Yinsen shot blindly.

In the end Yinsen was killed by the terrorist squad, which was the Ten Ring's.

At the same time Tony came out with Armor Mark One, saw Yinsen's figure, making Tony very angry, he immediately shot at the Terrorists.

Arya who saw Tony's departure smiled broadly, then Arya went towards Yinsen, then Arya disappeared from there.


"Uh... Where am I?"

Yinsen looked around with a surprised face. Yinsen found that he was currently in a white room.



"You are dead!"

Yinsen wasn't too surprised by his death, but Yinsen was surprised to find himself in a strange white room with a handsome man with wide white wings.

"Are you an Angel?"



"I have two choices for you, die and become laborers in Hell, or live by carrying out your duties in the world?"

"Become a laborer in Hell?"

"Yes, being a worker without rest to rebuild Hell."

"Uhmm... If it revives?"

"You will have the ability to heal many kinds of ailments, which is your job to go around the world healing everyone who has a strange disease or injury, that's all you have to do forever."


"For the rest of your life, if you die when you're 100 years old, or maybe 200 years old, that's the rest of your life."

"Can I live 200 years?"

"Sure, as long as you train properly, you're capable of that much lifespan."

"Is that so..."

"So what's your choice?"

"I.... I want to save everyone I can!"

"Good, I will send you to someone who has also died and came back to life, that man can be said to be your senior, so you must respect him, he will teach you the ability to heal various diseases and injuries."


Yinsen's vision faded, instantly Yinsen fainted.


Yinsen opened his eyes again, he was surprised to find himself in a room, like an operating room, except there were no surgical instruments there.

"Are you awake Junior?"

Ah! Are you the person the Angel was referring to before?

"Yes, I'm your Senior, my name is Arya Black, I'll teach you the ability to heal injuries and illnesses, come on it's going to be very long..."

"Okay Seniors!"

(Note: Sorry for the delay, my big family came, I finally couldn't write a novel, so I can only do it tonight, anyway Give the Power Stone