
The Final Player Ends Up In The Marvel World As A Store Owner

A meteor suddenly appears out of nowhere, but it cannot be detected by devices on earth. In the end the meteor fell in a forest, from the chunks of meteor rock finally a man's body was covered with scars. A bald woman appeared out of nowhere, after waiting for a while the man woke up, seeing the figure of the bald woman he first raised his eyebrows before letting out a long sigh. "Ancient One?" The man started the conversation. Note: Alright, before reading take a look at this first, English is not my first language, so I wrote using Translate, so if there is a mistake where the MC, namely Arya is a handsome and cool guy, she wrote that it was an error in Translate, the author wrote this novel to relieve stress, if writing this novel adds stress to the author, then the author will stop, maybe the author will fix it but not in the near future, so if you don't like this story, leave it!

Fabi_Dayu · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

11. Godghost Company (18+)

Time went by, capitalizing on the money given by Arya, where Arya made the money with her abilities.

After that Anna started a company in the field of Science, Technology and Pharmacy. It only took a month for the company called Godghost to grow rapidly and become famous. In fact, in just a few weeks they had reached many other companies under them.

While Stark Industries continues to decline with Tony's disappearance, a new company called Godghost, even makes the government pay close attention to the company, not only that Shield even tries to find out about Godghost Company because the name is too eccentric.

While the world is busy with the Godghost Company, Arya is still living her life leisurely and peacefully in her little Shop, this time Arya is about to do something very important.

Yep, he's going on a date with May, so Arya has to leave Peter to Anna.

"Are you sure Peter will be all right?"

"Don't worry May, you see Peter's smile for yourself, he will be safe with my friend, what you need to worry about right now is..." Arya approached May, before finally whispering into May's ear.

"Can I hold myself, by not devouring you tonight."

Just as May blushed, she couldn't believe Arya would be so bold as to say that, it made May's heart skip a beat.

"Uuh... Shut up we're in a taxi..." May muttered pulling Arya away from her face.

Seeing that Arya smiled broadly, as a man Arya really liked the woman he loved was embarrassed, it made him feel like a really good man.


Arriving at their destination which is a five-star restaurant, Arya treats May as if she were a princess, which makes May even more embarrassed by Arya's attitude.

Then Arya took May to the top floor, the two then spent the night together while looking at the view of New York from above.

May was amazed by the beauty of the night in her city, then May turned her gaze to Arya, herself for the time being starting that day, she really fell in love with Arya.

After finishing eating, Arya took May home, but who would have thought that when they got to May's house, both of them remembered that Peter was not at home, May immediately turned her gaze to Arya.

"Uhm... Want a drink? I have some."

May invites Arya to have a drink, which Arya accepts kindly, the two then drink until midnight, at the end May seems not so conscious, so Arya picks May up and takes her to her room.

When Arya was about to leave May's room, a warm hand stopped her, making Arya stare at the person holding her hand.

"You're so stupid, I'm ready.... Don't you want to eat you?"

"You will regret what you did..." Arya immediately kissed May's pink lips.

The two of them kissed so intensely, Arya then cooked May's mouth open, then Arya put her tongue into May's mouth, which made May feel great pleasure.

Then Arya started groping the two hanging pieces of May's.


Arya then started to lower her hand to May's lower part, where she started to play May's very softly making May moan with pleasure.

"Aah! Stupid... Don't give me pleasure alone..." May then lowered her head, onto Arya's upright object.

Then May slowly began to take off Arya's pants, suddenly May saw a big warm object standing straight in front of her.

"Let me make you a pleasure too…"

May then put Arya's large object in her mouth, seeing May made Arya smile broadly, May first gently sucked Arya's, but after a few minutes May finally increased her strength, feeling that it had been long enough, Arya then spit out her white juice.

"I am out!"

"Blurps!" May then felt inside her mouth full of something warm.

Then May started to swallow everything, then May cleaned Arya's, she couldn't stand it anymore, Arya then held May on the bed, she then lifted May's dress, then took off May's panties.

Arya looked into May's eyes before finally inserting her large object slowly.

"Uuhh... Aaaaahhhh!"

"Relax... I will guide you..."

(Note: Give Power Stone)