
The Fear That Comes With Loving You

Lins388602 · Urban
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6 Chs

Allergic Senorita


Music in the soul can be heard by the universe

- Leonardo da Vinci

Times has deeply changed since  a summer ago. "Maybe one day my lips shall part onto you" noted music playing off my guitar as I hardly even noticed morning was coming or going again.My insomnia were onto me as my mind dwelled thoughtlessly through all my emotions, I had nothing not even him my thoughts were plagued at 02:33. Tears dripping to pillow as me and my teddy bear were laying down on my bed  with me playing my guitar.

A knock on my door entered my room unanswered, it's Taylor. "What're you doing Stella". Nothing much my she said but I could also see Stella was crying still and I didn't know what it was about or who the tears were for.Taylor changed the subject as he could see his sister didn't really want to talk about it, Stella have you slept at all last night " not really yet.

Do you want to sit next to me so he did but Taylor then took my guitar slowly out my grasps to place it against a old wooden chair next to my bed-cubburt. What are you doing, you need to rest Stella. My little brother stayed the hole morning next to me as my arms were rapted around his small framed body. His hair smelled like a flowery smell as moments turned to minutes. I started feeling sleep creeping in as my eyes stared feeling heavy. Deep down Taylor wondered  should I ask her what's wrong.

Morning rises ... with the dusk of dawn fading away, Taylor were still sleeping soundly in my bed. I got up out of bed and left him their for several moments to get in her morning routines. I felt the need to get to the kitchen because i had the morning munchies not knowing what embarrassing conversation were coming next and I can't lie my stomach were clashingly hungry, damn I could swear my stomach  was adopted just to eat. How am so skinny but eat so utterly much ... a laughter filled the air where's your head today weirdo keep quiet his sleeping. I had to place my hand on her mouth remembering Taylor were still asleep and  i didn't want to wake the peson who helped me sleep last night. I felt like I had to be a noiseless being like in those assassin's movie i loved watching but I also for some fact didn't like thriller movies so boring and unrelistic.

Quickly I had to tip toe out of there down the hall as I entered the kitchen and saw my parents having breakfast already. Morning sleepy head, I made  my way to the kitchen table placing her behind on a chair ... mornings mom .. dad. What haves you so blue dear, nothing much mom.

My father sat their minding his own business and then made us listen to him again the only why he could have done.Stella was it maybe you by chance who played those beautiful notes last night.For was that song for Stella. Your mother and I enjoyed it in the dark. Ewww Dad  ... mom. My mother started staring in my father's eyes, saying nothing but also saying everything with their eyes.

A knock like summer patted it's noise onto the door who is't I wondered as I walked towards our brownish door with animals incraved onto it of  Tiger's. Hi Bea-ly " Ok he had given me a weird nickname that made me always wander were he secretly saying I'm his bea "... hii Jake what are you doing here this early. Uhhm you do know it's 11:57 so technically I late Stella ... yeah right Jake. Stella did you sleep at all last night again. Yeah I was writing music. Jake stared his eyes to our floor, I heard you last night, I felt happy and embarrassed he had heard me. Stella if it's not a bother are you willing to go with me out.

Wait are you asking me on a date Jake Taylor! Maybe I'm Bea-ly ( again his weird nickname for me I could swear he does like me and so my hole day chanced ) I mean if you want to go. Yeah why not ... ( this had took a long time coming and I wished it times not so now I can't wait ).