
The Fear That Comes With Loving You

Lins388602 · Urban
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6 Chs

In My Blood


Imagine meeting someone who understood even the dustiest corners of your mixed up soul

I so wanted to know it would be him that understood me but lately I came to realize that he just memorized all my sides he liked so what about my demons. What about what's in my head Tayler yes I've always thought if I only could have you then I would be happy. I believed he could take away my sorrowed thoughts and unrelisticly dying to know what was going inside your head.


We went to the cinema  to watch a movie named The Proposal of Julie Roberts and what's his name again, Julie Roberts had the leading female role and needless to say I was enjoying it. We picked out a nice place to seat us in and Stella was on my right side sitting perfectly next to me not making a sound that made me a bit of uncomfortable. She then took a slow slirp of her Sprite cooldrink in her hand and so did I. Honestly I found it so cute and attractive she was comfortable in her own skin so much that Bea-ly could eat and drink in front of me comfortably. I'm totally intrigued just by staring at her, we didn't have to go see a movie. I just wanted to be in her company.  But I can't complain this had my heart so happy I couldn't stop smiling  ( Oh mahn just tell her their is something we need to talk about,  it's simple just say I love you Stella even from that day we first slept over as friends". I never wanted to be without you or alone again.

I'm so happy that I even couldn't stop smiling even as I drunk my Sprite and ate my popcorn, yes we have the same taste in cooldrink, music, games etc. But for me most important thing I stayed up in nights asking is did our hearts lay under the same stars together.

Then Jake's ex-girlfriend showed up like she knew we were going to be there at the cinema and brought with her, her new boyfriend.  Darn Jake and her were not even two weeks apart. I had noticed her seconds before Jake did so I had to change my view of her immediately before he did notice her. Little to late he sees her and probably wondered why I was looking over her way in the first place. Why is she acting so suspicious all the sudden maybe she had to fart and didn't know how to without someone hearing her!

But needlessly I stared at the entrance and saw my ex-girlfriend Jennifer Garner. Darn I hated her guts,  poor Jake had to look her straight in her eyes after what she had done to him. Unshamelessly she now felt like pretending that he didn't exist to her paper brat damn I can't believe I were friends with her at a time, ( so Jake didn't actually ask me on a date he needed a escape for a few hours maybe just not to think of Jennifer and I had to make it a date,  shit I messed up) again.

Softly I reached my hand to touch his shoulder and taped him there softly, Jake we don't have to be here, you know we can go it's not a big deal. No we really don't need to and remember I breaked up with with her Stella. Jake was acting tough but he didn't have to and maybe also he didn't feel like giving her the satisfaction of us leaving like it's because of her presence there that's bothering him so much that we had a leave. Jake had just called me on my name not unusual but I knew by that he was hurt he would always just name a new nickname for me that I liked by our current situation. Bea-ly was so far his best but "miss clumsy " was the worst and "again I was not clumsy".

Jake maybe I'm clumsy but I like the thought of it because look where we both are now. Huh he whispers and chuckles so sweetly we're at the cinema that's where we are tonight. After those kindly spoken words we paved only our attention to the movie in front of us.

Later ...

Near the end of the Proposal Stella grabbed my hand. I know Julie Roberts came out and said it's a fake marriage and they were only pretending to get married so she could stay in the country. But for my Stella it was a Romeo and Juliet moment, I heard her whisper " They love each other don't let her go ". I have to look over at her after hearing Stell saying those words. Then I saw her crying so the gurly-type aren't you. I can't lie I thought it's highly attractive that Stell haves such a soft and caring side to her.

The Proposal ended with them finally marrying the federal police asked them a lot of weird questions that made us laugh. The movie ended and the names started showing up on the big screen but then both of us got up and I  saw Jake adjust his pants by wiggle his left leg. He finished adjusting his pants and stared at me in a way what made spine tingle.  Whatever he was doing I'm hopelessly shy at his feet this is pretty crazy why can't time just slow down for me just for a little while even.

" We should go Bea-ly "

" Yes we should Tay "

Jake Mischievous smile tortured me  ( why can't you have mercy with your perfected smile ) I kept staring him right in the face even as I felt a warm flush of blood floods my cheeks and neck, turning them them into a reddish galore. Darn Bea-ly why you got to be such a particular taste. Then I saw Jake gentle placing his lips onto another and stares me in my eyes then he tapes two slow steps closer to me. His lush Sprite breath he had drunk moments before I smelled gently as his air itself brushed against my warm. His breath caused goosebumps against my skin all over my body is felt myself taken away. Stell is so close with me almost on her soft reddish-pink lips.

He was in my personal bubble placing his forehead comfortable against mine. What came next I couldn't even to see because I had closed my eyes to his next touch. I'm far to nervous and felt I was about to faint. Jake then spoke first before doing another thing.

Uhhhm " Bea-ly you have always brought out a different kind of me, I felt his breathing become harder against my skin the he reached my lips".

" Just kiss me before I fall down Tay" a confident laugh I heard from him then his first touch of his hand against my spine. Someone sneaked up from behind us, miss and mister the movie has ended kinda please leave. We were about to kiss and then the security came to check on things and saw us. It was embarrassing and a little kinky, me and Tay ran out of the cinema straight to the tree to continue what we just were about to start.

Jennifer Garner saw us but we didnt care about what she thought. What ( I can't let that geek go out with my ex-boyfriend ). I'll ruin your like geek.

Outside we got frisky and kissing close a apple tree not knowing my Thanos was playing my end. We stopped kissing and I wondered something so I asked Jake.

Do you still love her ?

I paused for a moment looking at like a said the weirdest thing on earth to him.

"  Well It was not love it was just a relationship,  she is popular and I was that's why we dated "

" Oh "

Jake phone started ringing and he picked it up.

" Hello sis "

" I'm coming to pick you up mom is on a date" a cloud of sadness I saw on his face as fast as came he did hide it with a smile. My sister is coming to pick us up.