
The Fear That Comes With Loving You

Lins388602 · Urban
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6 Chs

Allergic Senorita


She was only her before she met him

- Lindsay

My father and mother's laughter envolpent our rose blue room.Love like their's can't be pretended off like a game of hide and seek.So silly and beautifully crazy we couldn't ignore it even if try'd to try so. My parents were always like a Allergie that plauged a forth of the world. Stella couldn't shake the feeling like him, why oh why were he such a beautiful devastion, can't he just fall in love and loved me back!

The door rang heating me up to get off our couch, the unsteady ringing contueded till i opened to the door. Crack were the sound our door made at the same time I started back at my father with a sturn look he promised he would fix the door but ended up not fixing the door. It's not like him to talk about the boy that were rupping out my heart with easy ... Maybe dad didn't know and if he did poor Jake would be delivered doll dead tired the touch, Ok in his defense I didn't yet tell him. How about I slowed it down for a moment me and Jake Tyler growed up together, his mother and my mother were the best of friends since the second grade.Our mother's use to have sleep over and have bath-times together me and him ... I can't believe it I saw him naked!!

A blush on face redered me speechless ... Hi speechless are your Allergies acting up again. Hii were the words Jake's said and even those such a simple words had me feeling. Okay I wouldn't mind coming inside, again his cocky smile as if he knew it weren't my allergies that had me. You got to give it to the guy he had something with his voice like a smooth jazz tone without saying much was his talent. And again I were suppose to be angry at him a little but needless to say my spine tingled knowing I loved him.Yes I'm the gurl that wore Allergic to Roses but still I always loved how they looked and I imagined how they would smell every needless night awake.Maybe they smelled like Jake a musky smell that played with with ones nostrals as if I knew how roses smelled right! He wasn't the confident type but also not the shy type, he just always had that innocent face with his eyes that looked like he didn't know how but as the stories I heared of Jake seemed he did know how.He just walked past me and greeted my parents ... Hi misses A and sir and my little brother came over and gave him a hug. Darn you why did you have to hug my crush Tayler, How's basketball going I heared you been scoring alot this term ...

Yeah I have like scored seven .. 3 pointers and five assist . Wow really Jake ... yes but one of my friends have not been showing up to my games lately. Who tell me Jake, I will settle them a nuckel sandwich. It's your big sister, embarresment flaired the room as I sudden felt my blood boil or was't just me that felt the warmt of his Jake's words. My mother asnwered Jake as if she knew i couldn't really spoke at that moment "the hole family are coming to the next game Jake" , really miss A. Do you have a girlfriend yet Jake, I'm going to die of embarrestment were the only thoughts ... Not really Miss A.

A sudden rush of lighting tringceld through my spine " His single" inside and outside I were smiling paying less then none attention to everyone around me. My mother winked at me as if saying I had a fair enough change at him, which made me so nervous I could swear I haven't had a sip of water for 100 years. This was a bad habit he had me feeling ever since I saw him for the first time after the vacation his family took to the Grand Cayon, he was so cute the sun really did him good. Even girls that never thought nothing about seemed to have plenty of interest in him and asked me alot if Jake were my boyfriend. Why did I not say he was, I mean he could of been if I weren't such a clucth always.

Sometimes when I'm alone in bed I think of him as if he were the roses I loved looking at yet never could touch and had loved the smell of them.