
The Extra Ordinary

Nicholas lived happily with his family until one day he gets a dream of what seemed like a slaughter of humans by monsters. Soon after, he comes to discover his supernatural abilities. As supernatural beings to infiltrate the city, he is tasked with protecting his home and everyone he loves. Little did he know that there was a much bigger burden. Bigger than protecting his home or his country since the day he was born. What is this burden? What is his destiny? Find out in this epic tale of "The Extraordinary".

JubalResh · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Encounter ²

The citizen found it weird for a robber to want blood and not money. So he replied, " Hey! I think you hit your head. You need help". "You're the one that needs help", he snarled. He grabbed the citizen, let his fangs grow out and dug his teeth in his neck. After feeding to his satisfaction, he ripped his head of his body. The last thing Nicholas heard was 'blood'. "Could that have been a vampire? But vampires are not real he thought. He hoped his dreams were mere nightmares but deep down, he knew they weren't. Especially after Madam Vashmine's reaction towards him. "

The voices in my head must be the voices of people nearby. But there are no quiet paths around, just houses and shops", he said the last three words slowly. It occurred to him that the vampire and its victim could be in one of the houses or shops. "X-ray vision would be really helpful right now", he thought. If he could activate it, it would be easy to locate the vampire. But he didn't know how to like he did in class. "X-ray vision! ", he yelled but nothing happened. "X-ray vision activate!", he yelled again but there was still no result. "Abracadabra!!', he yelled even louder but achieved nothing.

Out of frustration, he closed his eyes and screamed causing him to gain attention from the people on the street.

But when he opened his eyes, the ' X-ray vision' as he called it became active. He couldn't believe what was happening to him. " Am I superman?", he thought. He could see through the walls. He looked into the building closest to him by his right. There was no sign of a vampire of a vampire or something that looked like one. In the second and third building, there was also no sign of a vampire. He kept searching until he came across a jewellery shop. In it, he saw a man's body lying lifeless on the floor without a head. He walked into the shop. It was a small jewellery shop. There were small shelves that contained jewelries. There was no one in the shop. Not even the owner of an attendant.

Nicholas found the headless man behind the last shelf in the shop. It was such an horrible sight. There was blood on the ground and flies were buzzing around it. He covered his mouth to stop himself from throwing up. Only the headless man, the shop's owner was there. There was no vampire. But seeing this on the ground was evidence enough that vampires were real. He looked through the door of the men's restroom, no one was in. When he looked into the women's restroom he found a man and a woman inside. With the clothes of the lady he could tell she was one of the workers in the shop. He had his hands around her waist, kissing her from lips down to her neck. " She's pretty", Nicholas thought. He turned away not wanting to spy on a couple making out. They seemed to be having a good time but seeing them made him feel sad. He wished he had a girlfriend.

There was no sign of the vampire so Nicholas turned around to leave. After taking just a step forward, he heard a lady scream. He rushed into the women's restroom and saw the man feeding on the lady's blood. Nicholas couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing. " Vampires exist" he thought. Now the vampire was staring at him with bloodlust in his eyes. What was he going to do? He had seen what the vampire was capable of. "Umm. Hello". The vampire dropped the dead lady's body and walked towards him. Nicholas couldn't move. He felt stuck in his shoes. He closed his eyes and stood still awaiting his death. When the vampire got closer to him, a bright light shone between them making the vampire dazzled. When the vampire looked again, there was no one in front of him.


"Knock Knock", Chloe knocked at the door of Kate's house. " Good evening Mrs. Jennifer". "Good evening to you too Chloe. Kate told me she passed the night at your place". "Yes. She did". "Alright. Do come in". " Kate's mum is still as protective as always. She would kill Kate if she found out the time she arrived at my place last night", Chloe laughed inwardly as she made her way to Kate's room. " Kate! It's Chloe", she shouted at her door. Kate got up from her bed to open the door for her best friend.. " So tell me Kate. What was it that made you so excited on your phone", Chloe asked.

Kate sat up on the bed staring at Chloe with a broad smile on her face."What?".

" Michael asked me out", she finally replied. " Michael? Who's Michael?". "Michael! The guy from last night's party. The cute guy I accidentally spilled wine on, remember". "Oh yeah! But how? You guys didn't even exchange contacts. Or did you see him in your dreams", Chloe laughed. " I know, right? I couldn't believe it myself. He sent me a message on Facebook messenger not too long after I got home from your place. When I asked him how he got my details, he told me you have been asking about me after I left the party last night". " But why didn't he just ask for your contacts directly? I guess he was too shy to talk to a girl as stunning as you face to face". "Yeah", Kate laughed beaming with excitement. This was the first time a guy asked her out. As her best friend, I'm happy for her. "So, what are you going to wear?".

What do you think about the vampire?

Not too boring I hope

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