
The Evolution of a Monster

After a crazy man showed up and threatened his family on the street, Jason tried talking to the man. The man shot Jason, but the others managed to get the gun from the man. As Jsaon died he heard a voice reach out to him, asking him if he wanted a second chance. Without thinking Jason accepts and is thrown into a new world, but when he wakes up he finds out that his "second chance" was in the body of a tiny monster.

KhornesChosen · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Reincarnation

{Now before we move to far forward, I would like you all to know that I was far from normal in my past life.}

Opening my eyes, i quickly realize something is not right. I feel weak, small, even insignifagant. Looking around a find a large pond and rush to the edge of the water as fast as my tiny legs can carry me. Upon getting to the edge of the water, many things realizations flash through my mind. Looking at the reflection in the water I see I am a tiny humanoid with greenish brown skin. With arms that come down to my knees, I notice that my legs are short, measuring only 4 inches in length while my arms a slightly longer 6 inches. My eyes are a shockingly bright red and my face is that which would make the kindest of mothers cry. Over all I am an ugly, tiny, 8 inch tall, greenish brown humanoid that is without hair.

The second thing I notice is that this reminds me of a webnovel I read about a goblin king that wanted to conquer the world. Remembering that I try thinking words that would bring up a status window of some kind. After 15 different guesses I hit the one, Status Window.

[Status Window]

[Name] Jason

[Level] 1

[Stats] (Strength 1) (Agility 4) (Intelligence 21) *DING* new stats once you learn more about this world

[Species] Forest Gnoblar

[Skills] (Scavenger lv 1)

[Extra affects] Reincarnated

So this is my ability to survive in this world. I am not going to lie, it's not looking good.

I am really excited to see how this shapes up because I only have a vague idea of the direction I am taking it right now

Hope it goes well :)

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