
The Evolution of a Monster

After a crazy man showed up and threatened his family on the street, Jason tried talking to the man. The man shot Jason, but the others managed to get the gun from the man. As Jsaon died he heard a voice reach out to him, asking him if he wanted a second chance. Without thinking Jason accepts and is thrown into a new world, but when he wakes up he finds out that his "second chance" was in the body of a tiny monster.

KhornesChosen · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Death Hurts

Mom wanted to go to the park today. None of us could tell her no when she asked like that, with her puppy eyes. We all gathered up and left for the park. Because we live in the city we decided to walk 'cause it's only 10 minutes from the house.

On the way we heard people yelling and then we saw why, a man in his late 50's or early 60's with a gun was yelling at everyone. He turned and saw my family, " Y-You.... YOU" the man yelled shockingly, we had never seen this man before. Dread rising in my stomach I step forward and calmly say " I don't know who you are but please cal-"*BANG* before I can finish talking an indescribable amount of pain flared in my chest.

The pain has slowly decreased, but it is still the most unbearable pain I have ever felt, when I hear a new voice. "Do you wish for a second chance?" asks a soothing but powerful voice.

Without thinking I answer "Yes I just want the pain to stop."



Finally I slowly feel myself waking from what could only be described as the deepest, most dreamless sleep ever.

I felt like trying to write a novel but I'm obviously not very good at it but it will slowly get better I feel.

This was a slow start and also my first novel

Feel free to correct my grammar because I bet you have better grammar than a 15 yr old that focuses mostly on memes

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