
The Eternal Monarch

[It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul] Rhaegar was a earthling who loved to read webnovels. Being a failure at life, he seeked escapism in the fictional world of numerous stories he read and wanted to pen down a world of his own. The one thing he hated the most was cocky protagonist who soared to cloud nine after a fruitous encounter, often forgetting their standings and becoming to arrogant. He wanted nothing more than to trample on those cocky protagonist in his story, showing them their true place in front of the True Heavens. One day, the Creatrix, amused by his wishful thinking granted his wish. giving him a new chance at life where he can do whatever he wants. Thus become the journey of Rhaegar to become the strongest existence, second only to the Creatrix, and living a fun life in the process. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tags: Male MC, OP Protagonist, Harem, R18, System, Xianxia, Magic, Slow Paced, SoL Content Warning: This novel may contain instances of Rape, NTR, Necrophilia, Cannibalism, Gore, Sexual Violence [The tags have been added to provide creative freedom later on in the story] Release Schedule: Not Fixed Note: This cover does not belong to me.

EmpyreanFlame · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

A Meeting

When I opened my eyes, the sight of a white world greeted me. A world painted white as far as my eyes could see. There was not a single soul, no, there was not a single thing in sight.

My eyes were still groggy and my mind blank. There was nothing I could understand from what was going on. After laying there for some time, I willed my body to stand up. It took a few efforts, a few falls, but I finally managed to stand up.

Finally, when my vision stabilised, I gave my surroundings a look again. It was very difficult to make the top or bottom of the surroundings. There was no top, no bottom, no sky, no ground but just a limitless world painted white as far as my eyes could see.

Hesitantly I took a step fearing I might fall into a pit if there's no ground but I didn't fall. I felt my foot landing on a hard surface and it reassured me a little bit. I took another step, and another, and another, and continued to walk into a direction. Who knows how long had passed. There was no semblance to passing of time here which made it hard to ascertain the passage of time. But I still continued, to see the end of this world or to reach any point.

But a long time passed, and I still found myself standing in a white world, with nothing in sight.

As my legs were about to give up, the world changed. I found myself in a garden this time. The cool breeze, the chirping of birds, the fresh scent of nature - it was evidence that my senses were working and I might be alive. But surprisingly, the garden was empty again. I looked around carefully, but not a single person was in sight.

"My Child"

"Huh…." A soothing voice surprised me that came out of nowhere.

'There was no one here when I checked. Am I trespassing on some private property?' That was thought as I carefully scanned my surroundings again. Still, there was no one here.

"Don't be afraid, My Child," the voice, as gentle as the spring, sounded again.

"W-Where are y-you?N-No, w-who are you?" When the voice sounded for the second time, I was sure I was not imagining it.

'Someone unknown.' Just thinking about it sent shivers down my spine as cold sweat dripped down my back. I asked back, but only broken sentences left my mouth. I gulped as I nervously waited for an answer.

Suddenly, a group of bright particles appeared out of nowhere and started grouping together. Slowly and steadily, they started taking the form of a person, a woman to be more exact. I couldn't make out the details of her face but the visage appeared beautiful, more beautiful than anything I have ever seen in my previous life.

My body felt numb and my eyes felt strained as if looking at the person in front of me was too taxing for me.

"Ummm...w-who are you? Why am I here?" As I cautiously looked at the person, or rather a form of a person floating in the air, I questioned in a timid voice, scared a little bit.

"Fufu," the woman chuckled, one hand covering her mouth. The sight of me being a meek rabbit must have amused her but I couldn't help it. He was experiencing this for the very first time. She calmed herself down and said, "I am what the living being calls the Mother Goddess and the reason why you are here is because you perished."

"Huh? Perished? As in died? When? How?" I was bewildered at her reply. If I recall, I was just using my computer so why would I die? None of it made sense so I looked at her with confused expression as if demanding an explanation.

"Matters of the past should not be discussed, that's what I believe. But I am afraid if you don't get the answer, your soul shall never know peace." The woman replied in a serene tone, which although brought a feeling of compassion to me but failed to alleviate my anxiousness. She continued, "You, my child, passed away in what seemed to be an explosion. It was indeed an unfortunate accident, but fate has its own way of working."

Just as I heard this, my mind went into a turmoil. I DIED. I FUCKING DIED. I had yet to live my life, yet I died. All I did my entire pitiful life was to slog at work, read novels and jerk of to animated girls. It was a shitty life, but it was life nonetheless. I was alive, I could have done anything. Who knows? I might have met someone and gotten married. Or, I might have changed my life around and become a successful person. Now, I was just dead.

But I couldn't complain. To whom would I complain to begin with? This 3D like avatar in front of me who claimed to be the mother goddess. Still, I had to say something, this eerie silence was eating me from inside.

So, after a lot of courage, I opened my mouth and asked, "So, w-why am I here?"

I never knew what happened to people after they died. There was no scientific proof. On the other hand, I was familiar with the concepts of transmigration, reincarnation, regression and isekai. There were the usual troupes from web novels.

"You had a wish before you perished."

"Wish?" I jogged my memory but couldn't remember anything. I did watch a hentai before and I did remember mumbling to myself, 'How I wish I was a hentai protagonist so I can fuck all these girls.' Surely she didn't mean that from 'wish', did she? I mean I wouldn't mind reincarnating as one, but why would someone who claims herself to be a 'mother goddess' would personally grant that kind of wish? Wasn't she embarrassed by what the protagonists would normally do to all those girls?

"Yes, a wish. You wished to be a writer. A desire to pen down a tale of your own." She replied, while what seemed to be her eyes looking at me, peering deep into my very soul, or so I felt.


Now that I recall, I remembered clicking on a banner for a writing contest or something. But it wasn't my wish. It was just a passing thought, me giving into the temptation after repeated failure. Maybe I wanted to challenge myself there.

"Although I don't interfere in the workings of the world, it seems a fate that you caught my attention while I was taking a look over my creation. Also, what you wished for is quite interesting. Over aeons, people have wished for power, game, strength, money, riches, and many others. But you were the first to wish to be a writer and I felt your soul's desperation."

As I continued to listen to her, I realised that maybe I really was desperate. This, however, lit hope into me. 'Maybe she will make me transmigrate into an author,' or so I thought. If I already had the skills of an established writer, with the abundant knowledge of web novels from my previous life, I can write a lot of wonderful stories -

"I can't grant this wish of yours - "

- but her next words poured cold water on all my hopes. I had no right to hope for such things given how insignificant my previous life was. Hell, I didn't even have any good karma which I can trade for.

She continued, " - but I can give you a new chance at life. You may pen down the tale you always wanted to write with the adventures of your life. However, it will all depend on you as to how you want your tale to turn out to."

Her words sent strange emotions through my soul, as if something big was about to happen.

"To assist you on your journey, I shall grant you a gift. Although the 'Laws of Creation' might forbid it, my authority still reigns supreme."

As she said this, it started rumbling and the surrounding slowly started to change.

"I hope to witness an epic tale."

Those were the last words I heard before the surroundings completely changed. I felt myself floating in the infinite void as dark particles started entering my body. As the space around me started to shrink, the dark particles continued to flow inside my body.

As the strain on my soul became heavier, I felt my consciousness drifting away. My eyelids feel heavy, the vision narrowed and I slowly closed my eyes.

[At the expense of the Void, The Creatrix has gift the user with Akashic Records, or a 'System']

[Initiating Synchronisation]

[Assimilation with Soul complete]

[Creation of Soul Essence complete]

<Setting up a system>




[System Set-up complete]

[Received 'Blessings Of The Creatrix']

[Synchronisation Complete]


[System Overview]

Name: Rhaegar

Race: Human

Profession: N/A






Physical Strength:

Soul Strength:

Physical Defence:



<Skills & Abilities>



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