
The Eternal Monarch

[It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul] Rhaegar was a earthling who loved to read webnovels. Being a failure at life, he seeked escapism in the fictional world of numerous stories he read and wanted to pen down a world of his own. The one thing he hated the most was cocky protagonist who soared to cloud nine after a fruitous encounter, often forgetting their standings and becoming to arrogant. He wanted nothing more than to trample on those cocky protagonist in his story, showing them their true place in front of the True Heavens. One day, the Creatrix, amused by his wishful thinking granted his wish. giving him a new chance at life where he can do whatever he wants. Thus become the journey of Rhaegar to become the strongest existence, second only to the Creatrix, and living a fun life in the process. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tags: Male MC, OP Protagonist, Harem, R18, System, Xianxia, Magic, Slow Paced, SoL Content Warning: This novel may contain instances of Rape, NTR, Necrophilia, Cannibalism, Gore, Sexual Violence [The tags have been added to provide creative freedom later on in the story] Release Schedule: Not Fixed Note: This cover does not belong to me.

EmpyreanFlame · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

New Reality


I felt a head splitting pain assaulting my brain and I let out a cry. It was unbearable, something I have never felt before, ever.

'Damn it, what's happening to me?'

I thought to myself while I clutched my head with my two arms in an effort to ease the pain but it proved futile, the pain refused to subside. So, I just lay there, motionless, my breathing all haggard while my chest heaved up and down turbulently, taking heavy gasps of air.

After what seemed to be an eternity, the pain subsided and I felt a strange sense of relief wash over me. It felt like I had undergone a torture just now, it was that severe of a pain.


As I heaved sighs of relief, I slowly opened my eyes. The blurry vision at first cleared as focus returned to my eyes. The first thing I saw was a dark sky, full of stars. It was night. Soon after, other senses returned too and a strange smell entered my nose while intense chatter and other noise entered my ears.

"Where am I? Where is this?"

As I pushed my body up to sit, intense pain assaulted my body again and I fell down. "Kurughh," the fall hurt as my body hit a hard surface.

Since sitting up seemed impossible, I turned my neck to see where I was only to find dumpsters all around me while a stinking smell assaulted my nose.


When the realisation set in, I was already vomiting while laying down on the ground, while some fluids hit the ground only to bounce off and stick to my face.

'Shit, shit, this suck'

I used my other hand to clean off the face of the fluid but it didn't matter much because all it did was ruin it more.

'Hah, how did I end up here near the garbage dumpsters?'

I remembered meeting with a 3d hologram like goddess who said I died. She also did say I will get a new life to fulfil my wish but how would I do that by being a beggar?

'Shit, what's happening to me lately?'

I lay there, thinking about all the stuff that had happened to me. I didn't know how to react to this situation, no, in the first place, I didn't even know what kind of situation I was in? No idea where I was, who I was? Nothing. Since my body was in pain, did it mean someone beat the shit out of me? Did I transmigrate? No memories of any supposedly previous own came flooding in. I was fat in my previous life but taking a quick glance, the current body of mine seemed to be of an average build.

I didn't reincarnate either. My body is not of an infant but that of an adult. Did I regress? This seemed like the only plausible option but no matter how much of a loser I was in my previous life, I never drank too much to find myself in garbage cans.


Taking a few more breaths, I tried to calm myself down. I tried to recall everything that I remembered. My name was… Rhaegar. Good so far. I died. Sad. I met a goddess who supposedly gave me a new chance at life. Alright, everything was good, no memory loss or something.

I tried to push my body again to sit down. It was a bit painful but I managed to do so this time. Now, I put strength into my body and legs and tried to stand up.


Groaning from the pain, my legs shook and trembled but I somehow managed to stand up. Just as I was about to fall again, I fell towards the wall as a means of support.

After stabilising myself and looking around, I found myself standing in an alley. An empty alley, nothing in sight. But there was some light at the end.

'Maybe that's the exit,' thinking so, I slowly stepped forward toward the direction of light, taking support from the wall. As I continued walking forward, my body stabilised a little more and I became a bit more familiar with the body.

After some hundred or so steps, I finally exited the alley when lights assaulted my eyes again. I found myself in what seemed to be a main street and a fascinating sight greeted me. People dressed in strange clothing were walking around, small buildings - mainly one or two storeys- surrounding the sides while lamp posts hung from bars attached to those buildings. There were no electric street lights and these lamp posts illuminated the area. The street was paved with stones and horse-drawn carriages were running on it.

'W-What is this place? Where am I?' That was the only thought that filled my mind at the moment. This was the scene I usually saw in movies but never in real life.

People hastily walking, shopkeepers shouting, drunkards bumping into other pedestrians, fast running carriages while the people made way for it, and a weird sight of a man and woman giving into carnal desire by the roadside - more importantly, nobody gave a look of disgust towards it but instead cheered while passing by, one passer-by even going as far as squeezing her hanging breasts.

'Huh, I can't understand what they all are saying?'

After recovering from my initial shock, I realised I couldn't understand what everybody was saying. It seemed like a foreign language to me. It was then…

[Issue detected]

[Imparting the language knowledge to the host]

… a strange mechanical sound rang near my ears, or maybe in my ears.

'Huh, what is this?'

It was then that all the chatter around started making sense to me suddenly.

"Keep shagging her, mate."

"These filthy rats!"

"Oi! move. Can't you see?"

"My love, let's go over there. That place seems fascinating."

"Items for sale! Items for sale! Just for today. Come now."

"Oi handsome! How about we have fun tonight? You can have your way with me however you want."

"Fuck off, you old hag."

Various noises assaulted my ears, making it difficult to make out what was going on. But one thing was for sure - she was really an old hag. Just the thought of having sex with her was vomit inducing. A loose pussy and her breasts hanging from her chest…

"Urrghhhhh" I started vomiting again.