
The Eternal Monarch

[It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul] Rhaegar was a earthling who loved to read webnovels. Being a failure at life, he seeked escapism in the fictional world of numerous stories he read and wanted to pen down a world of his own. The one thing he hated the most was cocky protagonist who soared to cloud nine after a fruitous encounter, often forgetting their standings and becoming to arrogant. He wanted nothing more than to trample on those cocky protagonist in his story, showing them their true place in front of the True Heavens. One day, the Creatrix, amused by his wishful thinking granted his wish. giving him a new chance at life where he can do whatever he wants. Thus become the journey of Rhaegar to become the strongest existence, second only to the Creatrix, and living a fun life in the process. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tags: Male MC, OP Protagonist, Harem, R18, System, Xianxia, Magic, Slow Paced, SoL Content Warning: This novel may contain instances of Rape, NTR, Necrophilia, Cannibalism, Gore, Sexual Violence [The tags have been added to provide creative freedom later on in the story] Release Schedule: Not Fixed Note: This cover does not belong to me.

EmpyreanFlame · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

I Hate It

[I will remember this. I return kindness tenfold and enmity hundred fold.]

In a bloody battlefield, a lone young man was standing in tattered clothes, blood dripping from his body while surrounded by thousands of people. The young man glared at all the people surrounding him, not backing down.

The stalemate between both the parties continued for hours while the sun started setting in the other direction, dying the world in a red hue. A puddle of blood had formed below the young man, signifying that he didn't have much to live. Better he make a run for his life now or he won't live long.

[Hand over the sacred treasure, Xue Bing]

An old man, with an elderly aura said in a cold voice. The way people followed him showed his position was quite high and significant.

[Hahaha…The heavens are so unfair.]

The young man, Xue Bing, laughed madly. His grotesque appearance stood out. A face mangled, scarred over already, looked like a pack of rabid dogs had once eaten.

[It's not the heavens that are unfair. You were just not the one. Your heart was full of malice and hatred. Despite being rejected by the Young Miss, you kidnapped her to make her your concubine.]

The old man continued in a cold voice, yet each time he spoke, a vicious aura emanated from his body. People around him stepped back lest they be caught up in the aftermath.

[So what? I kidnapped her and now she's my faithful concubine. Even if you ask her to go back with you, she will refuse you. And yet, you wretched dogs came to attack me. If that's not unfair, then what is it?]

Xue Bing roared loudly, his voice shaking from all the pent up anger but his body knew his time was approaching. He didn't have much time left. These insects attacked him when his guard was lowest, and that too in humongous numbers. It was as if they had no pride as an immortal daoist.

[Kill me if you want, old man. But remember this! Even if I have to reincarnate a thousand times, I will kill your entire nine generations from the world. Even if I have to trample upon the Heavens themselves, I will go against my fate itself. Kurghhh]

As the young man coughed a mouthful of blood, he jumped off the Heavenly Cliff wherein no one ever returned. Even as he continued to fall, a mad laughter echoed throughout the world. The old man had a sad expression on his face as he saw Xue Bing, the target of his hatred, escape from his grasp, dejected at his failure to mete out the punishment for what he did to his beautiful innocent granddaughter - a spring flower that once bloomed was all withered now.

* * *

"Fuck, you fucking idiot."

I screamed at my computer screen, or to be more exact, at the text on the screen. After coming home from my shitty job, I hurriedly ate dinner, changed to only bottoms and turned on my PC, all in anticipation of reading the web novel that was all hype nowadays. And yet the first chapter ticked me off.

'No, why do all the protagonists have to be so cocky.'

One thing that I hated the most were cocky protagonists. A fucking peasant who complained how the world treated the poor people like him so unkindly would always meet with a fortuitous encounter, would become strong at a tremendous speed. It was all good, after all, who doesn't like OP protagonists and a lot of face slapping. What ticked me off was how cocky and arrogant the same dude who wouldn't dare to meet the eyes of another becomes in just a span of a few hundred chapters, doing all the shitty things which he despised earlier.

"Damn, I really want to fucking slap them hard."

I had often tried writing a satirical novel in the past given the rise of web novel popularity. It was mainly for my desire to pen down all my anger towards those shitty protagonists into a story, and also earning a little money on the sidelines, if I got lucky.

Alas, I soon realised that I never had the talent to be a writer. I never went past 10 chapters and ended up dropping all the novels. It came to a stage where whenever I tried writing a new novel, some readers would instantly give a negative review, probably hurt by the discontinuity of my past novels. So, I finally gave up.

I realised I was never meant to be a writer. Being a reader, a free one who read on aggregator sites, was all I was good for. So, I immersed myself into the world of web novels, manga and anime - anything that I could lay my hands upon.

"Tsk tsk. That crap really ruined my mood," I complained to myself.

'Let's see if there's a new doujin or not. Would be good if it's a netorare X ugly bastard combo. Can't stand that vanilla cheese.'

Thinking to myself, I ventured into the forbidden territory that was the only solace to my pain right now.

"Phewww…it was worth it," After getting off a few times to the mind break and corruption, I finally felt relieved. The initial irritation was no more.

So with a new mindset, I looked for something else to read.

[Competition: Write A Story Of Your Dreams. Submissions Open Now.]


A poster caught my attention as I was looking for something else to read. Going by the looks of it, it seemed to be an advertisement for a writing competition regularly held by the website. 'But, wait a second! It seems like a pop-up ad. So, someone else is hosting it'.

'Should I try it or not,' as I was debating whether to try writing again or not, my hands instinctively moved on their own, and the mouse cursor clicked on the ad.

Immediately, a new window appeared on the screen with a notice.

[Do you wish to write a story of your own?]

[Yes] [No]

'Hmmm, this might be my chance. Everybody knows me there on the old site. At Least, I should try writing a few chapters here before I decide to give up. Who knows? What if I end up writing a good novel.'

Thinking like this and tempted by my selfish wish, I clicked on [Yes] without hesitation.

"Huh?" Immediately, a white glow engulfed everything as my vision grew darker and darker.

The next day, a 26 year old guy missed his work, earning him an absence and a paycut.