
The end of world has not yet begun, the system is activated in advance

The apocalypse has not yet begun, but the system has arrived early. Then Chen Mo's style of daily life suddenly changed. You can get rewards for eating and petting the dog, and communicating harmoniously with beautiful women is regarded as a battle with the ninth-level corpse king! [It was detected that the host was so brave that he fought the ninth-level zombie king until he lost all strength. Since the target level was too high, the host could still get points as a reward even though he did not kill the enemy by crossing levels. The host is hereby rewarded with 5,000 survival points and an A-level gift pack. 】 Chen Mo, who had just finished the battle with the school girl, couldn't help but have a strange look on his face when he looked at the translucent floating window in front of him and the harmless school girl beside him. [It was detected that the host had tamed a fifth-level mutated corpse dog. Because the target level was too high, the host jumped over the level to tame the alien beast, which is unparalleled in charm. We hereby reward the host with 2,000 survival points, a B-level gift pack, and +50 charm! 】 Chen Mo, who had subdued a wolfdog with snacks, felt quite fucked when he listened to the prompts in his ears. Chen Mo lives a normal life, but in the eyes of the system, his life is full of monsters and ghosts. This resulted in Chen Mo triggering various rewards with every move he made. When the end of the world came, Chen Mo's rewards would be maxed out, and his combat power was incredible!

mystery_anonymous · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Chapter 47: Perfect reproduction!

  There seems to be a skill book lying in the reward box at this time.

  [System prompt: Congratulations on passing this super special reward drawing opportunity and drawing the special reward "Super Speed ​​Recovery·S-level Skill Book". ]

  "Super-speed recovery? Is it a therapeutic thing again?"

  Chen Mo clicked on the explanation out of curiosity.

  [Super Speed ​​Recovery]: When you use this skill, you will enter a super high-speed recovery state, which can quickly restore a large amount of energy. The more mental power you consume, the faster the recovery of other energy except mental power.

  If you need to restore your mental power, you will no longer be able to act at will when casting this skill, and will only accelerate the recovery of your mental power alone, and will no longer affect the recovery of other energy. If you act at will during the casting of the skill, you will be disabled. The recovery of broken mental energy.

  "It turns out it's a skill that restores energy. What a good thing!" After reading the skill introduction in front of him, Chen Mo, who originally thought it was just a healing skill, felt that this skill was pretty good.

  When using this skill, the accelerated recovery of other energy is increased. You can recover while moving. At the same time, the more mental power is lost, the faster the recovery of other energy will be.

  In addition to accelerating the recovery rate of other energy, this skill can also accelerate the recovery rate of mental power, which is also very critical.

  Mental power is the main energy consumed when using skills. Chen Mo originally had a large demand for this thing, but lacked supplementary means. Now that this skill exists, he can make up for this shortcoming.

  But if you want to use this skill to restore your mental power, there are still some limitations. At least you can't move around at will, you can only speed up your recovery at a fixed point.

  If you need to replenish your mental strength at a critical moment, it is better to keep some treasures like energy-accumulating rings.

  As Chen Mo learned the super speed recovery skills, he had mastered four skills at this time.

  The system prompt also rang immediately.

  [System prompt: The number of skills you currently master has reached four. One more skill will reach the upper limit of the skill bar. You can choose to purchase the upper limit of the skill bar to expand the number of skill bars. ]

  There is still an open space. Chen Mo did not rush to buy the skill bar and directly ignored the system prompts.

  This time, Chen Mo wanted to draw a super special reward, but he was not lucky enough to get one.

  But after all, I got an S-level skill. Actually, I can't say that I was unlucky, I can only say that my luck was not used in the right place.

  After learning the super speed recovery skill, Chen Mo immediately took out the SSS level gift package.

  This thing can definitely produce good things.

  He immediately chose to turn it on.

  [System prompt: The gift package has been opened successfully. Congratulations on obtaining the SSS-level passive skill - "Perfect Reproduction"! ]

  "SSS-level passive skills? What are they?"

  Chen Mo curiously clicked on the skill description.

  [Perfect Reproduction]: With this skill, you will have extraordinary memory ability. You can remember all the information you perceive, and you can perfectly acquire all acquired skills you perceive in an instant.

  "What kind of unbelievable passive skill? Is this skill too strong?"

  The moment Chen Mo saw this skill, he felt that this skill was unbelievably powerful.

  The extraordinary memory ability of photographic memory alone is already a very useful effect, and in addition to the ability similar to photographic memory, this skill also gives the ability to quickly master all acquired skills.    

  This is so powerful that it goes against the heavens.

  Doesn't that mean that just by watching a chef cook, you can instantly master his cooking skills perfectly?

  Just by looking at how a martial artist performs a move, can you immediately and perfectly learn the martial arts performed by the opponent?

  Just by looking at the operations of a game master, can you immediately and perfectly grasp the opponent's superb gaming skills?

  Although this ability can only be used to perfectly acquire acquired skills in an instant, its effectiveness and value to Chen Mo are almost no worse than conventional superpowers.

  If you really insist on this thing, it is actually equivalent to a super power.

  It's just that the effect of this super power can be achieved by giving ordinary people enough time to achieve the same effect, but it takes countless times more time.

  By studying everything with concentration and spending ten thousand hours in it, any normal person can become an expert in this field.

  The rare and brilliant thing about the ability to perfectly reproduce is that it reduces these ten thousand hours into one second.

  Just one look is all it takes to perfectly replicate the craftsmanship.

  This is where it can be rated as comparable to superpowers.

  Of course, in the final analysis, it is not a superpower, it is just an extraordinary skill, or physique.

  So the system just classified it into the ranks of SSS-level passive skills.

  He just said that he still had a skill slot available, but the system sent him another skill, and the skill slot was filled up all of a sudden.

  This skill is what Chen Mo needs to learn.

  As Chen Mo learned the perfect replica, the system prompt rang again.

  [System prompt: It has been detected that your current number of skills has reached the upper limit of the number of skill bars. If you want to continue learning skills later, you will need to forget one of the existing skills, or you can also purchase additional skill bars. Expand skill slots. ]

  "How do you say the selling price of the skill bar?"

  [System prompt: The more skill bars there are, the more expensive the price. The first expanded skill bar is priced at 100,000 survival points. ]

  "So expensive!?"

  Chen Mo was speechless.

  He originally thought that 10,000 survival points were too expensive, but he never thought that the system would ask for 100,000!

  [System prompt: If you compare the super powers required to obtain an additional super power, the host will understand that the price of expanding the skill bar is quite reasonable. ]

  Upon hearing what the system said, Chen Mo couldn't help but feel that there was nothing wrong with what this guy said.

  For super powers, even if the system is willing to exchange it, it will cost an SSS-level gift package worth 100 million, plus a chance to draw a special reward.

  When not being exchanged, you can only complete the main line survival mission in the best possible way, and get the SSS-level gift package of the main line survival mission to get one by gambling.

  As for the skill bar, as far as the current number is concerned, it only requires 100,000 survival points to open an additional bar immediately.

  Comparing the two, I really instantly felt that the price of one more skill was almost as free as the price of one more super power.

  Chen Mo couldn't help but laugh and said: "I usually thought you were dull, but I didn't expect you to be very smart when it comes to settling accounts."

  This system often makes some silly reward judgments, but when it comes to settling accounts, it is very shrewd.