
The end of world has not yet begun, the system is activated in advance

The apocalypse has not yet begun, but the system has arrived early. Then Chen Mo's style of daily life suddenly changed. You can get rewards for eating and petting the dog, and communicating harmoniously with beautiful women is regarded as a battle with the ninth-level corpse king! [It was detected that the host was so brave that he fought the ninth-level zombie king until he lost all strength. Since the target level was too high, the host could still get points as a reward even though he did not kill the enemy by crossing levels. The host is hereby rewarded with 5,000 survival points and an A-level gift pack. 】 Chen Mo, who had just finished the battle with the school girl, couldn't help but have a strange look on his face when he looked at the translucent floating window in front of him and the harmless school girl beside him. [It was detected that the host had tamed a fifth-level mutated corpse dog. Because the target level was too high, the host jumped over the level to tame the alien beast, which is unparalleled in charm. We hereby reward the host with 2,000 survival points, a B-level gift pack, and +50 charm! 】 Chen Mo, who had subdued a wolfdog with snacks, felt quite fucked when he listened to the prompts in his ears. Chen Mo lives a normal life, but in the eyes of the system, his life is full of monsters and ghosts. This resulted in Chen Mo triggering various rewards with every move he made. When the end of the world came, Chen Mo's rewards would be maxed out, and his combat power was incredible!

mystery_anonymous · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Chapter 46: Mutually compatible powers!

"It actually pops out directly from the entity, and does not completely materialize until it encounters an empty space? So if you want to use this virtual state as an attack method, it is not that easy to use. You can only face units without energy attack capabilities. Use Use virtualization to avoid damage and counterattack?"

  After carefully analyzing the strength of this virtualization ability, Chen Mo showed a trace of disappointment on his face.

  Now he finally understood why such an ability that seemed so powerful at first glance was only rated C-level in the system's evaluation.

  This thing can't completely evade any attack, and it can't be used as a perfect surprise attack method. Is it really possible to use it as the boss next door? Then it can only be rated as a C grade.

  Chen Mo was a little dissatisfied with this power. He remembered that he still had a random power scroll that he had not used.

  Instead, you can re-randomize an ability to see if there is a better one.

  After carefully thinking about the use of virtualization, Chen Mo decided to use a random power scroll to replace it.

  He immediately clicked on the random power scroll in the system warehouse and chose to use it.

  [System prompt: You are using a random power scroll and it is detected that you have three source cores. Please select the source core that you want the scroll to cover with power. ]

  "The third source core."

  [System prompt: It is detected that the ability corresponding to your third source core is the C-level ability "Virtualization". Do you want to use a random ability scroll for this source core? ]


  [System prompt: The random power scroll has been used. Congratulations to you for getting the S-level power "Gravity Control" randomly! ]

  [Gravity Control]: You can change the gravity of an area at will. Depending on the scope of the changed area and the magnitude of the gravity change, the supernatural energy will have different levels of loss. The higher the level of the supernatural user, the less the basic loss, which can be controlled. The higher the limit.

  "Oh? This power seems interesting. Can you control gravity?"

  Chen Mo immediately changed the power without hesitation.

  As he made a thought and tried to reduce the gravity in the room, there was no change at first. As he gradually increased the reduced gravity, lighter things immediately floated up.

  The thought of overusing this super power and causing chaos in the room made him uncomfortable. Chen Mo immediately narrowed the scope of effect to himself.

  In this way, the reduction in gravity will only affect himself.

  As the source core in his brain activated, supernatural energy began to flow, and his ability to reduce gravity was successfully activated to a large extent.

  Even an adult like Chen Mo floated easily when the gravity was greatly reduced.

  Chen Mo, who floated up out of thin air, felt as if he was floating in a soft cotton package, feeling light and comfortable.

  "It's fun!"

  After he increased the gravity reduction, he even floated directly to the ceiling.

  "If I use this ability, I can fly freely in the air. This is equivalent to having an extra flying ability."

  Chen Mo flew around the room excitedly.

  Human beings always have a dream of flying, and Chen Mo is no exception.

  This feeling of being able to fly around freely is so fun.

  But after playing for a while, he fell back to the ground.

  He checked the abnormal energy situation at this time.

  At this time, Chen Mo's source core had 160 points of supernatural energy, and the three source cores added up to 480 points of supernatural energy, which was close to the third-order level!

  As for Chen Mo's superpower, if he wanted to change gravity and let himself fly as high as the ceiling, he would actually consume only 5 points of superpower energy per second.    

  If you fly higher, the consumption will also increase.

  Regarding the application of the gravity reduction effect, Chen Mo also had some experience, and it could basically be used instead of the flight ability.

  He also tried combos.

  That is to reduce gravity and cooperate with your own ability to control objects.

  Combining the two, Chen Mo discovered that it would take a lot of extra supernatural energy to use the object control on something that originally looked heavy. But once the gravity reduction effect is used on that object, and then the object control ability is used to control it, the object control ability consumes a lot of supernatural energy. It will also be reduced a lot.

  In other words, these two abilities can completely complement each other, doubling their respective applicability.

  At the same time, Chen Mo also tried to enhance the effect of gravity.

  The originally relatively thin blade was thrown out by the object-bending ability at a speed of 3 meters per second and struck the wooden board, only making an incision of about 3 centimeters.

  But if the gravity on the blade is suddenly increased at the moment when the blade is about to hit the target, the force of the blade cutting into the target will also increase greatly at that moment, which can directly double the cutting depth.

  This is the effect achieved by Chen Mo's experimental application of a small amount of supernatural energy. If he goes all out to activate these two abilities.

  When perfect coordination is achieved, only a small blade is enough to slice off a person's head. Even hard human bones will be difficult to stop.

  Chen Mo was very satisfied with getting such a new and perfect super power.

  He loved this kind of superpower that could be mixed with other abilities to increase the upper limit.

  After testing the combination of super powers, Chen Mo began to look at the other two rewards in the warehouse with satisfaction.

  At this time, he was still immersed in the fun of floating, and he clicked to view the things in the system warehouse as if he was floating in mid-air.

  He first clicked on the chance to draw a super special reward.

  Prepare to draw to see if you can draw blood or something.

  If he could draw bloodline, the upper limit of his attributes would also be opened, which would save him a lot of money on bloodline.

  Moreover, good bloodlines are extremely expensive and cannot be bought with a few survival points.

  Even if he was willing to spend points, Chen Mo's current survival points of more than 100,000 were enough to buy some garbage blood.

  He can only hope that this super special reward drawing opportunity will be great.

  As Chen Mo clicked to start drawing, a large number of reward names immediately began to scroll in the system interface.

  Chen Mo even saw many impressive rewards in it.

  Some of them are abilities that Chen Mo is familiar with, especially the ability to read minds. Chen Mo still wants it. After all, as the saying goes, you can know people but not their hearts!

  Unfortunately, the rewards scrolled too fast. Even if he focused on his favorite reward and wanted to click on it, the reward had already been transferred quickly.

  But in fact, it doesn't matter whether the reward is transferred or not. When Chen Mo clicks to stop, the system will continue to spin crazily for more than ten seconds and will not stop immediately, so staring is in vain.

  After Chen Mo casually clicked to stop scrolling, the system scrolled for another fifteen seconds before finally agreeing to stop.

  Seeing the scrolling of the lottery interface stop, Chen Mo immediately looked expectantly at the rewards in the lottery box.