
The end of world has not yet begun, the system is activated in advance

The apocalypse has not yet begun, but the system has arrived early. Then Chen Mo's style of daily life suddenly changed. You can get rewards for eating and petting the dog, and communicating harmoniously with beautiful women is regarded as a battle with the ninth-level corpse king! [It was detected that the host was so brave that he fought the ninth-level zombie king until he lost all strength. Since the target level was too high, the host could still get points as a reward even though he did not kill the enemy by crossing levels. The host is hereby rewarded with 5,000 survival points and an A-level gift pack. 】 Chen Mo, who had just finished the battle with the school girl, couldn't help but have a strange look on his face when he looked at the translucent floating window in front of him and the harmless school girl beside him. [It was detected that the host had tamed a fifth-level mutated corpse dog. Because the target level was too high, the host jumped over the level to tame the alien beast, which is unparalleled in charm. We hereby reward the host with 2,000 survival points, a B-level gift pack, and +50 charm! 】 Chen Mo, who had subdued a wolfdog with snacks, felt quite fucked when he listened to the prompts in his ears. Chen Mo lives a normal life, but in the eyes of the system, his life is full of monsters and ghosts. This resulted in Chen Mo triggering various rewards with every move he made. When the end of the world came, Chen Mo's rewards would be maxed out, and his combat power was incredible!

mystery_anonymous · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Chapter 48: What looks different than what it looks like!

After winning all the rewards and saving up two special reward drawing opportunities not to use them, Chen Mo immediately got up and washed up.

  Then I got some food for Xiao Huang and got ready to go out.

  Although today is Monday, with Chen Mo's current ability, it actually doesn't matter whether he goes to school or not. What's more, the apocalypse will happen in half a year, so he doesn't have to worry about going to school.

  In addition, he now has the ability to reproduce perfectly. He can learn everything by listening and watching it over and over again, and there is no need to attend lectures.

  He seems to no longer need to go to school and can learn everything by himself quickly.

  It was just a daily habit, so he decided to go to school.

  Moreover, today's mission also includes the mission of revisiting the old place. It is obviously easy to complete this mission by going around the school.

  The most important thing is that in the main task (2), you need to find a suitable target to increase your favorability.

  It is also relatively easy to get close to the classmates in school. When you go to the school for a walk, you can also see if you can find a good task partner.

  After yesterday's favorability reward after rescuing Wei Changfeng, Chen Mo also understood.

  If you just gain favorability by saving people, you will basically reach the point of respect at most.

  That is a favorability score of about 85 points.

  If you want to achieve the 90 points of favorability required by the system's main task (2), it is obviously not something that can be achieved by just messing around like this.

  Don't look at the difference of only 5 points of favorability, but these 5 points of favorability are the dividing line of a person's attitude towards you.

  The vast majority of strangers who are not your friends are suddenly favored by you. At most, they will express respect, adoration, reverence, etc. to you. No matter how crazy this emotion is, it will not be further recognized by the system.

  Just like someone who is crazy about chasing stars, this kind of crazy about their idols can even appear in a state of emotional expression that surpasses the family, friendship, and love around them.

  But this seemingly extremely passionate emotional outpouring is a relatively nihilistic emotion.

  After Chen Mo saved people, other people's favorability towards him skyrocketed.

  Yesterday, Chen Mo actually received a lot of messages to improve his favorability.

  Saving Liu Yuanzong and Wei Changfeng indirectly affected many people's favorable opinion of him.

  But among them, only Liu Qinlan's favorability towards him soared beyond the norm, directly to 95 points.

  It can be seen that she was not only grateful because of Chen Mo's treatment, but also really had a good impression of Chen Mo. After this incident, her emotional admiration became even stronger.

  So far, only Liu Qinlan's goal has been achieved. Chen Mo still needs to accumulate four more goals of level 5 or above and reach 90 points of favorability to complete the top level indicator.

  In fact, it is still a bit difficult.

  If Zhao Yue was not a third-level superpower user, she would be a more suitable target for Chen Mo.

  After eating breakfast, rinsing his mouth, and tidying up his clothes, Chen Mo left Xiao Huang to look after the house while he prepared to go out to class.

  On school days, he didn't have time to sneak around Xiaobai. Zhao Yue would sneak around on his own these days.

  On weekends, she knew that Chen Mo would slip away, so she would deliberately be lazy and not get up.

  But knowing the days when Chen Mo had to go to class, she would get up earlier.

  Chen Mo had just gone out when he saw Zhao Yue leading Xiaobai out.    

  "Mo Mo, I heard that you became famous all over the world yesterday." Zhao Yue joked immediately when she saw Chen Mo.

  "No, it's just a mistake." Chen Mo said with a smile.

  "I didn't know you brat had such advanced medical skills. My sister has been suffering from back pain while playing games recently. Are you here to help me treat it?" Zhao Yue said with a seductive smile.

  When he heard her say that, Chen Mo didn't think it was really the case.

  Zhao Yue's appearance is very good, and she doesn't seem to have any abnormalities in her body shape. She often does yoga and other exercises to exercise on weekdays.

  As Chen Mo's X-ray glasses started up, he could soon see through Zhao Yue's body condition.

  According to his visual inspection, Zhao Yue can basically be said to be quite healthy. It is extremely difficult for a person to maintain such a healthy body, which shows how self-discipline Zhao Yue is.

  After seeing through, Chen Mo unexpectedly discovered that a valuable feature of Zhao Yue was still there.

  He always looked at Zhao Yue with a charming look, and his every move gave people an irresistible temptation. He thought that Zhao Yue was no longer a virgin.

  As a result, when he looked through it now, he found that the other party's key things were still intact, which still surprised Chen Mo.

  On weekdays, Zhao Yue would often tease and seduce him and tease him when nothing happened.

  Chen Mo was able to cope with girls younger than him, but he couldn't handle the older sister Yu at all. Every time he was teased by her, he would run away with a blushing face.

  Zhao Yue always looked happy and seemed to enjoy this teasing game.

  Unexpectedly, it turned out that Zhao Yue seemed to be carefree, but in fact, he was not what he looked like on the outside, and he was very protective of himself.

  Although he discovered Zhao Yue's secret, Chen Mo still didn't change his feelings towards Zhao Yue. After all, he was often teased and the old impression had been left. When seeing this sister, Chen Mo still subconsciously stayed away from her.

  After carefully scanning Zhao Yue's body up and down and seeing that there was no major problem, Chen Mo couldn't help but admire Zhao Yue's self-discipline.

  I often see her seeming to live a casual life, but I never thought she could be so self-disciplined about herself.

  This is the impression that Zhao Yue gives people. Even if Chen Mo lives around Zhao Yue and is relatively close to her, it is difficult to see through her, so her disguise is very successful.

  Even those close to her can't see through her, let alone outsiders and enemies.

  When it comes to acting skills, compared with Zhao Yue, Liu Qinlan, who is studying at the Shanghai Theater Academy, is a complete beginner, while the other is a senior acting teacher.

  After a quick glance, I found that although Zhao Yue didn't have anything special wrong with her body, her aunt was coming recently, so she might still be feeling a little uncomfortable due to this factor. It could really help her relieve it appropriately.

  Of course, it is really a question of whether one's skills can be effective for the discomfort caused by this kind of physiological reason.

  Chen Mo was also a little curious to see the results. He immediately said with a smile: "Just say what you want. You can call me directly for treatment anytime you want." "

  Then sister will be waiting for you to come in the evening. It just so happens that I have learned something new recently. I'll cook something delicious for you."

  "Okay." After saying this, Chen Mo changed the subject and said, "By the way, Sister Yue, I have something to ask you."

  Seeing Chen Mo's expression serious, Zhao Yue looked a little more serious and said: "What's going on?"

  "Is there any conflict between your Yellow Robe Society and the Green Gang?"