
The End Of The Supreme Deities

There stands a 'human' that has a neutral soul that had to be judged. The world is ending and humans are dying left and right. The 'human' has come to talk to God and Lucifer personally.

existing_summoner · Urban
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The Reincarnation

I was also to be reincarnated as well. This was my last job as a death. The three of us deities have been reincarnated into regular humans in a modern world much like the world they originated in. I was reincarnated into this world with little knowledge that us deities have been reincarnated into the same world.

'Am I crying? What's going on? It was the end of the world! Wait, what happened? I was on a mission to kill the previous god and previous demon lord known as Lucifer. I had killed them and my time as a death god was over! Why do I still remember?' I think still crying.

It would seem my journey in this life has only just begun.

After 6 years, I have learned a lot about magic. There are 4 different levels a person can achieve. The weakest level, Eoi. The weakest has the least amount of magic. The second weakest level is, Sok. The second strongest level, Weki. The strongest level is Ceko. The strongest has the most amount of magic meaning that they can do more magic power. Healing requires a big amount of magic.

I was laying in bed looking at the ceiling thinking about the possibilities of my future, maybe I will have the strongest level! 'Don't be stupid that won't happen.' I thought.

"Come here, Thana!" Delaney, my mother, yelled.

"Coming!" I yelled back.

I shot out of bed and ran through the hall and into the living room where Delaney stood.

"We are going to get you checked out for your magic level." She said. "We will only be expecting the best!" She added.

"Yes, ma'am." I responded.

I walked over to the doorway and put my shoes on. We walked out the door and Delaney get into the car. I got into the car just in time for Delaney to drive off. It took about a few minutes to get to the doctor. I was not paying attention to the area Incase I have to walk back home if I didn't reach their expectations. Once Delaney found a parking spot, she jumped out of the car and started to walk into the doctor's office without me. I jumped out of the car and started to run to catch up.

"You must be on your best behavior! Got it!" Delaney yelled.

"Yes, ma'am." I said.

We noticed the line that was out the door.

"You go wait in line." Delaney said as she left.

"Yes, ma'am." I said. 'Not even going to tell me where your going?' I thought.

I got in line and waited. A few hours later, I was in the door. Delaney was still no where to be seen. I stood in front of the desk.

"Hello, sweetie. What are you here for?" The lady at the desk asked.

"Hello, I'm here for a magic check." I responded.

"Alright. What's you name?" She asked.

"Thana." I said.

"Alright, when's your birthday?" She asked another question.

"August 14, XXXX." I respond.

"Ok. Your checked in, you just need to wait for the nurse to call you in." She said.

"Thank you." I respond.

I go and sit down in between two kids that were giving each other he death glare. 'The must already know each other.' I thought.

As I sit in between them, they start to stare at me. 'I wonder why their staring at me for?' I think.

I look at the boys and they seem to be around my age. The boy on my left is wearing a sleeveless top and loose pants. His hair is blonde and his eyes are blue. He looks like the angles from that one religion. I noticed that he has a birthmark on his hand. The one to my right was wearing a black t-shirt and black loose pants. His hair is black and his eyes are grey. I also noticed that he also has a birthmark on his hand. There's this belief that birthmarks show how you died in a last life.

"What are you looking at!?" The kid on the right asked while I was looked at him.

"Sorry." I said.

"Whatever!" He responded.

"Be nice." His mother whispered.

"Sorry.." He basically whispered.

"It's ok." I say.

The boy to my left was watching the interaction.

"Sorry about him, he can be rude at times." He said lightly.

"Right..." I say.

"Well, my name is Matheo or you can call me, mat!" He says happily.

"My name is Thana, or you can call me Ana." I responded.

The nurse came out and held the door open.

"Thana, Matt, and Deimos!" She yelled.

That's us!" The two boys yell.

"That's me." I say a little louder than my usual low tone.

The boys, their mother and I start walking over to the nurse. The boys start to whisper.

"I wonder how their going to test us!!" Matt whispers.

"I don't care, i'll be the strongest!" Deimos yells back.

Deimos's yell startled the nurse. She tripped over her feet. She started to fall backwards. I caught her with both hands on her back.

"Thank you!" She squeaked.

"No problem, ma'am." I say.

The boys and their mother was surprised be how fast I reacted. After a few moments of staring , they noticed how far behind they were. They speed walked to catch up to the nurse and me. After a few doors, we made it to the testing room. There were Three different sections. The closest section has tables with chairs and animals that were hurt on the tables. Then there is the middle section that is contained. The last section is a matted area.

"You will be tested on which magical abilities you have. The tabled section is for healing. The middle section is for banishing and protection magic. Then the last section is for combat magic. You can start anywhere!" The nurse explained.

I start to walk over to the healing section. 'I hate having to see the animals hurt.' I thought.

I sit down and a nurse walks over to me setting a cat with a broken leg on the table. I almost start crying. The nurse starts to explain what to do.

"You will need to feel the energy in your core and move the energy into your arms and into the cats leg. Got it?" The nurse said understandingly.

I start to feel a warm light inside my ribs. Then, I try to move my energy to my arms. 'I just need to move the energy to my arms, hands, then the cats leg. That's all!' I thought to my self.

After a few seconds, my arms started to feel the warm light. 'I can't get too excited, I'll lose focus!' I thought.

After a few more seconds, I started to feel the warmth in hands. 'Just a little more!' I think.

After a minute of trying, I get the energy to leave my hand and transfer into the cats leg. I started to feel the warmth leave my body, little by little. I have had my eyes open and I notice that my hands are glowing purple. I also notice that the cut on the cats leg starts to close!

"Wow!! Your doing it!!" The nurse says.

After a few more minutes, the cats leg was healed.

"I did it..!" I say a bit louder than my usual tone.

"Yup!! Now on to the next test." The nurse says trying to get her composure back.

She looks over at the boys. Mat was the one that was able to heal. Deimos wasn't able to heal. We walk over to the next section.