
The End Of The Supreme Deities

There stands a 'human' that has a neutral soul that had to be judged. The world is ending and humans are dying left and right. The 'human' has come to talk to God and Lucifer personally.

existing_summoner · Urban
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3 Chs

chapter 3

Walking over to the container section. We figure out that this section is for protection and banishing. The nurse starts to explain the section.

"This section is for protection and banishing! The left side of the section is for protection. You will be protecting the animals that will be attacked by spirits. How you activate the protection spell, you first have to focus your energy into your hand. Then, you form it into what you think protection looks like and protect the animal." The nurse explained.

"Ok!" The kids respond.

"You go first, Matheo!" The nurse says.

Mat went first. The animal was let into the protected area. We were protected barrier, the barrier was thin layer of white. We were standing about a foot way from the area Mat was supposed to protect the animal with a magic circle. Then at the other side of the area a black shadow started to float towards Mat really fast. He started to focus his energy into his hand. His hand started to glow a light shade of gold/yellow. He stuck his hand out and what looks like an person started to form and grab the animal and hold it. The dark shadow ran past Mat and to the animal and when it tried to get to the animal it, the shadow explodes into dust.

'Wait, was that suppose to happen?' I think. looking at the nurse who was dumbfounded by the shadow turning into dust.

"Yay!! I have protection magic!!" Mat yells as he runs up to his mom.

"Congratulations!!" His mom yells and hugs Mat.

"W-well, let's continue!" The nurse interrupts.

"Next is Deimos." The nurse says.

Deimos walks over to the area and a new animal is let out. Another shadow is running towards Deimos. He tries to focus the energy into his hands. His hands start glowing a light shade of black, almost grey. But nothing ever comes out of his hands. He stands there for a few more seconds, but the shadow passes by him and attacks the animal. The animal is then picked up and taken to the table area to be healed. Deimos walks back to him mom.

"What??" Mat's and his mom say in disbelief that Deimos doesn't have protection magic.

"I'm sorry mom.." He says sadly.

"Whatever!" She says dismissing him.

'Rude.' I think. 'But who am I to say anything, my mom does the same thing.' I remind myself

I look over at him sadly, only to get an angry, rage filled glare. I look down. 'I feel bad, no one should have to go through that.' I think.

"-ana!! Thana!" The nurse says, voice coming into range.

"Yes." I say.

"It's your turn." The nurse says.

I begin walking over to the area and a new animal is set out for me. I look over at the shadow running towards the animal. I focus my energy into my hands. My hands are now glowing a light shade of purple. My magic starts to leave my body as a figure starts to form. I don't pay any attention to what form it was taking, I just wanted to protect this scared animal. The figure closes it's arms around the animal. Then the shadow runs into the figure and it also explodes into dust. I look at the nurse and she has the dumbfounded look again.

'Was this not normal?' I think.

'L-lets continues on to the next section!" She squeaks.

As we walk over to the next section, Deimos is getting quietly shouted at for not being able to use protection magic. I look at his mother and glare. 'Why is she looking at me like that?' The mother thinks.

The mother stopped yelling and looks at me confused. I look at the mother still glaring. Deimos looks at both of us. I stop looking at the mother, she still seems confused even when I look away. I look over at Deimos, still walking. 'I wonder if he is ok?' I think.

'Why did she glare at mother like that?' He thinks.

I look forward and continue walking. We make it to the last section and it seems to be combat based. The nurse starts to explain. "This section will be combat magic, this section will take longer than the others. You will see what combat magic you are most compatible with We will start with speed." She explained.

The nurse points over to the line at on side of the section, then to another line at the other end of section. We take our place at the first line the nurse pointed at. 'I wonder how this is going to work.' I think.

The nurse starts to explain how to activate the magic for speed. "You will need to focus your magic energy into your legs. Then start to run, you should be able to do this." She states.

As the nurse said we start to focus the magic energy into our legs. I start to feel the warmth in my legs, this takes a couple seconds more than the boys. The boys are already running. I finally get it and i start running. Once I was to the other line and back I noticed that the nurse was looking at me weird. 'Why is she looking at me like that?' I think.

"Did I see that right?!" She yells.

"Huh?" I say.

"You had magic circles on your feet making you go faster?!" She said, starting to gain everyone's attention.

"What do you mean?" I respond.

"Your not supposed to have magic circles on your feet, your just supposed to be faster without!" She yells.

"Oh.. I that bad?" I say a little worried.

"Well no, but it's definitely not normal!" She continued to yell.

I just tuned her out and other nurses were starting to walk over and ask questions.

"Are we going to continue the evaluation?" The mother says.

"Y-yes!" The nurse squeaks. "The next thing is summoning." She continued.

I tune her back in and look at the nurse explain.

"You will need a paper with a magic circle on it. You will then need to transfer your magic into the circle. Put all of your magic into this. Then put it on the floor when you see it light up. You will summon something that over time you will have to tame. The summon can be any animal of spiritual animal." The nurse explained.

The nurse walked away for a few minutes, then came back with magic circle on a piece of paper.

"Here." The nurse says as they gave each of us the paper.

The three of us start to concentrate. I kept my eyes open, it took a couple of minutes to put all of my magic into the circle. Then it started to glow,I put my paper down. The boys seems to already have it down on the ground. My circle took longer than the boys' circles. The summoned pretty cool animals. Mat summoned a white pegasus . Deimos summoned a red dragon. Once my circle summoned something it was like a flash of light. I covered my eyes and closes them. After the bright light I looked at my summon circle and there was a person standing there? I got closer and it was what looked like a supreme being. I looked at it again and noticed a person that was wearing a black hood. They seemed to be sitting on the ground. The light starts disappear.You can see my summon. 'Its a death god?!' I think. The death god looked around.

"Where am I?!" They yelled.

The nurses and a few people looked over to see what was happening. Then the death god looked at me, their eyes started to sparkle.

"Naenia!!" The death god yelled happily.

"Wait.." The two boys whispered.

"Oh, ummm.." I say.

"Right you not much of a talker. Anyway, how was-" The death god said before I stopped them.

"Let's talk about it later.." I say as I start to take my hands off the death gods mouth.

I look around and see that everyone is looking at me.