
The End Of The Supreme Deities

There stands a 'human' that has a neutral soul that had to be judged. The world is ending and humans are dying left and right. The 'human' has come to talk to God and Lucifer personally.

existing_summoner · Urban
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3 Chs

Is It The Beginning Or The End

I was walking down main street looking at all the destruction. The destruction was caused by the end of the world. This was the end. I have traveled the world to see what has caused this. It was the product of what the humans have done. I have seen what they have done, pollution, deforestation, and more. This has all added up. People are dying left and right. Walking down the street, I walked past a store and people are stealing and attacking others. This is what the end looks like.

I continue walking down the street, then an explosion hit the area. I was untouched. Everyone around me died. I was approached by two figures.

"How did this happen?!" The darker shadow asks.

"I don't know!" The brighter shadow said.

'Oh, they're here.' I think.

"Why does this soul have to be neutral?!" The dark shadow asks.

"We need your soul!!" The darker shadow said.

"Whatever!" The brighter shadow says.

"Actually!" I say getting the two shadows' attention.

They look at me like I killed their family.

"But I'm here for you two." I say.

They look confused.

"What are you talking about!?!" The darker shadow asks.

"What I'm saying is I'm death and your time is up." I say monotoned.

They look horrified at my response.

"God, Lucifer, your time has come to an end." I say.

They start to yell at me, makes me want to take their time even more! But I need to calm them down.

"This is how it will work, since you are supreme beings, you will be reincarnated into a human in the new world. You will not have any powers, you can not choose who will succeed you." I finish.

They look more scared and mortified. 'I need to get this over with..' I think tried of their presence. I walk closer to them, they take a step back.

"This needs to happen. You can run away from this." I say.

Once I touch them they turn to dust and rencarnated.