
The enchantress has been enchanted

"And why would you do that" Sheba asked her, getting worried about how she was faring. "I did it all because l love you, yes Sheba l love you so much" she said as she locked her lips with hers it a kiss. "Nooooo " a voice screamed as a big blast was made and their bodies got seperated in different sides in the room. "Not in this world Elisha " the voice said in anger. Elisha raised her head to see who it was, lo and behold, it was the devil himself. "Lucifer? " REINCARNATED!! An enchantress from the past with the strong will to defeat her worst enemy *her sister*. In her first life, that didn't go well as her should was trap in an powerful ancient magical object. She craves to be REINCARNATED to continue her will, to destroy her sister and take over the whole Cullen with her darkness. Sheba! That was the name that made the devil himself go nuts. He longed for her to be his but she only craved to dominate and control even. Since they were not compatible, they turned to be worse rivals in the past but mates in present. HOW?!, read and find out. Fantasy. The world of socerecry keeps getting twined with the crave for power, dominion and love!.

Nessy_Biora · Fantasy
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21 Chs

A happy life

Khalan's eyes fluttered open for the first time since the begining of that day. She felt her head ache and her arm numb with pain. She tried to lift it but it hurt more than when it was on bed. She raised her head a bit and looked around her. It seemed like a small room in a house, a one she could not recognize but it looked portable and sweet just like her room back at her hut with Nathan. Wait? Did Nathan get to her again? Oh no, she really meant to be separated from him but she guess she could not last even a day without him.

With a sigh of disappointment, she tried to stand but was stopped by a male voice she didn't recognize.

"Amora no! You are not strong enough for that". The voice said with concern.

'Amora? Who was that? Why was she being called that name?'

"Amora please sit down" a young man who looked like he was in his early twenties helped her sit back on the bed. He didn't look familiar to her but he was sure acting nice to her and she was not certain why. "You are too weak to stand now, get some rest first".

Khalan looked at him curiously. Who was he excatly and why was he helping her. "Who are you?" She managed to asked among all the questions she had like where he found her? why he took her in? Why he was calling her Amora? And who excatly was Amora? that was if she even existed.

"l know you would not recognize me again, afterall you were taken from us when you were just little. But am here now ok. I am your immediate older brother, Mogous. You are my little sister Amora" he said with a beautiful smile.

'Immediate older brother?' She had an older brother? What is going on here? ' Khalan had losts of questions in her head now. She thought her family had abandoned her in the woods, and cared nothing for her. Why then was this man claiming that she was taken away from them. Without words, she stood abruptly and looked at him sternly.

"I don't know what or who you are talking about Mr Mogous but l know one thing for sure. My name is Khalan, not Amora and l have no family. I was abandoned in the woods as a baby and my kind hearted friend found and raised me". Actually, she was now regretting leaving the hut because it was definitely bearable than being in a place she knew nothing about with some man claiming to be her brother.

"Oh Amora is this how much he has influenced you?" He said with very sad eyes like he pitied her. "You were not abandoned dear sister. You were taken away by a evil man, when you were only but a baby. He deceived us all and took you away. He is a very evil man Amora and he only seeks your soul. But l thank mother Moist that she has heard my prayers and has guided me to you that l may save you from the shackles of that evil one. Please sit down and get well first, after that, l will take you to mother Moist and she shall cleanse you of all the evil that man has put in you and you shall be accepted by the village once again" he ended with a smile.

Khalan felt utterly confused. She would be a liar if she said she understood anything the man was saying but there was one thing she didn't miss, was that she was not abandoned but taken away. But Nathan had said that she was abandoned in the woods by her family. If this man truly was her family, then that means only two things, either that Nathan lied to her or that it was the evil man who dumped her in the woods and she was very sure that was not Nathan. He was not evil! But wait! Was she considering believing this man, what if he was lying. She should not trust him.

"How can l know that what you say is true? Are you really my brother?" She asked with her emerald eyes shinning bright with the sun ray it was exposed to.

"Amora" he called softly, holding her hands. "Blood can never be separated. I am your brother, l was only five years old when you were taken away. I could not understand anything then but l was certain the villagers accused you of bearing an evil mark... "

"What? An evil mark? Where?" Khalan interrupted.

"They said it was on your forehead, but l guess it's gone now"

Khalan touch her forehead subconsciously, just to be sure there was nothing there.

"They said the mark was the mark of the enchantress and you were destined for great destruction, hence you must not be left to live" he said sadly.

"If that was what happened, then how come l survived?" Khalan was now more curious than ever. She wanted every detail of what happened and hoped Mogous would give it to her.

"I really don't know how Amora..."

"Wait! Why do you keep calling me Amora, l told you my name is Khalan"

"That might be the name you answer now but the name our mother gave you after your birth was Amora. I was there my self to hear your first cry. I was so glad to have a baby sister afterall. But that moment didn't last".

Khalan felt sad, not for the fact that she was accused as a baby, but because she didn't get to meet her mother. "How about my... I mean our mother, where is she and rest of the family?" She asked hoping to hear that they too were somewhere, waiting for her.

"Mother died a day after you where taken, her name was Anna. She could not bear to live with the pain that you were no more". He said with a very sad face and voice.

Khalan felt a tear drop from her eyes down her cheeks and her heart burnt with so much pain. "And our father?"

"Father died too but just recently. His name was Veer and he tried his best to raise is all, l mean the six of us, your six brothers"

Khalan eyes widened. "I have six brothers?"

"Yes" he answered with a bright smile "and l am the last of them all. The others are, Lancelot the oldest. He is thirty five years old now and he is a knight in the kings order. A very respected one at that. He stays with his family in the royal court and l am sure you will love to meet them someday.

The other is Cedrick he is in his early thirties now, let me say thirty one or thirty two, am not too certain. Cedrick is the duke of Argan. Lucky right?" He smiled at her. "I know"

Although Khalan knew nothing of who a duke was but as Mogous exhaled the tittle, she was sure it was a very high position.

"Well he got that position when the small state was created few years ago when the present king came into power. He thought it best to create more dukedoms and Cedrick was just lucky to have been a worthy baron at that time, so he was made duke of Argan and his wife, duchess. What a lucky family"

Khalan looked at him only listening to his words, not really understanding them but picking the points that were important to her, her oldest brother was knight, the second was a duke. That was it and it was enough for her.

"And the next one?"

"Oh yes, the next are Sherlock and Lambert, the twins. They are not worth talking about Amora just forget about them".

"What? What do you mean not worth talking about? What happened to them?" Khalan certainly did not want to loose a story.

"Amora they died. That's all and l don't want to talk about them, not now not ever so can we move to your fifth brother?"

Khalan felt sad again. She had lost four members of her family, without even getting to meet them. Her mother, her father and her twin brothers. So bad.

"I know it is hard Amora" He stood up to comfort her. "But none of it was your fault, so don't hurt yourself about it"

She nodded softly to his words and he continued with what he was saying.

"Our next brother Nabu. He is twenty five and l would say is the luckiest of all of us because he fell in love with the princess of Limphean. A land after the southern borders of Cullen.

They are married now and am sure he is living a very happy life, like we all deserve".

"How about you?" Khalan asked abruptly, "are you living a happy life?"...