
The enchantress has been enchanted

"And why would you do that" Sheba asked her, getting worried about how she was faring. "I did it all because l love you, yes Sheba l love you so much" she said as she locked her lips with hers it a kiss. "Nooooo " a voice screamed as a big blast was made and their bodies got seperated in different sides in the room. "Not in this world Elisha " the voice said in anger. Elisha raised her head to see who it was, lo and behold, it was the devil himself. "Lucifer? " REINCARNATED!! An enchantress from the past with the strong will to defeat her worst enemy *her sister*. In her first life, that didn't go well as her should was trap in an powerful ancient magical object. She craves to be REINCARNATED to continue her will, to destroy her sister and take over the whole Cullen with her darkness. Sheba! That was the name that made the devil himself go nuts. He longed for her to be his but she only craved to dominate and control even. Since they were not compatible, they turned to be worse rivals in the past but mates in present. HOW?!, read and find out. Fantasy. The world of socerecry keeps getting twined with the crave for power, dominion and love!.

Nessy_Biora · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Where is my Sheba

"It is so good you came madam" Nelly dean spoke as she led Elisha to Khalan's room. "I am sure your sister would be very grateful you came for her. We have done our best to take good care of her since on of hunters brought her here yesterday. I do hope you appreciate our efforts on her, we really did our best to tend to her".

"You don't need to worry Nelly dean" Elisha spoke sweetly to her, already happy that she would meet Sheba anytime soon. "I really happy and thankful that you took my sister in and took care of her even without any payment". She smiled to her.

"Thank you madam" she came to a halt before an old wood door with these numbers inscribed on them 022. "Here" she opened the door and gestured for her to go in first.

Elisha walked in with high spirits to meet an empty bed. "Where is she?!" She barked at Nelly dean.

"Maam she is right he... " she joined her in the room to meet the same surprise. "Madam she was just here a while ago" she said with a shocked expression on her face.

"Where is she then?! Huh! I don't see her!" Elisha made her steps on the wood floor hard and noisy as she walked into the restroom in the room but found it empty. She looked outside through the window and saw no one that could be likened to her Sheba.

"Madam please calm them and let me inform the inn security, so we can search for her properly".

"Don't try to calm me down Nelly dean!" Elisha yelled. "My Sheb... I mean my sister is missing and the only thing you can ask me to do is calm down?! Report to who ever you want yo report to Nelly dean! I want my sister found immediately!" She said finally before jumping out through the window.

"Madam that is not safe... " Nelly dean tried to stop her but she was already gone. With fear and shock, she ran out of the room to meet with Mr Derlin.

"Mr Derlin! Mr Derlin!" She called loudly as she ran towards the counter only to find him lying on the floor, numb and cold. "Oh my!" She screamed at the top her voice. "Mr Derlin! Mr Derlin!" She shook him vigorously hoping he would at least open his eyes. However, he did not even bulge at all her efforts making her already wide eyes to widen the more in fear as she ran outside the inn to get help and save his life.


"Dammit* l am sure it is you Lucifer who play this trick on me" Elisha cursed as she went round the whole place, searching for her Sheba. She knew well that the only one who could carry out such a work was Lucifer and none other than him. He has not come to terms with the fact that Sheba was hers and hers alone. She had thought that maybe he realized this earlier when she found out that she exited the barrier. But now she could say that his head was still as sturbbon as ever.

Now she knew her flaw. She would have come for Sheba immediately she sensed that Lucifer's aura no longer dominated hers, but instead she hesitated with the mind of wanting to be sure that she was no longer with Lucifer and preparing for her return her. Well, now she regrets that decision because now it was causing her this frustration.


"Elisha?" A familiar voice called to her from a distance.

Yes! She knew that voice very well and that was just the one she wanted see now. She turned to the owner of the voice with a frown on her face. "Lucifer!"

"What are you doing here?" He asked her not seeming surprised that he saw her here. Of course she came for the same reason she did, 'Sheba'.

"Oh don't pretend like you don't know why am her Lucifer" she walked with anger to where he stood and pointed her already elongated nails directly at his chest, with her pink eyes giving his ruby ones all the fire in them. "Where is she?" She asked already piercing his clothes with her sharp nails.

Lucifer remained calm, as he looked around to remind her that humans were still around them and she was getting unwanted attention to herself. But that did not make her drop her act. Infact, she held unto his collar tightly and brought her long nails of the free hand to his neck with no intentions of not causing him a wound atleast.

Lucifer sighed, not that he wanted her to let her guard down but because he had to find his Sheba soon and keep soon. But until then, he was definitely in for the fight.

Without words, he teleported the both of them to an unknown place in the forest, holding her neck with all the strength in him and tossing her against a huge tree.

"I should be the one to ask you that question Elisha. Where is my Sheba?"...