
The enchantress has been enchanted

"And why would you do that" Sheba asked her, getting worried about how she was faring. "I did it all because l love you, yes Sheba l love you so much" she said as she locked her lips with hers it a kiss. "Nooooo " a voice screamed as a big blast was made and their bodies got seperated in different sides in the room. "Not in this world Elisha " the voice said in anger. Elisha raised her head to see who it was, lo and behold, it was the devil himself. "Lucifer? " REINCARNATED!! An enchantress from the past with the strong will to defeat her worst enemy *her sister*. In her first life, that didn't go well as her should was trap in an powerful ancient magical object. She craves to be REINCARNATED to continue her will, to destroy her sister and take over the whole Cullen with her darkness. Sheba! That was the name that made the devil himself go nuts. He longed for her to be his but she only craved to dominate and control even. Since they were not compatible, they turned to be worse rivals in the past but mates in present. HOW?!, read and find out. Fantasy. The world of socerecry keeps getting twined with the crave for power, dominion and love!.

Nessy_Biora · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Brotherly love gone wrong

"How about you?" Khalan asked abruptly, "are you living a happy life?".

"My happiness doesn't count Amora" he looked directly into her emerald eyes. "The only thing that matters to me now is how to set you free from the influence of darkness you have been through"

"lnflunce of darkness?" Khalan was lost. "What influence of darkness?".

"I mean the one you possess within you"

"l possess darkness within me?" Now she wanted to scared but she did not. Mogous did not mean to scare her but felt it necessary to tell her the truth.

"That is not something you should be bothered about Amora" he led her back to the bed. "it is all going to be fine, because l have a solution"

"Really? What is it?"

"Do you know of goddess Moist?" he asked with serious eyes and voice.

"Humm" Khalan thought for a while before shaking her head.

"Of course you don't" he bowed his head in disappointment for some seconds and taking a deep breath before looking up to her again.

"goddess Moist is the mother of Cullen, the protector of our lands and the source of our survival. She rules the whole of Cullen keeps it safe from the attacks of witches and other creatures of darkness. Got it?"

Although Khalan was not the sharp student so to say, but she atleast nodded to his words and kept quite to hear more.

"I did not understand why the villagers hated and accused you at first because l was only but a child too but l was sure l would find you someday somehow. For that reason, l grew up studying and practicing to be a worthy priest of mother Moist, only for the purpose to save you when the time is right. Luckily for me, l found favor in the eyes of mother Moist and she asked me what my greatest desire was in the day of my induction as priest. I opened up to her wholly and told her about the mark, the villagers and their accusations against you, l told her clearly that my wish was to redeem and be reunited with my sister again and she out of her wonderful mercy granted that to me". He ended with a sweet smile.

"She really did that?" Khalan didn't seem to believe the story. For some reason she could not understand, she did not seem to like mother Moist at all and believed she was not as glorious as Mogous has explained. She might not know who she was, but she believed she was no one worth her believe.

"Of course Amora. She is a gracious goddess and she would never deny to answer a prayer said with love and faith. She granted me power as one of her priest to repel darkness and she also seemed to very much care about you. She wishes that l bring you to her temple, after l have found and separated you from darkness that she may set you free herself and input her pure light in your soul that no sort of darkness would ever dominate in you ever again".

"Wait, so you mean you are taking me to her temple right now?"

"Yes. I have managed to find you, even though it wasn't easy. Also, l have managed to separate you from other forces of darkness, and as it stands now they cannot sense or see you now. With the help of the barrier l placed over this hut, it's impossible that they locate you, be it witches, demons or even that wicked man" he clenched his fists. "To them right now, you are invisible and they can never find you". He ended with a proud smile. "Now the only thing l am waiting for is for you to regain your strength, then l shall take straight away to mother Moist's temple".

Khalan felt this sudden unexplainable fury in her, not because he believed her to be of darkness, in fact that seemed like a compliment to her, strange. But what really got her was anytime he mentioned that the so called mother Moist would save her and she would have to follow him to her temple.

"l don't need the help of your goddess brother. What l need now is to get out of this hut of yours and meet with my other brothers for a start. I have been withheld by a barrier all my life and l do not like it! I want to leave my life being free and not kept under a barrier. Now if you would please lead the way to my other brothers, Lancelot for a start. You had said l would love to meet him one day and l am sure that day is today".

"Lancelot would never accept you into his home like this Amora" he answered sadly.

"Like how exactly" Khalan looked at herself from head to toe. "What is wrong with me".

"You darkness, the darkness within you. He would never welcome you because he still blames for the death of our mother and loss of Sherlock and Lambert. He and the others would never forgive and they wish to have nothing to do with you".

"What?! But you said none of it was my fault!"

"That is not something that should bother you Amora. All you have to do is get some rest and when you wake up, l shall take you to mother Moist's temple and she shall purify your soul and make acceptable before everyone, including our brothers and you shall be able to leave a peaceful life free from darkness". He tried to place his arm on her shoulder but she slapped them off with fury written all over her face.

"Don't you dare touch me Mogous. I don't care if you nor anyone believes l am of evil or destruction, but one thing is certain l will never follow you to that stupid temple you speak of!"

"No Amora. That is the evil in you, trying to resist light. Do not let it consume you when you can very well defeat it".

"I comfortable the way l am Mogous and l do not need any silly purification. I am leaving now, thank you for the hospitality dear brother" she bluntly said as she made her way to the door but as she opened it, it slammed back closed. She opened it again but the skam repeated it self and louder this time. At this, she knew it was no ordinary air movement. She turned to Mogous who stood with his staff at hand, looking at her with the most sad eyes she has ever seen. "lf you won't follow me to the temple by your own wish, then l am sorry dear sister, l will have to force you".

"Let me go Mogous! If you were truly my brother as you claim to be, you would no that l need no purification or redemption. Now let me go before l break down this door!"

Without words, he struck his staff against her and a glittering rope from no where tied her down." You are coming with me to the temple and nothing can stop that" he said in a determined voice as he began creating a portal that would lead them straight to the temple.

"No! No!" she kept screaming. "l do not want to go, l don't need your help or that of your goddess's. Let me go now! Can't you hear me! I said let me go now!" she kept struggling with the ropes but their power was something she couldn't overpower. In no time, the portal was now wide open and ready to accept them.

Mogous walked to where she lay and carried her on his shoulder as they walked towards the portal. He knew very there was no time to waste as he used a lot of his energy in creating the portal, hence the barrier went down so it was virtually possible that the darkness he had shielded her from might be on its way now to get her, since she could now be sensed.

"l said put me down!" Khalan yelled again as she continued to struggle. Fortunately for her, her struggles paid off as she was able to fall off his shoulders landing face first on the floor.

"Ouh!" she shrieked in pain. That really hurt more that supposed but Mogous did not give her time to recover, as he picked her up from the floor again.

"You are going to thank me later for this Amora! Just you wait" he carried her towards the portal again, and yet again she managed to slip off his shoulders.

"Aaaah!" she cried in pain again. Now she knew the problem, the ropes that tied her seemed to be amplifying the pain she felt anytime she fell to the floor, causing her serious anguish. "Why can't you just let me go! I don't want to come with, let me go!"

"Enough Amora!" he struck her with his staff again, this time she was covered up in a bright bubble which seemed to affect her so much. "Stop struggling with me Amora and the pain will be over" he lifted the bubble with the help of the telekinesis his staff weilded and took her with him straight to the portal.

For some seconds, she stopped struggling as she was just curled up in the bubble, unmoving. Mogous saw it a sign that she was now willing to come with him freely, so he set her free. He realesed her from the bubble and loosen the ropes. She fell to the floor, and he scooped her immediately into his arms. "lt ok Amora" he removed her hair that covered her face. "You will be free in no time, trust me".

He was about to enter the portal before a huge blast from no where destroyed it. The effect of the blast blew them away and it made the hut's walls fall to the floor and them exposed to the open.

"And who said she had to be free from anything!" an angered male voice followed after the blast.

Mogous looked to the direction of the voice and saw a man standing not too far him. He didn't look familiar but he was sure he was dangerous. He could tell from the aura he posed. He was about to rise and face him but was surprised when the man suddenly cried out in pain, holding his head as if it were going to burst. He kept screaming in pain and he stood there watching him in shock.

All his attention was still focused on him till suddenly, he someone or something from behind blasted him so hard, making him fall to the floor, cowering in pain.

"l told you l did not want to meet my sister yet"...