
The Empty Cultivator.

A black cloud drapes the sun and beings the horrors of the universe to a planet. A connection to the true heavens is established and the system of all realities re-forges the planet and its people. A monster rises from the sand...but it is empty. Its body is empty. Red thunder fills the skies, as a river of blood falls from the head of the champion of humanity. "A man that stands for nothing, falls for everything." Machine takes the throne of gods... Human mistake is the fall of men...but machines don't make mistakes. Think again. A mistake was made. -------------------------- Hi. I have reached the limit of what I can achieve without experience...so that is why I want to write to you, the public. Go ahead and tell me what you think. I have sharpened my skills, but I need someone to toople me off my little mountain. If you are that person...thank you in advance. ^_^

Palton_Hammerad · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Two Worlds.












̴̼͔̣͕͈̺̩̭̤̖̮͎͈̫̤͚͇̰̪̦͂͑̅̀̓͗̔̌̎̄͗̓͐̑̽͐́͒̐̉̿̇̆̿̄͒͑̎͊͐͒̐̓̅̔̔͛̕͠"WHO ARE YOU!"

The quivering amalgamation of ink put up its talons to the sky, and thick glossy spider-like webs began cramming themselves in the room.

"WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY DOMAIN!" The voice was scratched and rattling as the entrapments surrounding it solidified into thick floods of solid metal.

Eugenie attempted to move away but his body stopped. The black veins invading his arm mutated and proceeded to spiral through his entire physique. The veins dug deep into his body and connected to all his organs as Eugenie was sent to sleep once again. The emptiness wrapped itself around his consciousness and impeded the Black Sighgon from hurting it.

"KILL ME, KILL ME." His tone dropped to a monstrous depth, as his body began to fill out. His muscle mass shredded through his thin skin while his bones began to augment. Broad sections of his body detonated as the bones commenced to build a cocoon of exoskeleton around his body.

"HAHAHAH. FINALLY, THIS BODY IS mine." The very thin aura of silver around the now possessed Eugenie crackled, and burst in heavy flows of power.

"The world's index…humanity strikes."

The walls of the room began to tear, and crack as mountains full of power were sucked from the area. Eugine brought up his bulging arm and sharply slashed space. The white room couldn't handle the burden, and the convulsing amalgamation of ink fragmented space itself with its twisting body.

The two attacked, and all was darkness.




"Where is he? I can't find him!" Shouted Mel, and began to pace in front of her dad's throne. "We bring him into our home, and this is how he repays us! How dare he. Did you already check the poison kingdoms?" She hit her crystal ball in anger and stared at her dad.

"I have checked a billion times! I can't find him there! I can't find him anywhere! He just vanished." She frowned and began stomping around the huge reflective crystal ball in the middle of the throne room.

"You should have kept your eye on him. I was excited to meet him but noooo. Now I can't because that bitch Jajar killed him!" The harmony to the heavens snapped again as the system latched onto her mind, and ate away at her mental energy.

"Jajar has done nothing! Do not speak of your mother that way." Her father warned her with his scepter fluttering around the hall in panic. "You're a wingless asshole dad." She shouted at him and began touching the ball again to try and circumvent the system.

Connecting to the heavens had become harder, and harder as systems of all kinds invaded their world and tried to work around one another.

"WHAT DID YOU TELL ME!?" Her father screamed at her but she ignored his petulant cries and tried to find the little wolf once again. He didn't know her, but she had watched him for some time, and her father knew that.

It had happened the moment he entered the castle. She could feel the essence of death filling the corridors of the castle and it was all coming from him. As the death spread something gulped it back into his body. She tried to see his abilities and stats but saw nothing.

She inspected the madness when he had entered the main fountain of the castle, and could not connect to it as it rejected her, and took all the energy in her body.

His smooth skin still appeared in her mind's eye as he had been dipped in her specially made blood, and how his heart of pure madness called for her. She loved that feeling but that was nothing compared to whatever lay below that pure insanity because inside...she found something more interesting.

She was getting a piece of the chicken leg whether he liked it, or not!

The longer she paced around her ball, the more the floor felt off for some reason. "Dad! Shut up. Do you feel that?"

"What are you saying to me, you...you are right. It's trembling this time of the year?" The vibrations became further noticeable, and she could sense the direction of the earthquake. "It's in the volcanic region of Myrt!" She shouted and felt the tides of power radiating from that location.

The tremors notched up in strength, as she could feel the entrails of the world shake and drag together the very magma of the earth into a typhoon, just like a blender.

"Tell me what is going on Mel!" She pointed at him and waved him over. "Stop being lazy and come here! I can barely concentrate with all this trembling. "

The scepter of his father drifted in front of the house-sized globe of reflective crystal and pulsed with ripples of energy as it hoisted her and the ball into the air. He appeared beside her. "Do it."

She stared at her dad's determined grimace and touched his shoulder.




A man squatted on his peak and overlooked his community, building their little tents on the sand of this desert. They used timber and bedsheets they had brought into their cars from shops around the road and stitched them all together with the little knowledge they could find.

It had nearly been a month since this whole mess had started. He had watched pretty much a few hundred of his communication network evaporate when the world changed. Godoz or whatever had "integrated" their planet had taken them and put them someplace. Wherever that was, it amounted to something little now but from time to time he preferred to think about it than forget.

He was stronger thanks to this "system," and he was glad but he was also furious that his pop had perished alongside his whole group. Luckily he had saved some others.

Ferson gazed at the flow of sand spiraling in the windy climate and whispering to him of the great knowledge of flows. But something irked him since a few days ago. Something was not right. He had been cultivating for a few days, and not a single of his stats moved up even if he was becoming bigger and stronger.

Something else was amiss here. The system didn't start when he called it, and he couldn't see the labels of the mutated critters they had to battle every day. The surface had been trembling slightly for godoz knows how long, and he could hardly comprehend how these events came to be. It was not that he was stupid.

He was a wizard and was proud of himself in his vast awareness but this quake went against all he found in the quickly scalding books. He was convinced that by a month from today the regenerating paper would twist the ink, and erase all the information in the book.

He felt the quivers, and then something shifted as his sight divided. The sand was superimposed on dry land with cracks that had murkish flows of liquid descending a grand cliff. An active volcano stood in the distance under a massive dark sky. The sight ended and he was back to the sands.

The tempo of the surface began to acclimatize, and the quivering turned into chaotic tremors to the point his peak started to crack. He hurriedly leaped off and sprinted down the steep curvature of the mountain. A second barely passed before the floor proceeded to shake like never before.

He was literally propelled off the curve and elevated into the air. The sand was breaking down into gigantic rifts, and his people fell inside but were rapidly shot back as pieces of green rock came out of the sinkholes. For every crack, new rock formations began to pop out of the sand.

Was the planet evolving? He asked himself as he re-directed his fall, and let his form zip down to the ground. A crater formed when he descended on the shifting sand, but yet again he was propelled off the ground as the shaking made him like if he was on a city-sized trampoline.

"FUUCCKK!" He howled and attempted to land on his feet but then a shock wave slapped his body. An explosion of pressure like he had never felt before pushed his body deep into the sand. The world was shaking like a frightened boy, and he was going to discover why. He lifted himself off from the crater that had formed a mold of his body and looked at his camp.

The camp was still bouncing around along with his people. Whatever this pressure came from had to be from something near him. He looked around with his hands on his knees when he spotted it. In the far distance, clouds of lightning crackled.

A slowly broadening fissure of light expanded from space itself. He watched with an open mouth of naked terror as the hole expanded, and more of that monstrous pressure proceeded to cram its influence into the surroundings.

His feet sank into the sand but that didn't faze him as he contemplated what he imagined to be god's battle it out.




The body of Eugenie was sent flying as the very effect of the different energies rendered his arm useless. The amalgamation of ink was diverted to the side too, as a spatial gash in space was pulled open between them. For a moment, the netherworld, and earth existed in perfect synchronization. The very laws of the atoms around them were raised to their limits and reforged by the energies into a more structured form.

Mystical energy blended around Liath energy structures.

The bare body of a mutated Eugenie touched the floor, and with lightning behind each step broke the ground into sharp pillars of rock, and blasted towards the inky amalgamation. Stabs and jabs whizzed around the core of the swift ink. Each punch blew up the air to shreds as Eugene's tempo swerved his first arcs into more and more smooth ones. The sand superimposed on green rock cracked more and more.

"HAHAHAH, IT'S BEEN TOO LONG. IS THIS ALL YOU HAVE CREATURE!" Eugenie shouted in glee, and the ink responded swiftly by reforming its whole structure to resemble that of the mutated muscular form of Eugine. The creature blocked a fist from the possessed Eugine, and only then did it began its counterattack. Its human form was abrupt and efficient as it paced around Eugenie. Pushing him back by pulling his tendons and searing his muscles.

"The world's index: To fill the world and make it vane."

The air around the creature compacted around its joints and lifted it off the ground. A gleaming tentacle shot out of the compacted air and attacked his joints. With great agility, Eugine pushed below the tentacles and grabbed one on his side. He twisted it towards him with great force.

His scheme was a mistake, as the tentacle exploded into spikes. The influence of Eugenie faded from the air, and the ink was freed.




"Dad! He is dying."

"Dammit!" The aura encasing her father simmered endless light, and the very air turned into plasma. In a second the whole throne room was eradicated, and with a piece of her mental energy, she had to protect her crystal ball.

She could glimpse from her crystal ball the form of her dad whizzing through the glowing red rivers of magma that flowed in her world and pass through calcified mountains with tips of pure diamond.

At the scene of battle, little wolf, and the things of monstrous strength struggled against one another for a battle of distinction.

The fight had just begun, and both of their worlds could feel it.