
The Empty Cultivator.

A black cloud drapes the sun and beings the horrors of the universe to a planet. A connection to the true heavens is established and the system of all realities re-forges the planet and its people. A monster rises from the sand...but it is empty. Its body is empty. Red thunder fills the skies, as a river of blood falls from the head of the champion of humanity. "A man that stands for nothing, falls for everything." Machine takes the throne of gods... Human mistake is the fall of men...but machines don't make mistakes. Think again. A mistake was made. -------------------------- Hi. I have reached the limit of what I can achieve without experience...so that is why I want to write to you, the public. Go ahead and tell me what you think. I have sharpened my skills, but I need someone to toople me off my little mountain. If you are that person...thank you in advance. ^_^

Palton_Hammerad · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Truths and Lies.

He could say many things, but in any case, he had people who he had to live for. Even if he knew it was just 2.

He decided.

"I don't know what to stay…I'm not a warrior, and it's not like I don't have problems. I haven't had time to think of all this shit. I need time. I need to find Leila, Cass, Henny," he said as he counted them with his fingers. "3 people. I fear they need help. Please, help me." He finished, bracing himself, as he turned towards the green vortex dripping black fumes from the gate.

"A simple matter to us.." The devil assured him. "Explain." He looked back at the devil with a raised eyebrow. "If they are in this city or in any of our domains these people will not come to harm. We have our ways. Word of the morning." The kid stepped next to the portal and tapped it with the head of his scepter. In the next second the salivating void became a perfect black hole.

"How would you even know who they are? Can you read my mind?" He asked.

"We live alongside magic. What is not possible?" Well, another thing in his checklist of horrible and disturbing. "But what about your people? Your kind didn't have a problem tearing me apart and eating me. What guarantees that they won't do the same to her?" He could barely hold the resentment from leaking in his voice, as he could feel in vivid clarity...the pain of the hard ground, of the knife on his toes, and the tearing of his skin.

"The morning never lies. You can trust me on this little wolf." The devil told him with a leveled gaze.

"Ready to make a deal?." The devil's scepter rotated in complicated patterns inviting him to look longer. He considered the words of the devil. "I will stay, but I will not sell you my soul."

The devil was about to chat again but closed his mouth, and scratched his jaw, and then he began talking again. "I'm a high daegon boy...I don't know this devil and I don't think soul snatching is a thing. I have existed for centuries and this is the first time I hear of...soul pricing. Why would anyone need a soul??? Who is this devil???" The...king asked as he leaned slightly forward and tilted his head with a narrowed gaze.

The red eyes of the ruler didn't fib as he looked through them, and a weight that he didn't even know was on his shoulders was lifted off "I'm sorry for assuming, and I don't know. The name of the devil is Leourn, the rebellious son that enacted an uprising on his brother...Godoz the Reaper."

"ECCHHH ACCHHH!" The kid unexpectedly choked on his own saliva. "AHEM." His face returned to his normal serene expression.

"Why is this devil famous?" The deagon king asked.

"He enslaved humanity for billions of years before the technological revolution, and then the records of his existence stopped. Many think he is just a story but from what I have found in my outings throughout the world is that the armaments of the devil, the one's history depicts to be worn by his fallen angels, are the real deal." He told and watched the gaping mouth of the deagon king...sun king.

He continued. "I don't know if it's your weapons; now that I know this all exists, but I have seen people try to cut these armaments away with machinery and the armor always turns to dust."

"Well, I don't know...of these armaments, little wolf," said the king. "but I believe that if the story of son and father to be correct...then it was from those who ended up here for a while and then came back up...then, in that case, in that story, I would be this Godoz." Endless understanding could be discerned from the profound eyes of the king as his cape fluttered gloriously behind him.


The sun king swung his finger to the air. "Agel's." The kid said in a high tone of defeat. White feather wings, like those of an actual angel, began growing out of his back and grew twice his size in a few seconds

"So you are Godoz?" He looked at the wings in awe. "Yeah, yeah, I created me and decided to live next to the molten core of the planet. I will tell you if we ever have the chance. But you don't have to belie-"

"I believe you," he said excitedly as he realized just who he was standing in front of.

"Good to know boy. You see that bridge at the far wall?" The kid pointed in at the left wall and then redirected his gaze to a grey house with what appeared to be a large splotch of honey dripping down the wall. "The one with the golden sap dripping down the wall."

"Yes. Yes, I see it."

"Go there. My children are waiting for you. They will be your mentors from now on. Get along. They will become your team."

"Can I?" He pointed at the inert wings on his back. "Huh….yeah. Keep them. They are just a party trick here but it seems to be delightful to you humans. Now go." The kid said with twiddling thumbs.

He began stepping off the metal platform, and onto the vast bridge drifting on the water. "May the good morning be with you." The kid bowed and then waddled back in the direction of the shop.

(The morning...huh.)

Well, he was happy to have met Godoz and have time for himself at the same time, so he enthusiastically walked the bridge. He could now see a more street version of the sparkling lake, and the true size of the golden statue still standing gloriously in the middle. The statue was more towering than he thought it would be, and the houses looked like mansions standing around rice paddies.

As he walked down the bridge, he couldn't help but notice that the thing was truly coated in plants. Their leaves were fluffy and felt like warm wool to the touch. "Soft," he said as he took one as a memento and peeped at the gleaming water under the bridge for another memento. Inside, fish swam in great numbers but these fish were not ones he was used to as these fish had exoskeletons covering them; exoskeletons that reflected the light that the cave gave off with searing blinding power.

He took this rare opportunity to carry on the long way to his destination and relax. Walking for the sights and needing to quiet the great distress that raged inside of him.

It felt like a rising tempest just like the first time he had gotten this horrible hand but then...all his emotions withered and faded away as they simply evaporated into nothing.

He felt...empty.


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He stood in front of a redwood house.

Everything was calm as he looked at the bits of a red sap dripping down rough wood, and touched the liquid. The sap was all sticky and stuff so he cleaned it against his skin.


(HE WAS STILL NAKED!) He covered his dangling parts and peeked inside of the window. Luckily, no one was inside. He decided to enter quickly for clothes. Godoz would understand, right?




That kid…he turned over to the royal armory.

"Jawu I need one Hunul bensen. Don't ask me why." Jawu didn't glance back as he reached for the fruit his lord asked for. "Why would I ever?" The smart Ogo responded and passed him the fruit.

If he knew he was going to use it to experiment on this boy...how would he react?

"Do you think that kid will be alright? I mean look at him." Jawu pointed in the direction of the boy and was just in time to see him look through the window of the shack of one of his friends. "My brother typically picks the strongest...I wonder what happened to him."

He saw the boy break into the house. "Remind me to tell Jajar he is not a 'personal toy.'" He asked his friend and thought of what face Jajar would make when he told her the little wolf was not some toy.

"Was it wise to lie to him?." Jawu asked and began to close the armory and pack for lunch.

"He is a classical idiot. You know what he thought?" He asked Jawu as he helped him pack for lunch.

"What?" Jawu asked, curious.

"He thought I was the devil." There was a moment of silence, as the ogo tried to remember what the word meant, and he ogo quickly realized of course that the devil didn't, in fact, exist in his dictionary.

"What is this devil?"

"Beats me. I have heard the word used in the old books but I have to ask another human." He began planning his great scheme to take as much out of this boy as possible before this system culled them. "I think humanity stumbled upon something that may just help me pass my bottleneck." They stood in front of the closed armory and began walking to the portal the boy had believed went back to his world. But what a dummy.

If someone tells you to jump in a hole of pure darkness you can be sure there is a catch. This portal leads to the heart of the poison kingdoms.

"I don't know. I think the world control energy bottleneck thingy of yours is just a dead-end path. Your brother tried it and look at where he is now." Jawu had a point but he was missing something huge. Gods never forget. Gods keep their memories, and because gods are not dependent on the body it is not like for them to forget. So the question was: why was a semi-god dependent on a body now. Was this the road to immortality their father had concealed from prying eyes, so they never became threats?

"That is why I have to wrap this wolfie in my finger. I think the devil he is talking about is my brother, and he made a mistake while reaching godhood to be stuck in a body with a mind already inside." Now, that their father was dead it didn't matter if they become true gods. Their father would not be able to stop them...and if he was correct...whoever reached godhood this time would have the resources his father left aside because of fear.

"I have to get that information sooner or later. On other matters jawu, I found your father's armor and you won't believe what the little wolf told me about them."




Was this intrusion? Was he breaking a rule like those they had on the surface? He threw his worries out the imaginary window and walked along the runed floor. Ecstatic shocks passed through his body as he seemed to pass by an electric field before his body stepped inside.

The first thing that captured his attention as he entered the house was pink purplish goo flowing along the walls, like if they were being transported through transparent tubes. These veins of floating goo flowed to a normal fireplace heating a big pot.

He wanted to check what this was but decided that clothes were first, and moved up the stairs. In the corridor were 3 doors and he opened the first door.

Hanging by the ceiling and strapped to the wall were black chains with various instruments of torture with fresh blood still on them. There was a huge spike in the middle of the room with blood all over the tip, and a bed full of nasty hooks that had bloody spikes hanging on them.

He shut the door and hurried to the next room. When he opened the door he was bombed by a gust of aromas. "This is...ohhhh." He said in pleasure and entered a room full of different colored mushrooms, including some he had seen in what he assumed was the personal hall of Godoz.

In the corner of the room, a closet with various latches sat. He ran over, opening the latch, and grabbed the nearest cloth. What he had in his hand was what appeared to be a black dress. "Fuck." Maybe he could have just taken the curtains in the living room. Oh look, there is a white light in here. He walked inside and closed the latch behind him.

In Front of him was a closet full of black clothes hanging by wires on each side but leaving the middle empty. He didn't care about the clothes as he approached the light stitched to the gnarled wall. "Is this magic?" He said and touched the light

Immediately, his surroundings began to twist and deform until he was in a white room. In Front of him was a grey amalgamation of inky beast formed, and it was hunched over with its inky arms convulsing into waves of tick spider-like webs





"Is someone here?"

















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