
The Empty Cultivator.

A black cloud drapes the sun and beings the horrors of the universe to a planet. A connection to the true heavens is established and the system of all realities re-forges the planet and its people. A monster rises from the sand...but it is empty. Its body is empty. Red thunder fills the skies, as a river of blood falls from the head of the champion of humanity. "A man that stands for nothing, falls for everything." Machine takes the throne of gods... Human mistake is the fall of men...but machines don't make mistakes. Think again. A mistake was made. -------------------------- Hi. I have reached the limit of what I can achieve without experience...so that is why I want to write to you, the public. Go ahead and tell me what you think. I have sharpened my skills, but I need someone to toople me off my little mountain. If you are that person...thank you in advance. ^_^

Palton_Hammerad · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Zon Bolos.

(This critter! It shall not impede in its plans!)

He stared at the creature covered in dark veins. Mutating its physique with hate. Both of them were in the middle of a mountain. Their attacks had flattened the peak into a scarred battlefield.

(But that didn't matter. What mattered was HIM!)

His name was Zon Bolos. Son of Zenis; an aspect formed by the coupulance of cosmic night. He had been traveling the cosmos when it found a greater darkness consuming a detestable sun. He had tried to bear its children but the sexy darkness had not taken his advances kindly.

It had captured him and put his great self in a green flask, surrounded by other undarkneen animals. Even so, he was still proud he had been the only one taken by the darkness to its sexy stomach. He never thought the sexy darkness would have a stomach filled with so much detestable light.

It had spent centuries trying to get out…

Sometimes, he thought he escaped but instead found himself in a world created by the white stomach of his dark kin. It happened today again. He had been minding his business and trying to bear children from the stomach of the sexy darkness when this thing had come by.

He had tried to subdue the creature with the rightful anger of the stars but this thing had taken it to another fake world.

He knew how this would go. A screen would pop up and tell him what to do. He waited while he battled the weak creature but not a single window popped.

(Looks like he had to get out of here the ol fashion way.)

A 4 limbed imitation of a humain (as the sexy darkness liked to call them) and beast, stood in its way. The body of the humain hunched menacingly with ripples of muscle growing by the second to accommodate its growing bones. Skin ripped as the humains carapace fell to pieces and then bone covered it again.

He inspected the mutated creatureaaa

[The Black Sighgon.]








[Parasitic life form]


[The father of insanity] [The dead god.] [Unnatural constitution] [Death seeker] [Torturer] [Chosen] [Dead religion] [Weakened] [locked...278 items found]

Weak points: [none]

Circlets: The 3rd Circlet unlocked.(The first step) 

[Walking calamity] [The world's index] [Divine Index] [Devine repertoire] [Natural magic] [unnatural Constitution] [bound] [locked:366 items found]

(But what a great darkn monster!)

The humain monster was oozing a pool of red water, and yet it seemed unfazed. He could feel the golgi body designated to the humain with stats, weakening as he made short work of it from a distance with his energies.

One of the fastest ways to kill beings with stats, (as he had learned) that had just gotten the stats, was by dismantling the golgi body around them. He knew this was the blessing of the sexy darkness in the sky. He had seen it happen billions of times as he fought to survive in fake worlds.

The golgi body acted as the beings shield before it could implement all the physical changes. Second, by second, he could feel the humains cells acclimate to the modifications but it mattered little.

This world was in chaos. The breaking ground hurt the planet and made it leak vitality filled with suffering and hate. His blood strengthened the more he felt these emotions.

(This being would die to his darkn.)

He attacked with one of his arms and the humain dodged below. The red water around the humain rose from the ground and began to encircle the humain; burning into black electricity.

(But what great darkn.)

The humain pointed to the skies. "The world's index: The gods are dead and in their ashes we were made!" He shouted. The flows of natural magic in the red water intertwined themselves with the bleeding energies of the planet.

He had seen miracles created by this monster. (This one did not look good.)

He could feel the touch of the planet. A soul was there, in the core. The world's energies around him began to invade his darkn even as he tried to create an energy shield for protection. His influence was suddenly dragged far down the molten mantle of the planet.

In the molten core, a soul of a million legs swimming in detestable light dragged him to its mouth. Trying to knock him out, as it attacked him with endless suffering before he could pull himself back.

The energy of the world settled in his darkn and then he was dragged to another place. A holy place of dirt and grass. It looked like a garden but there were pedestals in the distance with a black sun

In front of him there were shining flowers on white moss, hanging over dusk blood trees and enormous balls of feathers levitating in the sky. A mix of numerous faces and bodies sat in front of him. Looking down on him with billions of different eyes.

They held devine weaponry of all kinds in their billion hands; scepters, spears, swords, daggers; bows, poles, spikes, gauntlets; clubs, and other unidentifiable weapons. Each was filled with layers upon layers of runes and just like the floating bird balls or the billions of individuals piled upon one another; the weapons were layered on each other.

The hands raised their weapons and struck them down on him with a wave of serenity, wrath, peace, and a hint of jealousy followed behind each and every weapon.


"The world's index: The gods are dead and in their ashes we were made."

The amalgamation of ink trembled and stood still in the air. Its body lost shape and fell from the sky as a fountain of black liquid.

The mutated Eugenie kept accumulating stronger muscle as it knew the change it needed was close. The bone inside its host's heart was mutating alongside him into a weapon. (If it could just take it…)

The bone was not something this kind of host should have inside, as it was stronger than even it.

A long time ago, on this earth, it had taken a bone. This bone came from the internal beast of the world: the Charcoal Amamalfa; a centipede-like monster that lived and fed on the core of the planet. The centipede monster could grow to be the size of galaxies if the Amamalfa found enlightenment.

The horrible oddity they called a father had made the centipede their warden in this prison world until they became the gods of insanity. It had been the strongest and most willing among its brothers and sisters before that damned Godoz erased its memory.

This beast was the only clue to its past, and it yearned for his knowledge. There was one problem of course; the beast guarded the piece of true divinity left by their father. When it had taken over the world, it had tried its luck at taming the beast but was wary. Its father wouldn't let such a weak beast guard something so precious. 

(There must a hidden trap!)

He had fought the centipede and almost won before the centipede did the unexpected. The Amamalfa of the earth consumed the piece of divinity. The rise in power was mounstrous and it almost killed him. 

luckily, it had retried the piece of divinity, half-way dead.

This event had happened at the beginning of the 3rd restart of humanity.

He could only hope that the piece of bone still had the piece of divinity contained. The only thing he knew right now was that this bone would be the answer to his prayer. The bone was a living thing in itself and could grow.

(Godoz would not stop him.)

The amalgamation of ink awakened and raised once more. Its limbs flexed and compressed into tight pieces of solid metal.

"You are dead...darkn."


The battlefield was scarred from the combatant's struggle. Green rock was fractured all around them with brown sand covering it. The ground had crumbled into sinkholes, and the mountain under them had risen into the sky.

Beyond a cliff, to the side, a volcano could be seen in the distance.

The ink awakened and raised once more. "You are dead...darkn." It said in its scratched voice.

The amalgamation of ink awakened and raised once more. Its limbs flexed and compressed into tight pieces of solid metal and separated into 5 balls of solid darkness.

"Let me play your little game darkn. Black scourge: sexy darkn."

The skies blackened, as the clouded sun was completely erased. The only source of light being the volcano itself. 

The balls accelerated towards the hurt Eugenie. Eugien dodged the balls, but one struck a hole into his leg. The darkness had blinded Eugenie and left him almost defenseless in the face of his enemy. "Die darkn. DIE!" The balls accelerated and began pulling on one another.

Eugiene dodged under a ball and bendt below another as he raised walls of concentrated energy around himself. The energy stood for a while but it was quickly destroyed.

The mutated Eugiene stood no chance as the balls abated him and cut holes into his body. "World inde-" Eugiene tried to say but was interrupted.

"Too slow. Black scourge: blah, blah, blah." The muscled balls of metal expanded into a thin thread. The thread engorged like a worm and pulled in on itself; like a snake ready to attack.

In the blink of an eye, the tread pierced the air and cut Eugene's body in half. The golgi body around the possessed Eugene vanished and he returned to the stat less mortal he once was.

The mutations receded but the bone stayed on its body. "Well, you are stronger." The possessed Eugenie said. "I give you that...but you are the one that is going to die here." The body of the possessed Eugenie said in his deep voice and didn't look at the inky monster but at something beside it. "Isn't that true Godoz…"

Godoz looked at the body of the mutated Eugine, and the possessed Eugenie looked back. 

"You really can't wait to pull me out of this body and dissect me...can't you brother? Trying to follow in daddy's steps and reach godhood, idiot?" Eugine said in between gritted teeth and trying to raise his torso with an arm.

The inky darkness attacked, but Godoz blocked the black tentacle aimed for its face and threw the amalgamation to the side. "You dare to talk to me that way? Your weakness has dirtied our family name! And I will have to be the one to deliver the punishment instead of dad... But some things come first."

Godoz turned away from black-skinned Eugene and clapped. Space stood still and the amalgamation was forced to form itself into a wall of ink. The king kid appeared before it and touched it with the palm of his hands.

"You sure are a tricky one but." Godoz came closer to the wall of ink to the point his face was on it. "I think your heart is." He raised his arm and dragged it along the wall. "Here." He stuck his finger inside the wall and took out a pebble.

The wall lost all form and fell into a pool of goop.

Godoz put the ball in a hole that formed beside him and then turned to Eugine.

"I will take you out of that body but you will not like it. And then I'm going to peel your essence into strips and burn you under candle light...as light torture. You don't want to know what comes next brother…"


In a dark room; a place built with metal and bolts, there was a myriad of people in long white cloaks and black goggles walking around. All of them were gazing into a transparent glass, and on the other side was Eugenie strapped to a chain in what looked like a medieval surgery room.

"Have you found how to stop the transformation?" Asked the tired king kid as he looked at the see-through glass. (This was going to be their first attempt to extract his brother out of the little wolf.)

Beside the reclining table Eugenie was strapped on was a machine with loops of metal floating around a spike. These spikes connected to a block of metal with switches all over it.

The white-cloaked men turned on a few of the switches before they closed the door behind them

The loops of metal began to vibrate, as waves of energy entered the glossy rings of metal and made a low pitch vibration. Nothing seemed to happen but objects floating inside the room and the ears of the sleeping Eugene bleeding.

They had made sure that only his brother suffered and injected the boy with at least a few dozen shots of anesthesia. "Come on the 2," Godoz said, and the men in white cloaks entered the view of the see-through glass once again with another machine.

This particular machine was punctured with dozens of spikes and each of them scribed with flowing scripts. The men in white cloaks stabbed the spikes on the body of Eugenie and then activated the machine.

The pikes began to shine white and bleed a transparent substance that began to eat throughout the bone on his outside. Godoz stood up from his chair and walked to the nearest scientists in the room. "Do not come out of here without results! The survival of the morning depends on it."

"Yes sir!" They all said, even when he was not talking to all of them. Seeing that his instructions were heard loud and clear, he left the room.

(How could this happen? He was sure he had kept his eyes on him and then the little wolf had vanished.)

He turned a corner and opened the door to the surface level of the facility. A group of his people in tuxedos saluted him as he walked out of here but he ignored them.

The place was built like the hangars he had taken from earth before the integration, with the ceilings high and the A-graded machinery placed in key places to give the place a sense of roominess.

He walked by it all and quickly reached the long corridor that led out of the facility. Sitting down; leaning on the wall was a worried Mel, dressed in a purple winter coat with a tight green shirt below, and a red criss-cross suspender skirt wrapped in long strings of energy.

"How is he?" She asked

"Where is your brother?"

She tapped a metal spike next to her. "Bro."

A man with reddened flecks of metal falling down his hair and charcoal skin walked out of the metal spike and looked at him.

"Father?" He asked.

"Son, bring your sister to the gates of Malendor and tell the nation not to attack any humans. Also, make sure to clean up the place so the people that dare come here don't get killed just because one of the stronger beasts sneezed, will you?"

"Yes, father." They both said.

His son left in a blur, but Mel stayed behind. "You are not going to do something to him, are you? She said. He turned to her with a smile. "No. Of course not. The kid is one of us now and we are doing everything to piece him back together. One side of him has been possessed by my brother and we are keeping him in place while we try to save the little wolf." He lied.

"Thank you, father." She bowed and blurred away after her brother.

"Oh, these kids." He sat on the ground and had nothing much to do but think of what he was going to do with his brother.

(If vanishment and wiping his memories had not helped...then he could only trust his own hands.)