
The Elemental Legacies

Who would have thought that getting kicked out of the Great Hayes Family with his sister would lead Elion to something that would totally flip his life upside down? That’s exactly what happened to Elion in Solara, a world where everyone can control one of five elements: fire, water, wind, earth, or metal. One day, Elion’s best buddy, Laxus, stumbled upon a mysterious box engraved with a Phoenix. Inside were six Original Orbs containing the legacies of Ancient Elementalists. Not only did Elion master one of these elements, but he also inherited the insanely powerful legacy of the Elemental Nexus, the leader of humans in the epic Great War between seven main races. As if that wasn’t enough, he also received the legacies of the Four Elemental Beast Gods. His first big mission? Stop demons from returning and causing chaos after ten thousand years of peace. These demons are no joke, either. Led by Demon Emperor Azroth, they’re coming back with twelve new, super-strong Demon Commanders. So, Elion’s got to power up fast and unlock all the parts of his legacies. And here’s the kicker: Solara’s greatest hero from the war ten thousand years ago, the legendary Elementalist Solandar Solhart, has been resurrected. Will he be a badass ally or a major obstacle in Elion’s quest to fulfill his destiny? Stay tuned!

NoahCaelum · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 5 - Kasan and Sakan

"What's going on here?!" barked one of the guards, a bit on the chubby side and not exactly sporting a friendly look. His quick stride showed he meant business.

"These two street kids bothered me. They sat too close. My clothes got stuck with their stinky smell," complained the arrogant man.


Before he could say another word, a sharp slap silenced the insult. The sound hung as the hefty blow connected with the arrogant man's cheek. Blood dripped, evidence of the force packed into the hit.

"You're still acting high and mighty? Don't you know yourself?!" snapped the chubby guard, following up with another forceful slap on the opposite cheek.

This time, a few teeth joined the blood spattering from the arrogant man's mouth. Stunned and bleeding, he slumped, struggling to make sense of the situation. 

A second guard joined in, grabbing the arrogant man's collar. "Still feel like causing trouble?"

The man shook his head vigorously, regret clouding his once-arrogant face. He couldn't keep up the tough act after receiving such treatment. One more slap, and he might have been out cold.

"Good!" The guard released him, believing he had made his point. He exchanged looks with the shorter guard and turned their attention to Elion and Alexa.

"Hey, kiddos! Over here! You two go ahead and sign up first," called out the shorter guard.

Elion and Alexa looked at each other, a bit confused. Still, Elion smiled reassuringly at her sister, silently agreeing. No one dared to voice their complaints.

Those guards looked pretty high up, and after what went down earlier, who would want to mess with them?

"Let's go, Alexa. They're calling us."

Alexa gave a quick nod, and they walked toward the two guards, Kasan and Sakan, as indicated by the name tags on their uniforms.

It was an odd pair—Kasan, short and fierce-faced, and Sakan, tall and sweet-faced.

"Hey, kid, just curious. Are you an Elementalist?" Kasan asked, his question having a purpose.

It was prompted by the powerful aura Elion had given off earlier, much like their encounter with King Anderson, the ruler of the Aeloria Empire.

King Anderson's aura could make it hard for people nearby to catch a breath. Sakan also kept his eyes fixed on Elion, expecting an answer. The shiver that had run down his spine earlier wasn't easily forgotten.

"No, Mr. Kasan. I wish, but I'm not. Haven't had the chance to do so, even though I am ten this year," Elion replied with respect.

"Huh? How's that even possible?" Kasan and Sakan exchanged puzzled looks. Elion's claim sounded strange. How could a regular kid give off such a powerful vibe?

"True, Mr. Kasan and Mr. Sakan. But my parents, they were Elementalists. Have you heard of them?" Elion asked, trying to use his parents' reputation to his advantage.

His parents had done much for the people in the City of Estola and the Aeloria Empire, and he hoped that might count for something.

"Who were they, kid?" Sakan questioned, a hint of suspicion in his voice.

Elion knew he must tell his parents big names to pull this off. "Aaron and Miranda. The Great Hayes family," Elion answered, putting on a hopeful smile.

The widening eyes of Kasan and Sakan made him think he might be onto something. Elion felt he was getting closer to the help he needed for a better life.

But he was wrong. Laughter burst out from Kasan and Sakan, their amusement ringing loudly.

"Hahaha! You're a real comedian, kid. Saying you're the child of Elemental King Aaron and Miranda?" Kasan chuckled, his stern demeanor softening a bit.

"If that's the case, then I must be your uncle. I'm Aaron Hayes's brother," Sakan teased, adding another layer of confusion for Elion.

The things he hoped would give him an edge had become the punchline of their joke. Realization washed over Elion.

Getting anyone to believe it seemed impossible, even if he spilled the truth. Both his parents were officially declared dead, and the family disowned them.

Confirming their identity with birth certificates was proving to be an insurmountable challenge, and to make things worse — they didn't have those documents with them.

"Stop laughing! My brother's not lying! Aaron and Miranda are our parents!" Alexa interjected, her frustration evident.

The laughter faded, replaced by serious glances as the guards exchanged hushed words with Elion and Alexa.

"Listen, kids. We mean no harm. We're just trying to assist. Aaron and Miranda are gone. King Anderson declared them dead. You need to come to terms with that," Kasan explained earnestly. It wasn't easy for him either.

"So, there'll be others claiming to be their children, making all sorts of statements. Their aim? Aaron and Miranda's inheritance. I can't vouch for the truth in what you're saying. We've all heard whispers about the heirs of Aaron and Miranda being ousted by the Great Hayes Family..." Sakan added, his tone grave.

"But the Great Hayes Family denied it. Feeling your unsettling aura earlier, I sensed there's more to you, kid," Sakan continued.

"However, listen to this advice of mine. If you are telling the truth, keep this secret as best as possible. We're worried about your safety," Sakan advised, his voice filled with genuine concern. 

Both Sakan and Kasan wanted to help more, but they had their limits. As low-level guards, taking the kids under their wing was risky; it could lead to severe consequences.

If the kids in front of them were telling the truth and the Great Hayes Family caught wind of this, they would be in deep trouble.

Although Elion felt dejected, he nodded, understanding the unspoken challenges the guards were grappling with.

If the empire had declared his parents dead without solid proof, something fishy was going on. The possibility of a deliberate plan behind their 'death' seemed likely.

"Thank you, Mr. Kasan and Mr. Sakan, for your help. I appreciate it," Elion expressed his gratitude, putting his right hand on his chest and giving a slight bow to show respect toward the two guards.

"Cut the formality. Just call us Uncles. You'll be passing through this passage often later. We're bound to meet again," Sakan replied with a smile, even the usually stern-faced Kasan sharing in the warmth.

"Enough chit-chat. Let's go. I'll get you both registered," Kasan urged. 

Despite their doubts about Elion and Alexa's lineage, the guards pushed forward, fueled by a feeling that Elion was destined for something extraordinary.

They chose to take a chance, hoping that if Elion did achieve something significant in the future, he would remember the kindness they showed today.

As they approached the registration counter, a guard, engrossed in a video broadcast from his digital watch projected in a hologram, lazily gestured with his foot toward a corner cluttered with forms. The first hurdle was completing the necessary paperwork before entering the Waste District.

"Hey!" A loud shout sliced through the air, catching the guard's attention. It was Kasan, the stern and no-nonsense guard.

"Sir!" The guard snapped to attention, saluting both Kasan and Sakan. These two 'Uncles' were in charge — the Chief and Deputy Chief of Operations at the entrance to the Waste District, at the level of Elemental Knights.

"What are you doing on duty?" Sakan's voice was stern, a clear sign of his irritation. 

As a guard with years of experience, he could not tolerate such lax behavior. Did being a guard and dealing with the Waste District residents exempt them from performing their duties flawlessly?

"Forgive me, sir!" Despite his initial bravado, the guard's legs, trembling with fear, betrayed him.

"Register these two quickly," Sakan ordered as his authority echoing in the hurried response. 

Plus, he did not feel like taking disciplinary action in front of the kids. The guard could consider himself lucky for today.

"Yes, sir!" The guard promptly handed Elion a pen and two sheets of paper. 

Those were the forms required before they could enter the Waste District. Burdened by his circumstances, Elion filled out the forms - one for himself and another for Alexa.

His hand trembled as he grappled with the stark contrast from a life of comfort to their current dire situation.

The struggle was palpable in his eyes—tears teetered on the edge, waiting to cascade down. Only a few days ago, they were still living comfortably.

But, now…they were thrown into a place they never imagined living in.

Mom…Dad…Please, I beg you to come back now. I'm not ready for this yet. I believe you're still alive somewhere. Elion wiped away the tears that threatened to fall with a determined swipe. 

Kasan and Sakan witnessed this emotional turmoil, empathizing with the kids' plight, constrained by the reality of their roles.

This modest assistance was the extent of their current capacity. If they could, they would be glad to do more. After filling out the forms, Elion dropped them into a container mixed in with hundreds of others. When he noticed the date on the container, a puzzled look appeared on his face.

"7th of Aerember? Today? And so many are signing up for the Waste District?" 

Kasan answered his question, "It's tough, kid. Living in this city, in this messed-up world. The rich get richer, and the poor get even poorer."

A sense of worry tightened Elion's grip as he contemplated diving into an area known for its widespread desolation.

The Waste District seemed like a place that could fuel unpredictable behavior, and the recent dispute outside was a clear warning of the challenges ahead. Even as kids, they had not been, and would not be, shielded from hostility.

Taking a deep breath, Elion turned to Kasan and Sakan, genuine gratitude in his words. "Thanks for your help, uncles. We won't forget your kindness," he said, while Alexa nodded in agreement with a respectful bow.

Kasan and Sakan, their faces softened by understanding, comforted the siblings with the seasoned wisdom of those who knew the challenges of the Waste District well. 

"No need to worry. We've done what we can. Remember, the Waste District is just a part of your journey," Kasan reassured, drawing from his own experiences.

Sakan highlighted the potential he saw in the two siblings, "Lots of people have turned things around after spending some time here. With the skills you've got, you'll do it too." Their supportive words came with warm smiles, planting a seed of hope in the siblings' hearts.

Alexa and Elion followed Kasan's directions to enter the Waste District. As they walked towards the designated area, Alexa couldn't help but marvel at the massive gate that loomed before them.

"Wow, look at the size of this gate, brother," she exclaimed, pointing to the imposing structure with a big number '7'. 

Sakan and Kasan had left them earlier, and now they were alone. The Waste District was divided into seven sections, and each section was separated by imposing walls that kept the outside world at bay and the central hub of Estola within.

It was a mystery that Gate 1 seemed missing, and no one knew where it was. However, accessing the Waste District through any gate except Gate 1 was not an issue.

Most residents would use the gate nearest to their homes if they could get any. As they approached Gate 7, a stern-faced guard was waiting for them at the iron door.

"Show me your wrists," the guard instructed. 

A strange device appeared from the guard's elemental storage ring, leaving Elion and Alexa perplexed. A laser light landed on Elion's wrist, revealing a short seven-digit barcode.

He stared at it, puzzled.

"This will be your ID for entering and leaving the Waste District. You'll just need to be scanned at the entrance or exit," the guard explained.

Elion nodded, grasping the concept. Soon after, it was Alexa's turn. She received her own barcode, slightly different from Elion's. His heart sank.

It felt like a prison. How had they ended up in such a situation? Determination surged within him to change their fate. 

The serious-faced guard showed them how to scan before granting them passage. With determined strides, they stepped into the unknown—a bold venture into a realm that promises a better life and the shadow of more challenging times.

The following chapters of their fate lay ahead, ready to unfold in the unpredictable pages of the Waste District.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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