
The Elemental Legacies

Who would have thought that getting kicked out of the Great Hayes Family with his sister would lead Elion to something that would totally flip his life upside down? That’s exactly what happened to Elion in Solara, a world where everyone can control one of five elements: fire, water, wind, earth, or metal. One day, Elion’s best buddy, Laxus, stumbled upon a mysterious box engraved with a Phoenix. Inside were six Original Orbs containing the legacies of Ancient Elementalists. Not only did Elion master one of these elements, but he also inherited the insanely powerful legacy of the Elemental Nexus, the leader of humans in the epic Great War between seven main races. As if that wasn’t enough, he also received the legacies of the Four Elemental Beast Gods. His first big mission? Stop demons from returning and causing chaos after ten thousand years of peace. These demons are no joke, either. Led by Demon Emperor Azroth, they’re coming back with twelve new, super-strong Demon Commanders. So, Elion’s got to power up fast and unlock all the parts of his legacies. And here’s the kicker: Solara’s greatest hero from the war ten thousand years ago, the legendary Elementalist Solandar Solhart, has been resurrected. Will he be a badass ally or a major obstacle in Elion’s quest to fulfill his destiny? Stay tuned!

NoahCaelum · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 4 - Waste District

"Phew, luck's really on my side today. Those Elementalists couldn't even catch up with my moves," he grinned.


In the world of Solara, Elementalists—special people in this world—had powers related to Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, or Metal. Not everyone had these powers.


Their strength was ranked from Elemental Pioneer, Elemental Soldier, Elemental Knight, Elemental General, to Elemental King.


On a smaller scale, such as in this Empire, not every individual had the ability to become the mighty Elemental King. Only a select few were able to reach that impressive level.


Some fortunate ones were able to become top-notch Elemental Generals, while most were stuck being Elemental Soldiers.


Nevertheless, even those Elemental Soldiers had incredible powers, much more than regular humans, which granted them significant authority in their world.


Too bad I missed the 'prime age' to connect with the Element, he sighed, a bit sad and wistful. Elion looked at his right hand, where blood dripped from a new cut.


Hmm, did this happen earlier during the explosion? Elion wondered, thinking about it while caring for his injured hand.


The worn-out cloak and mask were gone, revealing Elion's handsome, youthful face. At just fifteen, he seemed older than his years.


White, gleaming hair framed a mature face, telling the story of a life that had seen too much, too soon.


His bright blue eyes sparkled with wisdom, and his muscular frame exuded strength, even in plain, slightly worn clothes that did nothing to hide his captivating charm.


Even though he dressed a bit better than the residents of the Waste District, his clothes were more casual than those of elites in Estola.


He carried a shabby bag over his shoulder, packed with things he took from a house watched over by The Rodox.


Picking that house wasn't random – he'd thought it through. The memories tied to that place hit him all at once, and a sudden sadness filled his heart.


Elion strolled through the familiar grounds, feeling a longing as he let out a soft sigh.


"Mom and Dad, how I wish you guys were still here," he whispered, reminiscing about the cherished memories.


His parents were once the revered Elemental Kings of the Aeloria Empire, playing significant roles in the government. Although they were just a step below the ruler, King Anderson, their power and influence were undeniable.


His dad, Aaron Hayes, was a prominent member of the prestigious Great Hayes Family, outshining other Elementalists from a young age.


He utilized the family resources bestowed upon him to hone his skills and power, destined to become the family's next Patriarch.


At twenty, he married Miranda, a mysterious orphan raised by his parents, who was chosen for her remarkable talent complementing his abilities.


They had two children, Elion and Alexa, and lived a happy and respected life.


However, tragedy struck five years ago when Aaron and Miranda disappeared on a mission in an enemy empire, leaving no trace behind.


They were officially declared deceased, leaving Elion at ten and Alexa at seven without parents or protection. Their uncles and aunts swiftly took control right after the declaration, claiming all rights and inheritance.


On that fateful mission, even Aaron's parents, George and Cassandra, two very powerful Elemental Kings, were declared lost.


This sorrowful event led to the title of the Patriarch of the Hayes Family passed to their uncle, Matthew Hayes, the mightiest Elementalist in line.


Left alone and without care or protection, their situation became desperate.


The family's wealth and inheritance were claimed by their uncles and aunts, who stopped caring and didn't see their struggles.


Kicked out with nothing, they became like wanderers, sleeping in alleys and finding shelter wherever they could among the trash.


The children of Elemental Kings faced a life filled with scornful words and insults, and their situation became desperate.


Amidst the hurtful words, some people suggested something interesting – maybe they should live in the Waste District.


Elion thought about it.


Perhaps there was a nugget of truth; maybe the Waste District was their only refuge.


Can't believe it's been more than five years since everything went down. Lucky me. I've pulled through, raising Alexa and putting together a new 'family,' Elion thought, gripping the strap of his shabby bag with determination.


This time, no guilt nagged at him for the things he'd 'taken'. Instead, a burst of joy swept him as he thought about his collected treasures.


This haul could seriously upgrade our lives. We've been scraping by forever, Elion believed.


A warm smile brightened Elion's face, enchanting those around him. Although he wore simple clothes that paled against the rich attire of the elite, nobody seemed to care about that. Elion was a 'beauty' of his own.


Nobody knew he was notorious for liberating valuables from their houses. Stealing had become his weekly routine, and he knew it was wrong, but he had no other option.


He lacked elemental affinity, relegating him to ordinary human status. If only Elion's place in society could be better.


It was not that Elion never tried to find a proper job but none would give him a good pay. Other than stealing, only by becoming Hunters would give him a huge sum of money.


However, Elion faced even more challenges when he wanted to secure jobs that required Elementalist qualifications from the Hunter's Association despite being strong and quick.


Elion applied many times, taking on Elemental Pioneers to prove himself.


However, every victory only resulted in the Association sending Elemental Soldiers to maintain their reputation, changing the rules to the Elemental Soldier level just to reject Elion.


Besides, Elion still needed to meet the minimum age requirement.


Should I make a secret group of hunters? The thought crossed his mind but got tossed away with a laugh.


Nah, that's too wild. Only Laxus can keep up with me. We need help to handle missions.


Then, memories rushed back—the first time he went to the Waste District, meeting Laxus and Wendy, his 'new' family.




Waste District 7th Aerember, Year 10835


The Waste District was a vast graveyard of riches, where the remnants of the privileged littered the landscape with piles of junk, scrap metal, and other discarded treasures.


For the people living there, these trashes were a lifeline, a means of survival in a world of hardship and scarcity.


They scrounged for anything they could fix or sell, and even a single meal felt like a rare treat, a clear sign of their harsh lives.


Getting into the Waste District was easy; all they needed was a quick sign-up and a walk through one of the seven main gates, except for Gate 1, where its location remained a mystery to most.


The never-ending stream of newcomers highlighted the harsh reality of life in the Waste District, where not only the once-privileged but also orphans, single mothers, and the elderly struggled to make ends meet.


They all faced an overwhelming lack of income and shelter. The district also provided a haven for those fleeing war-ravaged empires, where the rulers' greed spread misery among the people. For them, the Waste District became a sanctuary, their only place of resilience.


As the morning sun shone brightly across the clear blue sky, two figures approached the entrance, where a line of eager individuals stood, waiting for registration.


"So many people… I'm afraid, brother," Alexa said, squeezing Elion's hand harder.


At seven years old, Alexa still carried a soft heart. Enduring mean words, cruelty, and shame during their short time on the tough streets was a very tough time for her.


Elion had even faced aggression when trying to grab leftovers from discarded restaurant meals. He was beaten without mercy. Still, his sturdy little body meant he only ended up with a couple of bruises from those nasty encounters.


"Don't worry, Alexa. I'm here with you. Everything's going to be fine. Just hold on to my hand," Elion reassured with a warm smile, understanding the importance of being a rock for his sister.


Hand in hand, they joined the line with others, all sharing the same goal of getting into the Waste District. Some looked at the siblings with disdain, perhaps forgetting their tough beginnings.


After a while of waiting, something happened.


"Back off a bit!" A man in his forties barked at Alexa.


Despite his worn-out clothes suggesting a once-prosperous life, waiting in this line painted a different picture - bankrupt, disowned, or avoiding trouble.


His arrogance irritated Elion, who battled the urge to smack some sense into him.


Yet, the risk needed to be lowered, as he could be denied entry into the Waste District, making survival nearly impossible.


With no other options and routes to other cities or empires infested with Elemental Beasts — menacing creatures ready to snuff out their lives — Elion swallowed his anger and practiced patience.


"We're sorry, sir. We'll keep our distance."


"You better be!" The man clung to his arrogance.


This time, Elion chose to keep his distance.


With seventeen people still in front of them and over two hours of waiting, the toll on Alexa's body was evident.


Decent meals and a place to rest had slipped through their fingers for days. Elion remained uncertain about what lay ahead but hoped for the best.


"I'm sorry, brother. I promise not to be a burden to you anymore," pleaded Alexa, her voice tinged with regret.


"It's okay. You're not at fault at all," Elion reassured, offering comfort to his younger sister.


Little did they know that their conversation had caught the attention of the arrogant man who'd crossed paths with them earlier, adding more fuel to his growing anger.


"Not at fault? Say-"


Before he could say another word, an eerie chill crept up the arrogant man's spine. When he locked eyes with Elion, an inexplicable discomfort settled in.


Unlike the innocent gaze of a child, Elion's stare carried an unsettling sharpness and cruelty.


A strange aura radiated from the boy, sending shivers through those nearby, including the guards on duty, who became keenly aware of the unusual situation unfolding.

Chapter 4. Hope you guys are enjoying it!

NoahCaelumcreators' thoughts